Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 267, draw the sword and cut, 1 death and 1 blockbuster

Chapter 267, draw the sword and cut, a large death
Christie Burton captured five small towns in a row, most of which were beheaded by Jiang Chen.

There are more than 1 people.

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

【Level: 73】

【Experience: 200000/7300000】

[Physical: 407]

【Strength: 170】

【Spirit: 425】

[Agility: 86]

Christie Burton said: "According to the data, there is a medium-sized city in front of it, with a population of about 10 people, and there are even powerful Nether tribes stationed in it."

"How big is the Nether World?"

"It's bigger than the world of Silero. The medium-sized city is guarded by rank-[-] Nether clan masters, while the giant city is guarded by rank-[-] or even rank-[-] masters. The army strength has reached a terrifying million level."

"Fortunately, there is no sub-god in the whole world, otherwise we would not be able to resist at all, and of course the sub-god would not make a move."

Yashen is as high as level 450 or above, not to mention Jiang Chen, even the Son of God has to retreat, even Christie Burton is only around level 200 after four turns.

Christie Burton said: "It's not that easy to capture a medium-sized city."

"Try it, if it doesn't work, then retreat."

"Either wait for the other Sons of God to arrive, and attack after the round."

A few figures hovered in the sky. They were the reconnaissance troops of the Nether clan and also the early warning troops. Once they found the enemy, they would withdraw immediately.

Christie Burton also sent dragon knights to fly in the air to detect the surrounding movement.

Large-scale wars are not trivial, especially in battles with millions of troops, you need to know the enemy's movements and whether there are masters.

At this moment, several dragon knights flew down.

"My lord, there are a large number of monsters ahead. There are about 3 troops on the ground. They are all riding monsters and heading in this direction. They will meet in about a quarter of an hour."

Christie Burton frowned; "Ready to fight."

All kinds of contracted monsters, thousands of dragons soaring up...
There are no flying dragons, but there are also earth dragons, all kinds of gem dragons, diamond dragons, and crystal dragons are summoned.

Christie Burton flew into the air and took a look.

Tens of thousands of people came here, and there were thousands of monsters in the sky. This should be a regular army, and the army of the Nether tribe finally arrived.

Christie Burton flew down and immediately issued an order: "Formation teleporter, immediately establish the formation, and wait for my order."

Several formation masters took out their rolled sleeves and began to chant.

A large teleportation array was quickly established, and once lost, it immediately returned to the edge of the crack.

Christie Burton said: "Jiang Chen, hand over the ground troops to you, and hand over the flying monsters in the sky to me. Once lost, immediately evacuate and retreat to the edge of the crack."

"Everyone is ready to fight, and the free ones hide their bodies, ready to make a surprise attack at any time."

Christie Burton ordered to go down one by one, ready to meet new challenges.

Jiang Chen turned his head and said: "Xiaona, you go to the edge of the teleportation array, once Christie Burton orders you to retreat, you retreat immediately."


"Remember, don't neglect for a moment, even if I don't come back, you have to withdraw."

Angelina nodded.

Jiang Chen flashed in the air, and appeared on the vast land. Looking at the tens of thousands of Netherworld troops opposite him, all Jiang Chen saw were experience points.

Aji came with a kind of free people. They are not brave, they don't have contracted monsters, and they can't fly in the air, they can only walk on foot.

Aji said: "There are a lot of people."

Ah Xiang drew out her two knives: "There is nothing to be afraid of."

Most of the free people are powerhouses above the third rank, who can release their true energy to form a magic shield like a magician's. This is stellar energy, which can effectively stop the enemy's attack.

A free person can only be regarded as a real master if he has cultivated his stellar qi and released his true qi.

Jiang Chen held a rapier, and made a move to draw the sword and slash...

White light flashes...
The Nether Warrior walking in front fell to the ground and died, killing a large number of people with one move. Aji wondered: "Is this also your swordsman's skill?"

"you guess."

Aji looked at the yellow light on Jiang Chen's body. This was also a skill developed by the Fallen Man. His true energy was released. Aji had to admit that the swordsman profession had already surpassed that of the Freeman.

I just don't know if I have developed ancient martial arts skills.

It would be scary if he had ancient martial arts skills.

and many more.

He's scary enough.

Jiang Chen casually killed 1000 people with one blow. From the Nether Army, one person stood up and chanted magic. Suddenly, tens of thousands of Nethers lit up with yellow light.

Jiang Chen once again used the sword to cut...

The blow didn't work, and a single Nether didn't die.

Jiang Chen was surprised, what kind of ghost skill is this?
It turned out to be invalid...

Aji explained: "This should be a skill that resists or absorbs damage. It can link all fighters together to form a common defense. Unless your damage exceeds everyone's defense power, it will have no effect. "

Over all defenses?

There are tens of thousands of people, isn't this a joke!
Six seconds later... Jiang Chen tried again.

Pulling out the knife still had no effect.

Don't talk about martial arts, but actually use such a skill.

Aji said: "Get ready, now it's our turn to attack, I will kill that magician, the common defense is completely ineffective, tens of thousands of troops still have to rely on you, we are just assisting you."

"Your attacks will also be ineffective."

"No, we're not like you."

"Be careful to disperse the enemy's attack, I will attack the magician just now."

Aji rushed over with more than 20 people, Jiang Chen stayed where he was, watching Aji and the others rush over. At this time, the opposite side was ready to face the battle, and a large number of bows and arrows were shot at the free man.

The free man's speed is very fast, these bows and arrows can't hit the free man at all.

Obviously, Christie Burton is recruiting masters.

Within a few breaths, Aji had already rushed to the opposite camp, and the first thing he aimed at was the Nether tribe who released magic. Aji drew his sword, and the tiny sword moved freely in his hand like an arm.

The sword light flashed, and the head fell to the ground.

Aji's target is the magician who was released just now.

Obviously, the magician knew the opponent's ability and quickly walked towards the center.

Aji soared into the air, stretched out his right hand finger, and pointed at the magician. A beam of lightning shot out quickly, and the magician fell on his back.

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

This is the difference between the ancient sect and the modern sect. They have ancient martial arts and the lethality of the modern sect.

Aji roared: "Back."

Whoosh, whoosh... Several people quickly turned back and returned to Jiang Chen's side.

Aji said: "We are assisting you, now it's your turn."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Jiang Chen rushed over, drew his sword and chopped...

half a minute later...

The ground was full of Nether clan corpses, and the 3 army was lying at Jiang Chen's feet. It was upgraded by 73 levels, from level 76 to level [-].

In the air, Christie Burton battles the Nether.

A strong man swooped down...
Aya said: "A master is here."

(End of this chapter)

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