Chapter 277, Goddess Eleanor died
Jin Hua roared, "You all deserve to die."

With a wave of her hand, Jin Hua rushed into the crowd of brave men, holding a handful of silver needles in her right hand, and released the silver needle with a wave of her hand. The silver needles were extremely fast, and quickly penetrated into the body of the brave man.

She is a sixth-order free person, and the true energy on her body is extremely powerful. She is no match for the three-turn [Natural Disaster], not even Elinor.

Eleanor's magic is very strong, but compared with Jinhua, it is nothing.

The true qi attack of the fallen person can ignore the defense, even armor can penetrate.


Silver Needle quickly attacked and killed several [natural disaster] experts, looked at Eileen Nuo in the air, and rushed up directly, Eileen Nuo watched her fly away, his face changed drastically.

Is this a sixth-order fallen person?
How can it be?

Granny Jinhua shot quickly, and all kinds of silver needles flew all over the sky, rushing towards Alinuo, Alinuo's magic shield was instantly shattered, dozens of silver needles pierced into Aileinuo's body, Aileinuo teleported, and fled in an instant .

Granny Jinhua wanted to chase after her, but Li Chanji shook his head and said, "Forget it, she is a goddess, killing her will cause a lot of trouble."

Jin Hua gritted her teeth angrily: "This damned swordsman is undoubtedly treacherous, I will definitely take his head off."

I wanted to come over to see what the secret was.

In the end, I got nothing, and I was taken advantage of by others.

Li Chanji thought to himself; "Now we can confirm one thing, that is, the woman has a grudge against the swordsman, and the swordsman wants to use us to kill her. It seems that he is not having a good time in the League of Braves."

"The young master means that you want to subdue him?"

"Let's go, let's talk about this matter later, many people now know that we are the ones who will do it."

"It seems that Chen Jinnan did it just now?"

"How can there be such a character."

"No, there is indeed a person named Chen Jinnan in the Tiandihui. Does this person know the swordsman?"

Chen Jinnan:? ? ? ? ? ?
Elinor fled, but didn't see them chasing, and wanted to get up and leave quickly, but only then realized that her body couldn't move. These silver needles were inserted into the body, controlling every inch of muscle.

Only then did Elinor know that she had met a real master.

If you want to act, you have to pull out the silver needle, but the silver needle penetrates into the bone marrow, and you can't pull it out at all. You can only lie on the ground, waiting for kind people to come to rescue.

At this moment, Jiang Chen came out from the darkness, and looked at Ai Linnuo lying on the ground.

Sensing the silver needles in Elinor's body, controlling every inch of muscle, he realized how powerful Grandma Jinhua is. Could this be the legendary silver needle point?
Although Elinor is a goddess, her body structure is similar to that of a human being. It is composed of bones and muscles. As long as the key points are controlled, the body cannot move at all.

Eileen Nuo saw the man in black approaching, and immediately recognized Jiang Chen in front of him.

Eleanor was in a hurry: "Help me."

save you?

Why do you want to deal with me, and I still want to save you?
Am I crazy!

Jiang Chen stood still, he didn't intend to make a move, nor did he intend to kill. From his perception, there were a few evil brave men coming.

For the evil brave, the head of the goddess is very valuable.

Ailinuo looked at Jiang Chen without moving, and her face became anxious: "Jiang Chen, I know it's you, as long as you save me, I will thank you, how about being your person from now on?"

"You can do whatever you want."

seduce me?
Am I the kind of person who has a whimsy!
ta ta ta ta tao

The three evil brave men came and looked at Eleanor who was lying on the ground, and at the same time saw the brave man opposite.

Jiang Chen smiled lightly: "Everyone, I'm just passing by."

Three evil warriors stepped forward.

A brave man drew out his sword and glanced at Jiang Chen.

Eleanor's face changed greatly; "Jiang Chen, you..."

Slashing at Elinnuo's head with a knife, his head was in a different place, Elinnuo's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that he died like this.

The three evil warriors quickly withdrew.

Jiang Chen also heaved a sigh of relief, and finally solved the trouble. Not long after, the evil faction will spread the word that Goddess Eleanor died at the hands of the evil brave.

This is the same as when Jiang Chen beheaded Gresham, the Son of God.

Inside the Cloud Tavern.

Jiang Chen sat with Lin Yangze.

"Although that woman is dead, you have completely offended the Tiandihui and let the Tiandihui take the blame. This is not a small matter. That old woman in Jinhua is not an idiot. It is easy to think that it is your fault."

Jiang Chen understands this point, comparing killing Goddess Ailinuo with offending the Heaven and Earth Society, naturally killing Ailinuo is more important.

Ailinuo will threaten his family if he exists for a day. As for offending the Tiandihui, Jiang Chen is not afraid of anything. He is a brave man in the Gods Continent, and he is a deadly enemy from the beginning.

Besides, Jin Hua still attacked him!

Obviously already an enemy.

Jiang Chen asked: "Yunyun Tavern, you can't stay any longer, the proprietress Jin Yunxi is from the Tiandihui, where do you want to go?"

"You don't need to worry about this. They are looking for you, not me. You just need to pay the money."

Jiang Chen just wanted to say one thing, you are my master after all!Talk about money hurt feelings.

Lin Yangze continued: "And if there are people from the Tiandihui, I will explain to them, hoping to turn hostility into friendship."

The rivers and lakes are not fighting and killing, the rivers and lakes are about the ways of the world.

That's right.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Then trouble master, that Jinhua is so strong, he killed Ailinuo's subordinates with just a few moves."

"Nonsense, the sixth-level powerhouse is naturally powerful. Do you think the fallen one is weak? At rank nine, it is equivalent to your so-called sub-god. As long as it is not a god, the fallen person will naturally have a way to deal with it. If the god makes a move, then there is no way." gone."

"The fallen have no gods?"

Lin Yangze nodded.

Yes, the fallen have no gods, even the ninth-level fallen are not gods, they have been looking for a way to become a god, and this method has not been found so far.

Becoming a god is not so easy.

Jiang Chen asked: "If the person who fell from the ninth turn obtains the mark of a god, can he become a god?"

"No, someone has tried it before, and Bai Yun has tried it too. Possessing the imprint of a god cannot become a god, and the power is not compatible. I know what you are thinking. They have tried everything you can think of. Do you think they are idiots! "

"And let me tell you, the Fallen has the mark of God, which is why the Fallen exists. It is because of an agreement between the Fallen and the sub-god."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that although Yashen was called a god, he was not a god.

It's fake, they don't have the mark of God.

Lin Yangze continued: "But don't worry, the fallen will not take it out, unless some of them become gods, they will be exchanged for an equivalent transaction."

Jiang Chen's heart moved: "Is there a swordsman's mark of God?"

"I'm not sure about this, but swordsman is the newest profession, and it seems that there is no mark of God, but if you continue to be in the League of Braves, it is very likely that the gods will create a mark of God for you."


"Of course, do you think that the mark of God is innate? It must have been created by a certain force. This is the answer that the fallen have been looking for. It is useless to say so much now. You just turn around , wait until you turn nine!"

Jiang Chen returned to the world of Silero.

(End of this chapter)

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