Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 250, Killing the Son of God, Escaping from the Evil Camp

Chapter 250, Killing the Son of God, Escaping from the Evil Camp
Lisi pulled Jiang Chen's dream space over, and the two dream spaces were completely fused together. At this moment, Jiang Chen felt that the entire dream space was his own space.

It turned out that this was Daphne's plan.

And Daphne has seen Jiang Chen's dream space, and knows that his dream space is very solid.

Gresham looked at Liz: "What's going on? Why do I feel that my dream space has another master?"

"This is the fusion of dreams. She has completely merged his dream space with yours. Now you have to kill that kid to completely release the dream space."

Gresham looked at Jiang Chen.

"Okay, you stand behind me, and I will kill him."

Jiang Chen glanced at the dream space, and said with a smile: "This place is not suitable for fighting, I think it needs to be changed."

Jiang Chen waved his hand.

The scene has changed.

The dream space became the Colosseum.

Gresham and Liz were trapped in an iron cage.

Gresham's expression changed drastically.

How is this going?

Why is this kid's mental strength so strong.

Why is his dream space so solid?
After Jiang Chen's dream space increased a hundred times, his spiritual power also increased a hundred times.

Even if Daphne was in Jiang Chen's dream space, she couldn't defeat him.

Liz's face changed drastically. Why is this kid's dream space so strong?His mental power actually surpassed Daphne?

Liz asked, "How many revolutions is he?"

"One turn."

"This is absolutely impossible. How can one turn of strength have such a powerful mental power, and even more so, such a powerful dream space. Your mental power must break through the cage, and he must not be allowed to occupy it."

"Break it for me."

Gresham transformed a knife and slashed at the iron cage.

The iron cage is impenetrable.

Gresham was completely stunned.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Feel the anger from hell!"

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, countless flames appeared around him, and these flames rushed towards Gresham and Liz. These flames were transformed by mental power, which was equivalent to a mental power attack.

Hearing Liz's scream, her whole body started to burn. Liz knew that the flame was an illusion, and it was fake, but it was Jiang Chen's mental attack.

"Damn it, I'm the master, the mere flames don't want to kill me."


Gresham opened the cage and started his own counterattack, this time appearing on the sea, Liz's cage sank to the bottom of the sea, and the entire flame was extinguished instantly.

Jiang Chen was taken aback, this is okay?
Daphne explained: "Jiang Chen, magic skills that use mental power to transform have attributes that are incompatible, unless they are not magic attributes."

"I see."

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, thousands of sword qi appeared around Jiang Chen. These sword qi quickly combined to form a long snake, which opened its fangs and devoured Lisi in one go.

Liz looked at Gresham, the Son of God, and begged, "Help me."

At this time, an eagle appeared above Gresham's head, stretching out its sharp claws to point at Jiang Chen's big snake.

Jiang Chen smiled.

play tricks with me,
With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, the long snake composed of sword energy immediately turned into a giant net, quickly covering the Black Eagle, and the big net quickly closed, wrapping the Black Eagle inside.

Instantly kill the Black Hawk...
At this time, a pale face appeared on the Son of God's face. It was obvious that in this round, the Son of God's mental power was injured, especially the Black Eagle was killed, which was the Black Eagle he derived with his mental power.

The Son of God immediately took a new action.

A small black ball appeared in the air.

Jiang Chen looked at the little black ball, and knew that it was a skill derived from the Son of God. Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand, pointed at the little black ball, and with one finger, a sword qi pierced the air and killed it.

The little black ball was instantly scattered, and countless sword qi surrounded Gresham, the son of god.


The sword energy penetrated Gresham's body and killed him quickly.

Daphne smiled: "Finally revenge, go out now, find the place where Gresham lives, and just cut off his head."

"Next time there will be a Son of God, we will continue to kill."

"It's not as simple as you think. Sooner or later, they will find out that I will die by then. One time is enough. If there is one more time, they will definitely doubt it."

The two came out of the dream space.

Jiang Chen quickly entered the Ritz Tavern.

Find the residence of Gresham, Son of God.

In the deepest part of the Ritz Tavern, watching Gresham lying on the bed, quickly drew out the long sword, cut off the head, and then left in a hurry.

Right now.

The whole city remembered the sound...

[The brave man from the continent of the gods killed Gresham, the son of god, please kill him...]

[The brave man from the continent of the gods killed Gresham, the son of god, please kill him...]

[The brave man from the continent of the gods killed Gresham, the son of god, please kill him...]

Three consecutive voices spread throughout the city.

At this moment.

Countless strong men from the evil camp appeared from the city, searching the air for Jiang Chen's aura, who is the Son of God, that is a symbol of power, and he was killed in the city.

"Who dares to sneak into our place to commit crimes and kill the Son of God?"

"Find his whereabouts immediately, and kill the murderer."

"How did he get in? Isn't he afraid of our dark air?"

"He must have a moonstone on his body, which can shield the air of darkness."

"This person is really daring to sneak in here alone."

"Find, search immediately, and find his location."

The whole city fell into madness, they were all searching for Jiang Chen, when Jiang Chen came out of the tavern, all eyes immediately looked at him.

At this moment, Jiang Chen had a bad feeling.

Feel their strong killing intent.


He was found.

Jiang Chen didn't know how he was discovered, but he knew that at this moment he was indeed discovered.

Now that you've been discovered, don't be shy.

Jiang Chen drew his sword and slashed.

Draw a knife and chop...

A sword light flashed across, sweeping across a large area of ​​enemies. Within a thousand meters, countless evil brave men died tragically under Jiang Chen's sword. Jiang Chen activated the mode of Yulong Zaitian, and even activated the flight mode.

A flight quickly flew out of the city.

The demons flying in the air saw the changes in Jiang Chen's side, and instantly understood that Jiang Chen was the enemy they were looking for, and countless evil brave men rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen quickly dodged and fled from this place immediately.

It appeared outside the city wall, and then a few volleys flashed in the air, and disappeared instantly...
Every time the volley flashes, it is a distance of 200 meters. After dozens of times, it has already appeared thousands of meters away...
Even if Jiang Chen fled far away, he was noticed by the demons in the sky.

These demons quickly followed Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen raised his head and saw that it was covered in darkness, this number must be too much!

(End of this chapter)

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