Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 259, blind man, you don't talk about martial arts

Chapter 259, blind man, you don't talk about martial arts

Jiang Chen poured a glass of wine for the blind old man.

ta ta ta ta tao

Angelina appeared outside the tavern wearing a mask, and saw Jiang Chen at a glance. At this time, Jiang Chen was not wearing a mask, and Jiang Chen also felt Angelina's aura.

Angelina rushed to Jiang Chen angrily.

Asked: "Why didn't you take me out?"

"very dangerous."

This is the danger you said, you are obviously drinking here.

"Whether it's dangerous or not, you must take me with you next time. I didn't know you were here until I asked Arnold."

Angelina sat beside her, holding Jiang Chen's wine glass, and took a sip of the wine.

As soon as she drank it, her throat hurt and she coughed a few times. It was obvious that she was not used to the wine here: "What kind of wine is this?"

"I don't know what wine it is, so don't drink it if you don't know how to drink it."

Angelina looked at the blind old man next to her and rolled her eyes, as if asking who is this old man?

"A stranger."

Angelina stood up and stretched out her right hand: "Hello, my name is Angelina."

The blind old man took a look, but instead of stretching out his right hand, he held the wine glass with his left hand: "We don't have the habit of shaking hands."


Angelina sat down helplessly, her eyes rolled away, this old man has a weird personality.

The blind old man asked, "Is this your woman?"


"She is not simple!"

Jiang Chen glanced at it, this blind person is not an ordinary person, but he actually saw that Angelina is not simple, could it be that she is a master?Peerless master?

Isn't the plot of the movie just to worship a master as a teacher, learn a mysterious sword technique, then take revenge and dominate the world...
I became the protagonist of the movie.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "She's a pastor, what's not so simple, you're joking."

The old man didn't speak, but continued to drink, Jiang Chen continued to pour the wine for him after he finished drinking.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng seemed to hear a voice: A woman with the mark of God is naturally not easy.

Jiang Chen glanced left and right.

Looking at the old man in front of him again, the old man didn't speak.

Could it be that a new system has been awakened?
Can you hear the old man's narration?
: Don't look at it, this is the secret technique of sound transmission, no one else can hear or see it, only you can hear it.

Nima, what a new system, this old man is talking.

But the secret technique of sound transmission?

This sounds awesome.

Jiang Chen said: "Boss, arrange a private room."

This old man must be a master, quickly arrange a private room to serve him well, maybe he can still learn a half way!

Soon, the three seats were in the private room.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Senior, can you teach me a few tricks?"

"teach you?"

"That's right, are you the legendary master, the master of the ancient sect, who taught you something like Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, Six Meridians Excalibur, and the Great Shift of the Universe?"

Blind old man: (⊙o⊙)...

What kind of weird names are these? He still knows Wan Jian Gui Zongshu, which is Jian Zong's unique skill, but he doesn't know it either.

"You are a brave man, so you can't learn our power, and I can't pass it on to you. Unless you give up your badge and become a truly free man, I will consider taking you as a disciple."

I learn from you, you let me give up the badge?
You are talking nonsense with me!
And Jiang Chen didn't know how to give up the badge.

It is also impossible for Jiang Chen to give up the power of the badge.

Do you still consider it?I don't have to think about it.

"Forget it then, I won't give up." Jiang Chen flatly rejected this kindness.

"I want to know one thing."

"what's up?"

"Has Baiyun challenged God before and failed in the end?"

"how do you know?"

"Then this thing is true."

The blind man nodded: "Yes, he failed. He couldn't defeat God. We are all looking for a way to become God, so that free people can have their own world."

"Is Baiyun very strong?"

The blind man was silent, he couldn't answer these words, and he had never seen Bai Yun: "I don't know if he is strong, but with the current you, you can't defeat him at all."

Jiang Chen didn't even think about challenging Baiyun in the past. Needless to say, the strength of a person who can challenge a god, at least his current strength does not allow him to challenge at all.

The two continued to drink.

While drinking, Jiang Chen turned and left.

The blind man coughed, "Well, within ten years, you will be covered for all food, drink, prostitution and gambling?"

Jiang Chen didn't expect him to ask such a question, he turned his head and smiled;

"Finally there is a place to stay. I have to try a certain place to see if it is still useful."

This old guy, I suspect that you have been tricked.

Jiang Chen took Angelina away and returned to the world of Silero.

The blind old man drank his wine self-consciously: The reincarnated god, unfortunately, is only a priest god.

inside the room.

The waiter reported: "Miss Boss, Jiang Chen left [-] million yuan. Within ten years, the blind old man will pay for all the money he gets from whoring and gambling."

Jin Yunxi was shocked, he didn't expect him to tell the truth.

This kid is crazy!

The guest has already paid money, what else can I do, serve me well.

"Then let him stay."


"But what?"

"But he asked us to take someone to the brothel..."

Jin Yunxi: (⊙o⊙)...

Back to the villa.

Angelina couldn't wait to ask: "Who is that old man?"

"I don't know either. It's either a master, or a bastard, or it may be a combination of a master and a bastard. In short, I can't see through it."

Angelina didn't understand why one hundred million was left behind. Angelina could figure it out if she wanted to keep a beautiful woman, but she couldn't figure it out if she kept a blind old man.

Could it be that Jiang Chen has that special habit.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't understand Angelina's thinking, otherwise he would be so angry that he would vomit three liters of blood.

Jiang Chen looked at Angelina's strange eyes, and said, "What are you thinking about!"


"Sleep for nothing, I'm sleepy."

"Oh" Angelina muttered, and got into bed, still thinking about this question.

The only thing Jiang Chen could be sure of was that the blind old man should be a master, and he could see through Jiang Chen's identity at a glance, so he had to find an opportunity to ask Eight Realms, what is the origin of this old man.

At this time, the blind old man was walking on the street.

A group of fallen people followed behind him, and the leader was the middle-aged man who had the conflict in the hotel.

The waiter sensed the danger and said in a low voice; "Old man, we have already come out. If we encounter any danger outside, we will not help."

"We can guarantee your safety, only in the Cloud Tavern."

The blind old man nodded: "I know, you just go to the front and wait for me, I will find it."


The waiter hurriedly left. Facing a dozen or so free men, he didn't want to have a conflict. Fighting and killing in the rivers and lakes was quite normal.

The blind old man stopped and sighed: "You all fell, and even I fell."

After speaking, stretch out your right hand.

A few bolts of lightning shot out from his hands, killing more than a dozen people in an instant, and then left gracefully.

Aji watched his movements and frowned: "So strong."

Christie Burton nodded: "It is indeed very strong. He is a member of the ancient sect. He has ancient martial arts. Jiang Chen still has a good eye. He was able to find that this old man is a master."

(End of this chapter)

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