Chapter 293, Another Nightmare

Jiang Chen thought, when his vitality enchantment increased by a hundred times, that Asa would be as if nothing happened, this is the effect of offsetting the abnormal state.

But other ordinary Nether tribes were subjected to a hundred times the gravity, so they could only lie on the ground, completely losing their fighting power.

Ordinary Nether tribe Jiang Chen can kill them without opening the vitality barrier at all, and kill them easily, so the vitality barrier seems to be powerful, but it is actually useless.

Of course, there is also a little use, that is, lying on the ground, waiting for the butcher knife to come.

Harvey Franklin said: "In the future, you must be careful when you encounter special occupations. They will design equipment for their own occupational characteristics, just like the strong Nether clan. Don't think that you killed the son of god from the evil god camp, it is just an ordinary The Son of God is not considered powerful."

"Just like them."

Harvey Franklin looked at the dingy Son of God in front of him.

Harvey Franklin continued: "Among them, the only one I'm optimistic about is Christie Burton. This guy recruited a group of free men and learned a lot from them. As for the others, they are trash."

Jiang Chen opened his eyes wide.

Good guy, do you dare to call them trash in public?

Be careful I report you.

The group found a plain to station, waiting for the Alliance of Gods to respond.


The high level of the Alliance of Gods sent a five-member team.

Two men and three women.

Jiang Chen didn't even see their faces, and he didn't know their occupations, but one of them felt a different power, it was the breath of darkness.

It is very likely that it is the master of the evil god.

Is there no one here in the League of Gods?
Looking for a master of evil gods to come?

into the night······
on the mountain.

Christie Burton, Aji, and Jiang Chen stood tall, and Christie Burton held a wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "This battle is not easy!"

"Isn't there a master in the League of Gods!"

"They are all masters cultivated in secret, and ordinary people are really no match."

Aji said: "There is a woman among them who is different, and seems to be a brave man from the evil god camp."

Jiang Chen looked at Aji, and he could see it too.
Christie Burton didn't care: "It's normal. There are experts who appear on our side from time to time. Her identity is a secret. Only the high-level people know who she is?"

"You don't know either?"

"I don't know. Although we are the sons of gods, we are not high-ranking members of the alliance. Not only our side, even the evil god camp has experts from our side."

Jiang Chen asked: "What will happen if the identity is discovered?"

"If her identity is discovered, then her badge will be invalidated, and she will become an ordinary person completely. Few people will betray their own camp, but there are exceptions. They only have a code name and no name, and they never show their true colors. "

Can you still play like this?
At this moment, a black shadow came out from the alliance camp and quickly flew towards the Nether Race...

Jiang Chen stared at the black shadow.

He smiled and said, "It seems that she is ready to go out."


The two looked in Jiang Chen's direction, but there was nothing, they looked back at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

Jiang Chen opened his eyes wide.

Don't you see that black shadow?

She went to the front line in a grand manner?

Can't you see such a big black shadow?

At this time, the black shadow stopped, looked at Jiang Chen on the mountain, then turned around and flew towards Jiang Chen...
At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly understood something!
Pretend to admire the moon.

Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly; "The moonlight tonight is so beautiful."

Christie Burton looked at the sky, feeling puzzled for a while.

Same goes for Aggie.

is it beautiful?
I don't think so!

At this time, a black shadow appeared in front of Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen pretended not to see, staring at the moon...
Walk around, walk around, once the ghost knife is opened, you can't see it...
With a wave of Jiang Chen's hand, he flew directly past the black shadow. The black shadow was silent for a while, then turned and left, rushing to the Nether tribe's camp.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.


This woman turned out to be a nightmare.

The black shadow just now wasn't in the real world, but in the dream world. No wonder Christie Burton couldn't feel it, but Jiang Chen could see it.

But even if he saw it, Jiang Chen couldn't do anything about it. The succubus in the dream world, no matter what Jiang Chen did, he couldn't attack the succubus in the dream world.

The two do not belong to the same space.

The so-called master is the succubus, the super god profession of the evil god camp.

Jiang Chen didn't understand why he was able to see it. It should be that Daphne gave him some special skills that allowed him to see the succubus in the dream space.

Christie Burton asked; "Jiang Chen, did you see something?"


"I just felt that your heartbeat is different, and you can see things we can't see."

"It's really not, it was just dazzled just now."


The devil believes you!
Christie Burton smiled: "Let's go."

inside the tent.

Christie Burton: "What do you think Jiang Chen saw?"

"I don't know, only he knows."

"Do you think it's a succubus?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"He sees it, but we can't see it, or we are not capable, but I am a four-turn, and you are a free person, so it shouldn't be impossible. Then there is only one possibility, we are not in the same space."

"It's only in a different space that we can't see it."

"What kind of world is the dream space?"

"It's a gray world, just like our real world. Once you leave your dream world, it's hard to wake up. Such people are called living dead."

"Then how can he see the dream world?"

"I don't know, only he knows."

"Ask tomorrow?"

"Forget it, everyone has their own secret."

At this moment, Jiang Chen was sleeping on the bed. This was the second succubus Jiang Chen encountered. The first succubus was Daphne. I don't know who this succubus is?

Take refuge in the Alliance of Gods.

Wash and sleep, this has something to do with me.

Jiang Chen entered the dream space.

Waited for a while.

Familiar scenes, the sea, blue sky and white clouds, red underpants, plus a sun lounger, this feeling is not to mention how comfortable it is.

At this moment, a huge octopus appeared on the bottom of the sea, stretched out a hand, stretched out from the sea surface, and grabbed Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen laughed, damn it.

This woman came to this hand?
Jiang Chen then transformed into a sword, drew the sword and slashed, annihilating a few tentacles, and said, "Come out, don't show your shame in front of me with this little trick."

"Sure enough, you can see me."

At this time, a black shadow emerged from the bottom of the sea.

Jiang Chen unceremoniously responded to the woman who rushed in.

"This is my dream space, isn't it too much for you to barge in without saying hello?" Jiang Chen transformed into a cigarette, and silently lit it.

"It seems that you have been able to control your own dream space. This is the first time I have seen such a solid dream space."

(End of this chapter)

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