Chapter 253, This is a trap

In the world of Silero, Jiang Chen didn't even meet a single swordsman, and even in the human world, Jiang Chen rarely encountered swordsmen. There were few swordsmen, but not none.

Jin Yunxi continued: "If you want to completely defeat the so-called true energy of the free, you can only use the way of the fallen. At some point, there is a legend that a swordsman will emerge in the land of the gods, and this swordsman will It's the grave of the free."

"He will use this sword to kill all the fallen and complete his mission."

When Jiang Chen heard these words, it seemed that what the fallen man said was true.

Jiang Chen asked: "Who said that?"

"I don't know who said it. In short, this legend has been passed down. Only a few people know it. Many people don't believe it, because swordsmen are really rubbish."

"However, there are also people who believe that those who believe have formed an alliance called Cangshenghui, which is to assassinate swordsmen. They found that although swordsmen can also use sword energy, it is not based on evidence at all, whether it is attack power, speed, or form. totally different."

"Over time, this common people will disappear until you appear."

Jiang Chen silently took out a cigarette from his arms and lit it, took a deep breath: "I believe the story you told, today I was assassinated by free men, I believe they are not your people."

"If it was you, you would never send such a stupid person to assassinate me."

"One more thing, I want to tell you, I don't care about any legends, I don't want to be an enemy of the free, not because I'm afraid, but because I think it's completely unnecessary."

"We're in different camps, but it's still black-haired."

"If you have to be an enemy, then that legend will become a reality."

Jiang Chen knew that among the Fallen there were many people. These people were just like legions, pulling together strength, fighting on their own, and living in the world under the Continent of the Gods.

One belongs to the Tiandihui, and the other belongs to the Cangshenghui. Although they are two different alliances, Jiang Chen knows that they must have contact information.

Jiang Chen was originally unwilling to provoke them, but now it seems that it is impossible.

Jin Yunxi asked: "Where are they?"

Jiang Chen took a look: "I can come here alive, what do you think!"

Jin Yunxi was silent.

She had expected this ending.

Jin Yunxi frowned, free people are a group of people with strong vengeance, and the Cangshenghui will definitely not let it go...
Jin Yunxi said: "What do you want?"

"It's very simple. If you can't let go of the grievances, then find a place and I will single them out against the common people. Since it is a grievance, then use the simplest way to resolve it."


Jiang Chen paused.

I already understood something in my heart!
"Lam Buao City, Yilan Crack, it's really not good, you can find a clean place in the black market, I'm not too picky about the place."

Jin Yunxi nodded: "I will convey your meaning."

"Very well, I don't know what kind of people they are. I'm a principled person. I can't involve people around me. You'd better tell me clearly, otherwise I will take action. Whether it's the elderly, children, or pregnant women, I I won't keep my hands."

"After all, killing the fallen is also meritorious."

Jin Yunxi's face changed drastically, is he so cold-blooded!
Jiang Chen continued: "In three days, I will wait here for your response."

Jiang Chen turned and left. This proprietress is very strong, but Jiang Chen is still sure to kill her, unless it is a master like Si Yuan who can break through the space, but even if it is a master like Si Yuan, it is impossible to kill him .

Jiang Chen's speed was so fast that he couldn't see it with the naked eye.

After Jiang Chen left, he returned to the villa.

Smoking in silence seems to be a trap, a trap from the beginning.

What secret is hidden between God and God?
Is it not a coincidence that I have traveled here?

But what is someone planning?
Or deliberately unknown?

Jiang Chen didn't know about these things.

The only thing I know is that now some people on the side of the Fallen believed this legend, and even set up some kind of Common People's Association, and there was a conflict. According to Jiang Chen's understanding of them, they are not afraid of death.

I'm afraid this grievance cannot be let go.

Those who fell were a group of extremely vengeful people, and Jiang Chen was one of them.

Since you can't let go, then use a sword to solve it.

If they really do something to them, Jiang Chen will not hesitate to do it.

I'm going to be reasonable with you, and you're playing hooligans with me.

Well, that's how it feels.

No one knows how to play hooligans.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged, he needed to settle down, and sure enough, he saw Daphne in his dream...

It seemed that Daphne had been waiting for him for a long time.

At this time, in the dream, Jiang Chen was sitting outside the villa, drinking tea, smoking a cigarette, looking at the sky, and sighed, "How wonderful it would be if this was the real world!"

"Yeah, it's a pity that you will eventually face reality."

"Are you OK!"

"It's okay, they won't know I did it."

"That's good."

Daphne looked at Jiang Chen: "Have you encountered any troubles?"

"a little bit."

"what's up?"

"A swordsman will emerge in the land of the gods, and this swordsman will be the tomb of the free. Have you heard of this?"

Daphne nodded: "I've heard about it from the free people, but they don't seem to take it to heart. They think the profession of swordsman is impossible."

"But now there is a possible person. I was assassinated by six fallen people today."

"They died?"

Jiang Chen remained silent.

"The fallen are a group of extremely vengeful people, you have to be careful, they will definitely not let it go after a few people die."

"I don't care about this matter, I just worry about falling into a trap."

Daphne was thoughtful: "Listening to you, this seems to be a trap. It seems to have been arranged since 200 years ago."

"Hey...this is a bit difficult."

"Yeah, when one person thinks it's the truth, there's nothing wrong with it, but when all the fallen people believe it's the truth, it's very troublesome. If more people believe it, it will come true."

Jiang Chen silently nodded, this is what Jiang Chen was worried about.

It doesn't matter if it's just common people who believe these little bastards, the key is that there are still very powerful people who believe that their strength is no less than that of Yashen.

They are all the same person, they are all black-haired people, although they don't have any feelings, but Jiang Chen doesn't have the heart to kill and kill them all, after all there are old people, women, and children.

"Do you think it's the ghosts of the gods?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "It's really possible, but if they really want to destroy the free ones, it's very simple."

"It's true, there are many strong people in the Gods Continent, ten thousand times stronger than the Fallen."

"Then what was their purpose?"

"Don't you think it's a good show?"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Nima's... It's really a good show!

(End of this chapter)

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