Chapter 257, Rumors of the Fallen Man's Seeing

Many free people entered it, ate and drank, and some people treated them, they would not miss this opportunity, Jiang Chen entered and took off the mask.

He laughed loudly: "If you want to eat, just order it, I will treat you to this meal."

Several people looked at Jiang Chen, they didn't expect this swordsman to be so young, he only looked like a teenager.

The rest raised their wine glasses one after another to pay their respects.

Jiang Chen turned around and left, walking towards the second floor.

In the private room, look for the two people who just left.

Boom boom boom...

Jiang Chen entered the private room and looked at the person who had just left.

Christie Burton, Son of God, smiled and said, "Please sit down."

"You're welcome."

Jiang Chen glanced at Aji, this man is very strong, much stronger than the wine bag and rice bag below, although not as good as Siyuan, but stronger than people like Bajie and Amei.

"Jiang Chen."


Jiang Chen looked at the masked man next to him, the man took off his mask and said with a smile, "Christie Burton."

"what occupation?"


I don't know if the name is real or fake. I will ask Arnold when I go back. I don't know where the nobleman is.

Christie Burton spoke first: "You have to be careful, the Common People's Association is still very strong."

"Thank you for the reminder, brother chicken, there are also levels for fallen people?"

Aji nodded: "Yes, this is not a secret. You heroes are divided into nine ranks, and we free people are also divided into nine levels. It's just that our way of advancing is completely different from yours."


"We rely on the concentration of true energy in the body, the degree of control over swordsmanship, and the degree of understanding of martial arts to determine the level. It is like the dozen or so free men you killed. Their strength is equivalent to a second-rank professional, or even a third-rank. None."

"It's the same as what you think of as an ordinary second-rank character."

Aji continued: "The degree of concentration of the true qi of a free man can be roughly divided into several stages: the initial stage of true qi cannot be released, this is the first stage."

"The second stage can achieve the release of true energy."

"The third stage is to shed the true qi and turn it into stellar qi."

"What is Gang Qi?"

"Gang Qi is what you call skills, and we call it martial arts. Through the transformation of true Qi into Gang Qi, a certain amount of defensive power is formed. Only when you enter the third stage can you truly be regarded as a master."

"Below the three stages, they are all the generation of three religions and nine streams."

Jiang Chen took out a book from his arms, handed it to Aji, and asked, "Is this what you call martial arts?"

Aggie glanced at it and nodded.

"Yes, this is the body-protecting qi that needs to be practiced in the third stage. The inheritance of the free people is a secret. It is passed down from generation to generation, and few books have been handed down."

Christie Burton said with a smile; "The free men are all cheapskates. They are not like the brave men in our Gods Continent. They will not easily share their martial arts with others."

Jiang Chen understood this point.

Inheritors need to be tested.

Aji continued: "The ancient free men all have their own secrets, and there are also many ancient martial arts, and now these martial arts are in the hands of the masters."

"It's just that free people seldom learn these martial arts now."


"First, there is no way out. These ancient martial arts need to be practiced for many, many years. It may be accomplished in three to five years, and sometimes it takes seventeen or eighteen years."

"So now the fallen are roughly divided into two factions: the ancient faction and the modern faction."

"The ancient school is to practice ancient martial arts. Although the growth is slow, but after the practice is successful, the power is very powerful. The modern school is more direct. They directly pursue high-quality lethality."

"For example, the dozen or so fallen people you met, they are representatives of the modernist school. They pursue quick success and can grow up in a short period of time."

"Fast, ruthless, and accurate are the goals they pursue, and it is obvious that they have not met this requirement."

Jiang Chen nodded, so that's the case, no wonder these people are so weak!

Aji said: "There must be ancient practitioners in the Common People's Association. They are all lurking and don't care about world affairs. But if you kill their people, I'm afraid they will come out to find you."

"I'm not worried."

Aji didn't say anything, he saw Jiang Chen's sword energy, it was very powerful, even an ancient practitioner would suffer.

Jiang Chen asked; "Just now you mentioned the art of returning to the sect of ten thousand swords, what kind of martial art is that? Does it belong to the ancient school or the modern school?"

"Your perception is very strong, and you belong to the ancient sect. They belong to Jianzong's unique skills. Your skills must have been created based on Jianzong's technique of returning all swords to the sect."

"What sect do you belong to?"

"Belonging to the ancient faction also belongs to the modern faction. We are a new faction, combining ancient martial arts with modern lethality to create a unique force."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Christie Burton said with a smile: "It seems that you are very curious about the power of the free."

"To defeat the enemy, one must know the enemy."

"Actually, I'm also very curious, but we don't have the opportunity to learn what they call true energy, because it is impossible for one person to have two kinds of power."

Christie Burton drank his wine and continued: "There are also many fallen people in the Continent of the Gods. They cannot obtain the badge of the brave, but the Alliance of the Gods will give them a chance to join a certain family or legion."

"So Aji is a free man in the continent of the gods."

Does this work too?
Jiang Chen was puzzled: "Didn't the fallen be hunted down? I also participated in the action plan to encircle and suppress them!"

Christie Burton answered Jiang Chen's doubts, explaining: "They didn't join the Alliance of Gods. Only when they join the Alliance of Gods and obtain a certain status can they be qualified. Not everyone can, just like the following They have no qualifications at all."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"We are about to launch an attack on the Nether World. You are very powerful. Do you want to join my army? I can give you what Milton can give you, and I can give you what I can't give you."

Jiang Chen looked at Christie Burton.

This man is also the Son of God.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly: "I am a member of the Secret Sword Legion."

Christie Burton smiled and didn't speak. He knew that Jiang Chen refused, but it didn't matter. Christie Burton nodded and said, "Okay, if you have any questions in the future, come to me anytime."

Jiang Chen nodded, turned and left.

Aji said: "He will not be subdued."

"I know, he doesn't believe me, and I feel that he has the same personality as you free people, aloof and will not surrender to anyone."

Aggie was silent.

Jiang Chen walked out of the room and sat at a table drinking. This time he learned a lot, especially the understanding between the fallen and the faction of the fallen.

Just then.

Da da da······

An old man with a cane came into Jiang Chen's field of vision. The old man's clothes were torn and his face was covered with dirt. He was chased away by a waiter as soon as he entered.

(End of this chapter)

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