Chapter 289, 2nd turn completed, promoted to level 100

At this moment, Jiang Chen looked at a general on the opposite side. It should be this guy's skill, a large-scale attack skill, which can use the vibration of the air to shatter any attack.

"Kill, this guy has no sword energy."

"Surround and kill this person immediately, this person is the most powerful enemy."

"This time I finally have a chance to take revenge."

After Jiang Chen's 3 sword qi were shattered, countless Nether tribes attacked and killed Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen sneered, Jiang Chen's Wanjian Guizong skill has a cooldown of six seconds.

What's more, Jiang Chen's ultra-long attack range is not limited only to Wan Jian Guizong.

Facing the enemy flooded over.

Jiang Chen drew his sword and slashed.

Draw a knife and chop...

Drawing a knife and chopping is also a transcending attack skill, and there was a flash of white light, and the Nether warriors who wanted to rush towards Jiang Chen turned into two pieces.

After this sword slash killed hundreds of Nether tribes, the sword energy also shattered, as if there was a protective shield in front of it, and it was impossible to enter it.

There are also masters in the camp of the Nether tribe.

From Jiang Chen's perception, it was not a protective shield, but the surrounding air was vibrating, up and down, once an attack entered the range, the vibration of the void would shatter the sword energy.

Jiang Chen had never seen such a rare skill.

It is impossible to destroy the vibration of the air. Obviously, the main general on the opposite side can manipulate the air.

At this moment, the leader of the Nether clan on the opposite side stretched out his right hand, aiming at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's secret path was not good, at this time an invisible ripple rushed towards Jiang Chen, and the surrounding air seemed to have a chain reaction, like a two-meter-wide long corridor, extending all the way to where Jiang Chen was standing.

Jiang Chen dodged in the air, and quickly dodged.

It's just that the brave men behind Jiang Chen suffered disaster. After these brave men were hit, their bodies were immediately torn apart, turning into a pile of broken corpses lying on the ground.

Jiang Chen understood why the Nether Clan did not attack these two days.

The Alliance of Gods is waiting for reinforcements, and the same is true for the Nether Race. They are also waiting for hundreds of cannons, waiting for the strong to come.

Jiang Chen once again activated the Wanjian Guizong mode.

The 3 sword qi quickly attacked and killed them, the result was just as Jiang Chen thought, before these sword qi entered the opponent's range, he felt great resistance.

The air vibrated up and down, shattering the attacking sword energy.

It seems that it is an insurmountable gap that no one can break through. Such an attack mode is a bit like the shocking fruit of the old man with white beard.

At this time, the general on the opposite side punched Jiang Chen.


The entire space was like a series of reactions, instantly attacking Jiang Chen's position. Fortunately, Jiang Chen had already left when the enemy attacked.

Fortunately, this guy's attack ability can only be within 500 meters.

"Who is that guy with the sword on the opposite side?"

"My lord, he is the swordsman who killed 100 million of our Nether clan."

"It turned out to be him. This person's perception ability is indeed very strong."

This person is the emperor of the Nether clan, named Asa, also a fifth-level powerhouse, up to level 250 and above, and his occupation is an extremely rare air fighter in the space occupation, with extremely powerful space talent.

Asa also said: "Aim all the cannons at that swordsman and fire at the same time."

"Okay, my lord."

At this moment, Jiang Chen felt hundreds of cannons pointing at him.


Jiang Chen's surroundings exploded quickly, and at the instant of the explosion, Jiang Chen had already left the range and completely returned to the Alliance of Gods camp.

Harvey Franklin also gave the order to retreat.

Although 50 elves joined in, they couldn't completely kill the Nether tribe. Not only that, but the Alliance of Gods suffered heavy losses, and two sons of gods died.

These two sons of gods were beheaded with a single punch by the opposing general.

Even Harvey Franklin couldn't deal with such a strong man.

meeting room.

Harvey Franklin's face was gloomy. Hundreds of cannons appeared on the opposite side, and another general appeared. This general was even more terrifying than the original one.

"The main general on the opposite side should be a fighter of the space department. He has a strong talent for using the vibration of the air and the chain reaction of space."

"Unless the space can be imprisoned, he can be completely killed."

"With this person around, we can't repel the Nether Race at all."

"What's the matter with the cannon on the opposite side?"

"It should be a magic crystal cannon drawn by a magic circle."

Harvey Franklin said: "Convey this matter up immediately, so that the higher ups can send a general who can restrain the enemy's coach."

The inspector nodded, and after writing for a while, he quickly reported it.

Harvey Franklin glanced at Jiang Chen: "Although our side has suffered heavy losses, the same is true for the Nether Race, so there is no need to worry."

"Jiang Chen, can your sword energy break through and kill the enemy's commander?"

Jiang Chen shook his head: "No, the enemy will launch a large-scale attack, and his surroundings will vibrate. Once my sword energy enters his range, it will instantly shatter."

Harvey Franklin nodded, he also thought of this result.

Harvey Franklin also wanted to kill the opponent's coach at the first time, but its effect was still ineffective, and the entire attack disappeared after a distance of 30 meters.

And he knew that Jiang Chen's level was very low, only level 99, not even a second turn, and the enemy coach was even as high as level 250 or above.

The gap between levels, the gap between equipment, this is an insurmountable gap.

It is impossible to rely on Jiang Chen's sword energy to kill the enemy's coach.

For a moment Harvey Franklin was helpless.

If the enemy attacks, the entire Alliance of Gods will face disaster, and the entire Silero world will face annihilation.

The only thing he can pray for now is that the gods send masters to imprison the surrounding space.

Harvey Franklin: "Adjourn the meeting, strengthen the barrier, and send additional manpower to prevent the enemy from attacking. Jiang Chen, your things have arrived."

A prosecutor behind Harvey Franklin produced seven double-rolled sleeves.

At this time Jiang Chen looked at his level.


Already level 99?

Experience points are also full?

Jiang Chen took 7 rolled sleeves, then crushed one rolled sleeve, a ray of light shone on him.

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

【Level: 100】

【Experience: 0/10000000】

[Physical: 647]

【Strength: 290】

【Spirit: 665】

[Agility: 86]


[Equipment: Lei Lun Magnetic Sword (Gold Level), Chiyue Battle Robe (Gold Level), King's Crown Boots, King's Crown Bracelet, King's Crown Belt, King's Crown Pants, King's Crown Hat. 】

[Lutac Necklace (Legend)] [Lutac Inscription (Legend)]

Jiang Chen smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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