Chapter 255, meeting with common people

Sometimes the relationship between people is so wonderful, you don't need to say anything, the other party can understand your intentions, and the other party will help you without deliberately explaining anything.

Obviously, Arnold knew that Jiang Chen had important things to do. As a friend, he didn't ask what it was, but just made a promise to protect Angelina's safety.

As for Jiang Chen, he didn't want others to know about the matter between him and the fallen man.

He hadn't wanted to be an enemy of the Fallen.

But now it is impossible.

This kind of grievance actually came from a prophecy and legend... It's so fucking ridiculous.

Jiang Chen left.

Went to the black market.

At this moment, Ah Ling was very angry, Jiang Chen was a member of the Secret Sword Legion, he didn't ask her for help, but only her brother, what does this mean, did he not take her seriously?

A Ling wanted to ask clearly, but A Nuo stopped her.

Arnold smiled and said, "Don't go."

"I just want to ask if he thinks of me as the regiment commander. Why is he looking for you and not me? Could it be that he means looking for me, and I will stand by and watch?" A Ling became more and more angry.

A Nuo was very calm: "If he came to you, would you want to know what happened to him?"

"Of course, I always have to ask!"

"That's why he doesn't want to ask you for help."

A Ling was shocked: "Don't you know?"

"I do not know."

"Why don't you ask?"

"Why should I ask?" Arnold asked back;

"Aren't you curious?"

"Curious, but I won't ask."


"If he wants to tell me, I will naturally speak up. If he doesn't want to tell me, why should I force him to tell me?"

A Ling looked at her brother, she couldn't fix this clear brain circuit.

A Nuo sighed: "I regard him as a friend, and he regards me as a friend. There is no secret between us. Even though you are curious about some things, if he does not tell you, you can't speak."

"It's really strange, what's wrong if you know?"

"That must be different. He will tell you naturally if he wants to tell you."

"He didn't tell you, he definitely didn't regard you as a friend." A Ling affirmed;

"You're wrong. It's because he doesn't want to tell me that he treats me as a friend, because he doesn't want to implicate me. There are some things you will never understand."

"Tch, I just don't understand, this brat didn't think of me as the head of the legion at all."

"Hey...he really didn't, because you regard him as a subordinate, and I regard him as a friend."

A Ling stared fiercely.

"The credit was given to you last time. You even took the credit of your sister. You are really not human." A Ling was furious. She didn't know the last time she killed Gresham, the son of God.

At this time she was still angry.

Arnold said with a smile: "400 billion, I gave it to him directly, and I didn't ask anything, because I know that he will handle it himself and give me a result."

"But you are different. You want to get involved in everything. That's why he doesn't look for you. In his mind, it's more convenient to deal with smart people."

A Ling flushed with anger: "You mean I'm a fool?"

"A bit."

" are not my real brother." A Ling gritted her teeth angrily;
"Let's test some blood another day. I also suspect that you are not my real sister."

black market.

Jiang Chen walked to the Fallen Man Tavern.

Jin Yunxi stood at the door: "Are you alone?"

"One person is enough." Jiang Chen said indifferently;

Jin Yunxi nodded and walked out the door: "I'll take you there, but you have to be careful, the Cangshenghui doesn't follow the rules."

"It's okay."

It doesn't matter if there are too many people, he alone is enough.

Jin Yunxi led Jiang Chen to the depths, not only the fallen followed behind, but also many brave men wearing great swords followed behind.

Everyone is wearing a mask, and no one knows anyone.

Jin Yunxi whispered: "Many people know about your battle, not only us free people, but also many people on your brave side."

"This is a battle between you and the Commonwealth Society. The other free people will not interfere, so I hope you will not hold prejudice against other free people. As for the so-called legend, no one will believe it."

"That's the best thing I've ever heard."

"It's a pity that the free people are all scattered, if they are united..."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Fortunately, it's loose sand. If they were united, they would have been wiped out long ago."

Jin Yunxi turned around and scolded angrily: "You..."

"I am telling the truth."

outside the villa.

Arnold led a group of people to hide around. At this time, three men in black appeared around him. All three men in black were holding thin swords.

"Sure enough, it's still here."

"Captain, do you want to do it?"

"Let the assassin hiding in the dark do it, the fallen have nothing to fear."


As soon as the man in black entered the villa, the knife flashed and his head fell to the ground. The three fallen died instantly. It never occurred to them that there were assassins hiding in the villa.

A Nuo got up: "You guys continue to protect, I'll go out for a while."

In the depths of the black market, there is an open space. At this time, a large number of people have gathered here, more of them are fallen, and some brave men are standing on the side.

Among them are extraordinary masters, including Milton, the son of god, Roxani, the holy priest, and Christie Burton, the other son of god, and a masked man holding a rapier standing beside him.

Christie Burton asked, "Aggie, do you think the common people will win?"

Aji lowered his head: "My lord, I haven't seen that swordsman, so I can't judge, but judging from the scene, the common people will not have a real master, and they can't even use the body protection zhenqi. The second-rank assassin can easily Assassinate them."

Christie Burton smiled and said, "I'm quite interested in Jiang Chen. Did you see the guy on the left? He's also a son of God, named Milton, and there are holy priests around him. These two guys are also here."

"Milton once tried to recruit that swordsman, but unfortunately failed."

"Based on what I know of him, this man's character is a bit like you free men."

Aji didn't speak, but stared at the back, a man and a woman came from not far away.

Aji said: "That woman is a master."

"Helmsman of the Tiandihui, do you have a chance to kill her?"

"Five to five."

"It's really strong, but she uses a knife."

"Weapons are just a means for us. Real masters generally don't use weapons."

At this moment, Jiang Chen and Jin Yunxi walked to the open space.

Everyone here wears a mask.

Jin Yunxi stepped forward: "Qin Yiran, the person has already arrived."

After speaking, stand aside.

Jiang Chen glanced at the other party, more than a dozen fallen people gathered together, feeling the true energy in their bodies.

Jiang Chen thought that common people would have masters.

The result is this?

It's just a little Xiami, this kind of person is not even comparable to the Eighth Realm, not even Amei, probably after a few years of cultivation, he can call himself awesome.

Jiang Chen stood up: "One-on-one or group fight?"

"Boy, you are quite crazy."

"Helmsman, let me go out and meet him."

"Be careful, this person is not as easy to deal with as you think."

"Don't worry, the helmsman, I have my own measure."

Qin Yiran thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

At this time, a fallen person stood up: "Give up your beliefs, take action, I will cut off your head..."

(End of this chapter)

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