Chapter 295, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds game?
Inside the villa.

Jiang Chen looked at his sister, smiled and said, "Jiang Li, show me your equipment."

"What kind of scorpion, it's not big or small, remember to call me sister."

This kid is powerful now, dare to call her by name directly, Jiang Li still showed his equipment, Jiang Chen glanced at it, the silver level equipment of level 50.

What the hell is this rubbish.

There is only one piece of gold-level equipment.

Such equipment is simply eye-catching!
Jiang Li joked, "Why, are you going to replace me with a set of 100 legendary equipment?"

Several people laughed, they all knew that Jiang Chen had a set of level 100 legendary equipment, which was customized equipment, and only the son of gods was qualified to customize such equipment.

Ordinary people simply don't.

Unless it is approved by the Alliance of Gods, it is eligible for customization.

If you want to be recognized by the Alliance of Gods, you must make a contribution. For example, killing 100 million brave men on the battlefield is possible.

Alice nodded: "Now that we have all turned 2, we really should update our equipment."

"The attributes of monsters at the second turn are getting stronger and stronger. Without equipment, it is difficult to upgrade."

"How about we go to the store?"

Jiang Li shook his head: "Don't go there, the shops are all deceptive places, and the attributes are not very good. Slowly accumulate money, and then buy equipment and replace them slowly."

Jiang Chen said: "You don't have to worry about the equipment, I'll just make one for you."

"How to do it? Buy it with money?"

"I am going to participate in the battle of geniuses, No.1 rewards a 100-level legendary suit."

Several people opened their eyes wide.

Participating in the battle of geniuses?

They are also aware of this matter. The Alliance of Gods has long issued detailed information. Participating in the battle of geniuses can obtain legendary equipment, or customized equipment.

This incident caused a sensation in the Silero world.

Many people are eager to try it. This is the treatment that only the sons of gods can enjoy. I don't know how many people signed up for the qualifiers, and it has become a topic for the brave after drinking.

They also understood that with Jiang Chen's strength, he was indeed qualified to participate in the battle of geniuses, and even win the championship.

The five of Alice were envious for a while, why didn't I have such a good brother.

Jiang Li was silent for a while: "It's very dangerous."

"Don't worry, I can stop the million-dollar army of the Nether Clan, and after only three turns, I am no match for me at all." Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously at all.

Alice nodded, but there was a trace of worry in her heart: "Jiang Chen, I think this battle of geniuses of the Nether race is very likely created for you."

“How come you see?”

"You block the Nether Race's million-strong army from attacking. They definitely don't want you to rise up. They want to kill you in the cradle. Then they will definitely find an opportunity to deal with you."

Several people nodded when they heard Alice's words.

"Well, it's really possible."

"When the war is over, the Nether Race has started a battle of geniuses, and it is very likely that it is aimed at you."

"It seems that the younger brother has become their confidant."

When Alice and the others said that, Jiang Li was even more worried. Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I have nothing to worry about. I don't care about mere Nether people."

"It's better to be careful."

Three days passed quickly, and the qualifiers officially started.

Anyone who participates in the budget competition will be teleported into a small world. The preliminaries are not one-on-one duels. Once there are [-] people in front and back, the preliminaries will end.


【Number of applicants: 35439821】

[Place Name: Qualifier World]

[Rules: The qualifiers are constantly shrinking. If you enter the boundary within an unspecified time, poisonous gas will be generated, and the brave will be eliminated. 】

Jiang Chen looked at the rules of the preliminaries.

PUBG Mobile

This is good!
Jiang Chen immediately saw his position.

【Qualifier World】

【Time: End at 29:59:59】

【Please enter the barrier immediately...】

The world of the qualifiers is huge. In order to prevent people from hiding, barriers and poison gas are used to eliminate players. In this way, it is easy to produce a hundred players.

Isn't this the modern version of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?

It's just that there is no equipment and no AKM.

Jiang Chen's luck was a little bit bad, he appeared at the border, and only within the specified time, he entered the range of the enchantment before he could proceed to the next match.

Just when Jiang Chen entered the world of the qualifiers, more than 3000 million brave men also entered the world of the qualifiers, randomly appearing in any place.

Jiang Chen activated the volleying flash mode and the Tiangang sword body mode, as for Wanjian returning to the clan, it was fine, he activated the Yulongzaitian mode.

Jiang Chen rushed towards the barrier area, and saw many brave men rushing towards the barrier area on the way.

They started fighting each other.

Just when Jiang Chen was running.

A brave man saw Jiang Chen and said, "Bro, let's form a team and form an alliance for now."

Jiang Chen glanced at it.

He nodded and said, "Okay."

Then a sword energy rushed over and killed the brave man.

Surrounded by white light, the brave man looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

Don't talk about martial arts, and you have agreed to form a team, why the hell are you going to kill me?

Jiang Chen smiled.

Team up?

I am the king of solo kills, do I need to form a team with you!

There were brave men constantly emerging around, Jiang Chen just rushed forward, killing a lot along the way, not only on the ground, but also in the sky, the battle was fierce.

All kinds of giant dragons roared, and all kinds of magic soared into the sky.

Just as Jiang Chen was rushing forward, a dragon knight in the air spotted Jiang Chen's trace, swooped down, the giant dragon roared, and then disappeared in a flash of white light...
Dare to attack me?Who gave you the guts.

Jiang Chen continued to walk forward, and soon arrived within the range of the barrier. He had nothing to do, and found the highest mountain, condescendingly, watching the surrounding battle situation.

It's a pity that one 98K is missing, or one shot at a time.


There is no 98K, but there is the skill of Wan Jian Gui Zong, and the furthest distance of the skill of Wan Jian Gui Zong is 1000 meters.


It seems to be stronger than 98k.

Jiang Chen thought of this, hehe smiled.

Ten thousand swords return to the sect······
【Qualifier World】

【Time: End at 24:59:59】

At this time, a soldier kept running on the ground, paying attention to the movement around him all the time. At this moment, white light surrounded him, and the soldier was stunned.

What do you mean?
I was attacked?
Who is the attacker?
Five people formed a team, cooperated with each other, and wanted to enter the range of the enchantment, but the five people were surrounded by white light and disappeared quickly.

The people next to him immediately hid.

"Who is behind the sneak attack? Does anyone know?"

"Why did these people disappear suddenly? They must be assassins hiding around."

"There are no assassins at all. I am an archer with submerged eyes skills, and I didn't find the enemy at all."

"It must be an ultra-long-range attack class, sharpshooter, this guy hides in the dark and sneaks up."

"Damn it, if I know who it is, I will definitely eliminate him." As soon as he finished speaking, a white light flashed and disappeared quickly...

"Don't show your head, this person is hiding in a high place, once he appears, he will be eliminated instantly."

At this moment, Jiang Chen stood at the highest point.

Another head.

500 heads completed.

My marksmanship is still pretty good.

Not far away, more than a dozen giant dragons flew over, Jiang Chen stretched out his hands, turned into the shape of pistols, and aimed at the flying dragons, making some noise no matter what.

bang bang bang...

After a dozen shots, a dozen heads were taken away.

(End of this chapter)

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