Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 269, the battle is over, promoted to [Apostle] 9th rank

Chapter 269, the battle is over, promoted to the ninth rank of [Apostle]

"There is a kind of don't go."

You are a fucking fighter, why should I fight you in melee? I'm so crazy!
Jiang Chen fought casually.

Sword Qi·Shattered······
This sword hit the Nether clan warrior, ten thousand sword qi impacted, Jiang Chen was completely dumbfounded, he still didn't penetrate the armor, as if the entire piercing skill was invalidated.

The piercing skill is the most powerful passive skill in Jiangcheng. With a 500% piercing effect, it can pierce the enemy's armor. It is because of the piercing effect that he can ignore any armor defense.

Apart from the fact that the penetrating skill has no effect, Jiang Chen also discovered another point.

That is, the defense of the Nether tribe is really strong, even if they don't have defensive armor, they can't kill them.

Although the Nether warriors are wearing armor, not every body is protected.

For example, there is no defense in the eyes and neck.

Under Jiang Chen's 1 sword qi attacks, there was not even a single scar, which showed that their defense was abnormal enough.

Christie Burton said loudly: "Find an opportunity to leave immediately. You are not yet a second-ranking rank, and your level is very low. Your attack power can't pierce his armor."

"it is good."


Only a flash of white light was seen on the battlefield, and Jiang Chen disappeared...
Christy Burton: (⊙o⊙)…

The speed of this guy's escape is too fast.

Christie Burton cast the magician's teleport without saying a word, and fled here in an instant.

Jiang Chen entered the teleportation space without hesitation.

The same was true for Christie Burton, she grabbed the roll-up sleeve and fled the place in an instant, the teleportation array disappeared...
"Damn let them run away."

"The guy who just escaped should be the son of God from the Brave Continent."

"Is the other one too?"

"The other should not be, it should be his subordinate, but this kid is really powerful, his speed is even faster than my teleportation, and he can't be killed at all, unless he is trapped by a huge barrier, Only by slowly reducing the scope of the enchantment can this person be killed."

Jiang Chen and Christie Burton appeared on the edge of the crack...

Christie Burton said with a smile: "Meeting two perverted existences, they may also be the princes of the Nether Race."

"Their physical defenses are too high to pierce their armor at all."

"Your level is too low. When you turn three or four, you can pierce their armor. The difference between level and equipment is not a star."

Jiang Chen thought to himself.


There is too much difference in level, and the basic attributes are much different.

There is also the same important equipment, which is quite different. Others have level 200 equipment, while Jiang Chen has level 50 equipment. Although it is gold level, people say it may not be legendary level, or even epic level. equipment.

What the hell is going on?
Unless it is to improve strength as soon as possible, turn two, and then get a set of 100 mythical equipment.

See who kills who, but this is just a YY idea.

There is no such possibility.

Christie Burton said: "We killed them by surprise. When they react, they will definitely prepare to fight back, and even rush into the world of Silero from the crack."

"So after this time, return to the world of Silero, organize more powerful people, and deal with the next big battle."

At this time, many troops returned.

More than a dozen sons of gods also returned one after another.

Among them were members of the Secret Sword Legion, Jiang Chen looked at the badges.

At this time, the Secret Sword Legion had lost 50 people, and there were still 30 people left. This time, the loss was heavy, and the legion lost half of its strength.

A Ling's face was ashen, seeing Jiang Chen beside the Son of God, she didn't say anything!
Arnold's face was also painted, looking ashamed.

Christie Burton: "Let's go back to the world of Silero. The Alliance of Gods will hold a meeting to discuss the next countermeasures."

The group returns to the world of Silero.

meeting room.

All the high-level members of the alliance held a meeting, and the sons of the eighteen gods sat below.

The three bosses looked at the information.

Harvey Franklin, as the commander of the supreme alliance this time, as a rank seven powerhouse, looked at the message with a gloomy and terrifying expression: "Eighteen sons of God, leading nearly 300 million brave men, entered the nether world and launched a surprise attack. That's what you gave me."

"I lost 100 million warriors and only killed 20 warriors from the Nether tribe. How can I explain to the gods for such a disastrous defeat?"

"As the sons of God, as the strong [Order], don't you feel ashamed? You don't feel ashamed, I will embarrass you for you."

The two adjutants beside him, Owen and Leo, were also silent.

This record can't be seen at all.

It is equivalent to exchanging five fighters for one Nether warrior.

Miserable cannot be miserable.

Harvey Franklin looked at Eleanor: "Elinor, your record is the least. Not to mention the loss of 1 people, you only captured a small town, and that town has only 1000 people."

"A thousand Nether warriors will stop your 2 people."

The rest of the children of God snickered.

I also secretly rejoiced in my heart, fortunately it wasn't me...

Facing Harvey Franklin's questioning, Eleanor stood up: "A traitor appeared in my team, which led to the loss of this battle, so I ask the Alliance of Gods to punish the traitor."

Christie Burton stood up and retorted: "Elinor, you fail when you fail, don't make any excuses, and you better pay attention, Jiang Chen is not a traitor, you are not suitable to be a commander at all."

Eleanor sneered and said, "Because the traitor went to your camp, that's why you protect him so much."

"I don't want to discuss the topic with a stupid woman." After Christie Burton finished speaking, they sat down together.

"You..." Eleanor was very angry.

Harvey Franklin glanced at Christie Burton, then looked at the information above, nodded and said, "Among the eighteen sons of God, Christie Burton has the best achievements."

"Five small towns were captured and a total of 5 Nether people were killed. Looking at the record of a swordsman, a swordsman who has not yet reached the second rank has killed 4 people. Are you still inferior to a swordsman who has not yet reached the second rank?"

"I think you're going to abdicate directly and let Xian go. The Son of God is for the strong, not for the cowards."

"Issuing an order, Jiang Chen has meritorious service in killing the Nether Clan. He will be promoted to the ninth rank of the [Apostle] sequence and become a preliminary [Natural Disaster] sequence. He will be rewarded with a legendary preparation. Christie Burton, take Jiang Chen to the Gods Alliance warehouse and pick one." pieces."

"Anyone who contributes to the Alliance of Gods must be rewarded."

Christie Burton nodded: "Okay."

"Prepare well, you will face the next test, not only you, but also other sons of gods will come, the world of Silero will completely become a battlefield, and sons of gods with insufficient merit will be deprived of their status as sons of gods."

The expressions of the eighteen sons of gods changed drastically.

Deprived of the identity of the Son of God, wouldn't he become an ordinary person.

(End of this chapter)

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