Chapter 248 What?You are actually an underage girl

It seems that the mark of God is indeed on Angelina, if she dies, the mark of God will fall out.

"I hope you will grow up and accompany me on the battlefield of the gods."

"I think it's too early to say, and why don't you go alone? Now that you have the Scarlet Moon Demon King, he should be able to accompany you."

Daphne smiled: "This sentence seems sour."

Jiang Chen: "..."

"You think too much."

"This bed is wide enough for two people to sleep."

"Don't try to seduce me."

"You are afraid."

" you think I'm a scared person?"

"You are."

"Then what do you think I'm afraid of?"

"I finally know why you rejected Roxani, because you are afraid of taking responsibility, you will think that sleeping together is your woman, and you will never allow your woman to betray."

How is this woman so smart?

Can this be seen?

Daphne is right, how can my own woman sleep with others?That's not wearing a big green hat.

"You are very similar to free people. They care about their women very much in their hearts. Their women must never be with other opposite sexes, even holding hands."

"They stubbornly believe that physical betrayal is also betrayal."

Jiang Chen asked back: "Isn't it?"

"I like a man like you."

What the hell...
I suspect you are seducing me.

"Go to sleep!"

"If I said I don't need you to be responsible, would you come up?"

"you are annoying?"

"Are you afraid?"


Jiang Chen stood up, went to lie down next to Daphne, you asked for this woman, don't blame me for being rude, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, and it really was true.

Daphne giggled.

Woman, you totally pissed me off...

early morning.

Daphne lay in Jiang Chen's arms: "You've finally been fooled."

"I will not be responsible."

"I didn't hold you accountable."

"That's great."

"I'll find someone else to try tomorrow."

"you dare."


Still dare to laugh?
three days later...
Jiang Chen looked in the mirror, looked at his demon tentacles, looked left and right, he still looked quite handsome, this demon tentacles were also used to cover up his identity.

Daphne smiled and said, "Actually, you look quite handsome."

"Is there any problem?"

"Don't worry, others will only think that you are on the side of the evil camp, and you will not be discovered. As long as you don't show your badge, you will be fine."

Jiang Chen seemed to have forgotten something, and suddenly asked, "How old are you?"

"50 is old."


How the hell did I spend three days and three nights with a 50-year-old woman?

I'm really at a loss, even though it's your first time, but this is also a big loss...
Daphne smiled and said: "Don't think about it, we can live for five hundred years. According to your human age, I am still a minor. You are really happy!"

It seems that it is not bad.

You are so mature when you are still underage, I suspect you are lying to me, but I have no proof.

Daphne held Jiang Chen's hand.

"Let's go!"

The two set off for the town. After subduing the Scarlet Moon Demon King, they planned to kill the Son of God, Gresham. If you want the Son of God, Gresham, you must know where his dream space is.

As long as she knows the dream space of Gresham, the Son of God, Daphne can do it.

But she can only trap Gresham, Son of God, and cannot kill him.

The Cthulhu camp is the same as the Alliance of Gods.

For the Son of God, it is immune to 99% of the damage, even in the dream space, and the succubus is also a hero of the evil god camp.

Even if Gresham, the Son of God, is forcibly killed, Daphne will be labeled as a betrayal, and this label will follow her until she is discovered, and in the end there is only death.

The Son of God is a symbol of power within the alliance.

The two entered a town.

Like the League of Gods, the cities here are tall buildings, and there are many brave men in the city, but these brave men are all strange shapes.

The demon with four hands, the demon with three legs, and the demon with more than a dozen tentacles all have very strange looks, just like the demons in hell.

Of course, there are also some human-like braves, dark elves.

The dark elf is exactly the same as the elf Jiang Chen saw, except of course that the hair is black.

There are also some titan warriors, these also belong to the evil camp.

Jiang Chen asked: "Where are we going?"

"The Ritz Tavern."

"Gresham, the Son of God, has a lover named Liz. This lover happens to be a succubus. When Gresham, the Son of God, rests, Liz will enter Gresham's dream space."

"When they enter the space, it is also when their defense is weakest. When I touch Liz's body, I can know the coordinates of Gresham's dream space."

"It's time for you to make a move."

Jiang Chen asked in a low voice: "No, what if Gresham is not here, but somewhere else? How do I make a move?"

"No, you have to enter the dream space with me."

"How do I get in?"

"Of course I will take you there."

"I can beat him?"

"Well, I will seal his spiritual power, and you can make a move, but before that, you must know whether this woman, Liz, has entered the dream space."

Daphne lays out her plan.

When Liz entered Gresham's dream space, Daphne took the opportunity to enter Liz's body and entered Gresham's dream space according to the clues.

Once Daphne succeeds, Jiang Chen will enter it and kill the two of them.

Jiang Chen said: "No."

"what happened?"

"If you kill Gresham in a dream, how do you get his head?"

Daphne was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't think of this question, she just wanted to kill Gresham.

"Then no heads."

Jiang Chen coughed: "This... I have reached an agreement with the Gregory family to cut off Gresham's head and make great achievements."

"The 400 billion is their money?"


Daphne rolled her eyes: "You big liar."

"When did you lie to you?"

"Use other people's money to buy your own woman."

"I don't have any money! I borrowed this."

"Then it's better to borrow it, I didn't give you the equipment, you just return it to them when the time comes."

"Actually, I also want merit."

Daphne stopped: "Then just wait, it won't be too late to start when Gresham shows up, but I don't know when he will show up, it may be a long time."

"Hold on!"

"Okay, once you succeed, after you cut off the head, you must leave as soon as possible. It is the Son of God. Once it dies, it will cause a sensation. I am afraid that the whole city will be sealed. At that time, you will not be able to escape even if you want to."

"I know."

three days later...
Gresham finally showed up.

(End of this chapter)

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