Chapter 279, new skill, legendary Wanjian Guizong

Jiang Chen thought to himself, he had fought against Jin Hua, and he also understood what an aura is. His [Dragon in the Sky] three hundred sword auras are completely useless, hindered by the aura, they can't hurt Jin Hua at all, and Jin Hua is still Can hold sword energy.

This is so awesome that it went to grandma's house.

The third, sixth, and ninth levels of freedom are qualitative changes.

The third level can cultivate stellar energy and form a magic shield.

The sixth level can fly into the sky, forming a powerful aura.

And the ninth step!

? ? ? ?
Jiang Chen asked: "What about the ninth level?"

Christie Burton shook her head: "I'm not sure about that, it belongs to the existence of sub-gods, and I haven't seen it, let alone I haven't seen it, even if no one in my family has seen it."

The two chatted and quickly walked to the warehouse.

Christie Burton took out a piece of paper, the guard glanced at it, and opened the warehouse door.

The two walked in swaggeringly to choose equipment.

At this time, Jiang Chen kept it hidden from the warehouse.

Eyes wide open.

All of them are cyan light, that is to say, the lowest level is gold level equipment.

Christie Burton said with a smile: "This is all gold-level equipment. The legends you need are in the inner layer, and the equipment you want is inside."

Jiang Chen and Christie Burton followed the guards and entered the next floor.


The next level is full of blue rays of light, these are legendary level equipment.

The entire warehouse is, at least several thousand pieces.

The guards led Jiang Chen inside, there were several pieces of swordsman's equipment here.

Christie Burton asked: "What do you need? The weapon is the most improved, and you can choose a weapon and equipment."

【Xuanming Sword (Legend)】

[Level: Level 50]

[Occupation: Swordsman, Magic Swordsman Wearable]

[Physical attack power: 350-500]

[Magic attack power: 350-500]

【Strength +120】

【Spirit +120】

【Physical +120】

[Agility +150]

【Durability: 50/50】

[When the skill is released, the Xuanming Armor is added, and the four-dimensional attribute is increased by 200 points]

[When releasing skills, increase the power of Xuanming, increase physical attack, magic attack power by 50 points. 】

[When releasing skills, increase Xuan Ming Dun, increase resistance by 300 points]

【Xuanming Beast: Summon two Xuanming Beasts to fight, the Xuanming Beast depends on its own strength...】

Jiang Chen looked at the legendary level weapon, this weapon is really good, its attributes are better than the gold level preparation, but it is not what he needs.

And [Lei Lun Magnetic Sword] has the ability to fly and draw a knife. The legendary equipment is not as good as the gold equipment. The attributes of each weapon are different. It is not difficult to find the one that suits you. easy.

It's not bad to summon two Xuanming beasts, if it's increased by a hundred times, it will be two hundred, which looks very impressive, but Jiang Chen doesn't need summoned beasts.

Jiang Chen looked at other weapon attributes.

[Thunderbolt Sword (Legendary Level)] This sword is similar to Xuanming Sword, the only difference is the skill.

[When the skill is released, the lightning attribute attack will be added]

[When the skill is released, there is a chance to trigger the lightning attribute and paralyze the enemy]

[Thunder Armor: Form an armor on itself, with a cooling time of 5 minutes and a duration of 5 minutes...]

[Thunder Wings: form Thunder Wings by itself, able to fly in the air, cooldown time 10 minutes, duration 3 minutes...]

The weapon doesn't do anything either.

Jiang Chen already knew thunder swordsmanship, he had already added thunder attribute attacks, and he also had the Chiyue battle robe that paralyzed the enemy. As for the armor, it was completely meaningless.

He has [Tiangang Sword Body] and already has a shield.

Wings, this is still useful, but there are [Lei Lun Magnetic Sword] wings, which are also redundant, Jiang Chen will not exchange this sword for a little bit of attribute value.

Jiang Chen's heart moved: "Is there any in the skill book?"

"Do you want to change it to a skill book?"


The equipment has been improved a lot, but it is far less enjoyable than the skills. He needs a wide range of skills. Drawing a knife is a skill that comes with the weapon, and the weapon will be replaced sooner or later.

Once replaced, it loses its due value.

The most urgent thing is to need your own skills, and the swordsman's own skills are few and rubbish, and he can only learn skills outside the skill tree.

The guard explained: "Yes, I will take you to the skill point, and you can exchange for a legendary skill."

"Legendary skills?"

"Yes, there are also levels of skills, but it seems that there are not many swordsman skills. I remember that there are only two."

"Take me to see."

"This way."

Jiang Chen followed the guards and entered the skill hall. The skills here were overwhelming, filling the entire bookshelf. Jiang Chen followed the guards into a corner.

[Swordsman] Two simple words came into view.

There are only two skill books on it.

Jiang Chen looked at the introduction.

[Wanjian Guizong (Legendary Level)]

[When the skill is released, three hundred sword qi are released, each sword qi is attached to the mind, the attack distance is 10 meters, and the attack power is 5000%. The cooling time is 10 minutes and the duration is 1 minute. 】

[Three-point Guiyuan Sword Qi (Legendary Level)]

[When the skill is released, a sword balloon will condense above the head, containing hundreds of sword qi, the attack distance is 10 meters, and the attack power is 5000%. The cooldown time is 10 minutes and the duration is 1 minute. 】

Jiang Chen looked at the introduction and was stunned.

What is the concept if this Nima increases by a hundred times?
Three hundred sword qi increases... [-] sword qi.

Attack distance increased by 10 meters... 1000 meters.

Cooling time increased by 10 minutes... 6 seconds.

Duration 1 minute...Duration 100 minutes.

This is simply invincible.

As for the three-point Guiyuan Sword Qi, this is also very awesome!

Only children make choices, and I want them all.

Jiang Chen coughed: "Can I do this?"


"Then I exchange merit for it?"

"It takes at least 100 million merit points to awaken it. You only have 30 merit points now, and you are still 70 short."

Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Then [Wan Jian Gui Zong].

Jiang Chen touched Wan Jian to return to his sect.

[Wan Jian Guizong is increasing... the increase is successful]

[When the skill is released, 1000 sword qi are released, each sword qi is attached to the mind, the attack distance is 500000 meters, and the attack power is 6%. The cooling time is 100 seconds and the duration is [-] minutes. 】

This is Wan Jian's return to the clan, and Yulong is the younger brother in the sky.

Jiang Chen asked: "Why are there only two skill books?"

The guard said, "That's not very clear. You swordsmen are a newly emerging profession, and they are still under development. If you want to, you need to report to the higher authorities, and you can exchange them if you have enough merit points."

"You swordsmen rarely have skills, and you are the first one to come in and exchange them."

Few swordsmen can take one turn, and even after one turn, it is a simple task, but such people can't do it at all, let alone participating in wars, even killing monsters is strenuous.

Simple tasks only have 5 attribute points for each level up, while hell-level tasks have 25 attribute points for each level up. These are completely two concepts.

Christie Burton said: "Let's go."

The two walked out of the warehouse.

Christie Burton said with a smile; "I've heard of the art of returning all swords to the sect. It's the unique skill of the swordsman swordsman. It's very powerful. You swordsmen are based on the profession developed by free people."

"Except for the art of returning thousands of swords to the clan!"

"I don't know about the others. Freedom's martial arts are not limited to swords. There are also knives, guns, sticks, and many more. However, there are many swordsmen, and only the swordsman is the profession."

"Weapons are not particularly important to them. You must know that many freelance masters can kill people even without weapons."

Jiang Chen is also aware of this point, what is powerful for the fallen is true energy, not weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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