Chapter 297, Finals
Jiang Chen asked: "Are your skills innate, or do they come with equipment attributes?"

"Our Medusa family, the awakened unique profession, is born with a petrification effect, and I am a magician among them. Within 80 meters of me, the petrification effect will be triggered."

Jiang Chen nodded: "Very strong."

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, a stream of sword energy rushed towards Ji Ma, and passed by her side. At this moment, Jiang Chen felt the sword energy was petrifying a little bit. The speed of this petrification is not very slow, and of course it is not very fast. .

With Jima himself as the center, within 80 meters, there is a petrification effect, but Jiang Chen's sword energy exceeds 80 meters, reaching 120 meters.

That is to say, even if Jima has the petrification effect, Jiang Chen can kill Jima immediately.

So Gemma was no threat to him.

Ji Ma originally thought that Jiang Chen would attack her, but unexpectedly, he just walked past her.

Gemma's complexion changed drastically.

This guy's sword energy is so fast, the petrification effect is not as obvious as imagined, and the sword energy cannot be petrified within 80 meters.

Although Jima can be petrified, it is far behind Asa of the Nether tribe.

When Jiang Chen's sword energy entered Asa's attack range, it instantly turned into powder.

Can only advance two meters, but Geema can advance 120 meters.

Gemma was on guard.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, you are not a threat to me."

"That's not necessarily true, I'm a magician, I can teleport, and I can touch you in the first place, and this is just my basic effect, you look into my eyes."

Just as Jiang Chen was about to turn his head, he sensed that Jima's eyes contained magic.

Instant enlightenment.

This woman is playing tricks on me!

It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you don't know how to write dead characters.

Jiang Chen's thoughts moved.

whoosh whoosh

Ten sword qi rushed towards Jima, and at this moment, Jima's figure appeared in a flash. Behind Jiang Chen, a ray of light shot at Jiang Chen. Unfortunately, there was no Jiang Chen's figure. Jiang Chen had already appeared 80 meters away. outside.

Gemma was dumbfounded.

Teleportation magic?

No, there is no spatial fluctuation, this is not magic, but speed, why is this guy so fast, how does he know that I will appear behind him, unless he can feel the magic fluctuation.

Is this person's perceptual ability so perverted!

Three sword qi shot at Jima, piercing Jima's snake leg.

Jiang Chen didn't pierce Jima's heart, but pierced her snake's leg, which was regarded as teaching her a little lesson: "Don't try to defeat me, you don't have that much ability yet."

"When you attacked, I already felt the murderous intent."

"I feel the magic wave."

"Even the magician's teleportation still has no effect in front of me."

Gemma didn't look back, but asked, "Why didn't you kill me?"

"What do you do to kill you? You are quite capable. It will not be too late to kill you in the final battle. It would be a pity to kill you now. I want to see how many masters there are."

Gemma: "I know what you mean. After the final round, you will definitely not be able to deal with other people. Leave me to help you deal with it! Cunning human beings, do you think I can't see it!"

"You can do whatever you want. With you, you can clean up the small trash fish very well. Of course, you are also a small trash fish in my eyes."

Jima turned her head angrily, and there was a petrified light.

But this ray of light filled an empty space, where was Jiang Chen's voice, and when Jima searched around, she saw that Jiang Chen had already appeared 800 meters away.

He even waved at her.

Jima was furious: "Damn guy, where did he come from? Such a powerful guy, this guy is definitely my biggest enemy in the finals."

But if we really start a war with him, I'm afraid there is no chance of winning.

The budget quota is 100, and you can also participate in the battle of geniuses by avoiding this guy.

Jima pondered for a moment, planning to avoid Jiang Chen before entering the final, and use him to contain other enemies.

Wait until the third lap.

The scope of the enchantment shrinks again.


【Number of applicants: 305417】

On the third lap, there were 30 people left, and by the fourth lap, there were already 3 people left.

The fifth circle... 3 people.

The 6th lap... 1000 people.

At this time, the qualifiers entered the sixth lap, and these 6 people were all strong, the world's top strong, and Gemma was among them.

There are 300 people left on the seventh lap.

Jiang Chen stood on a high place, observing every move around him. At this time, none of the 300 people chose to fly in the air, but hid in the surroundings.

No. [-]: Ruskin Hogan
Second place: Gauld Lorrain
No. [-]: Carlo Scott
In Jiang Chen's perception, he found Carlo Scott and felt his attack. His attack method was similar to Geema's, and it was also a skill range attack.

It's just that his attack is lightning.

Carlo is a warrior, and his speed is also very fast, no worse than a magician's teleportation. Anyone who enters his attack area will be attacked by lightning, with paralysis effect.

It is said that the Kaluo clan has a certain relationship with the Scarlet Moon Demon Clan.

This is also the Protoss.

At this moment, Carlo felt Jiang Chen's gaze, his mind moved, and he quickly rushed towards Jiang Chen's direction. Jiang Chen smiled, does this guy regard me as an enemy?

Your attacks have lightning properties, and so do mine.

Although not as strong as yours, it has absolutely no effect on me.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, a sword energy rushed towards Carlo Scott who was rushing towards him, and Carlo Scott stopped by his side.

At the moment just now, he sensed danger, and a sword energy struck across the air.

Jiang Chen glanced at it: "Very good, if you can dodge my attack, you are also qualified to enter the final round."

"Boy, now is not the time for you to talk big, take it!"

Carlo Scott rushed to attack Jiang Chen again.

The big knife in his hand made a squeak...
Jiang Chen took out a cigarette and lit it silently, Carlo Scott was furious, this kid didn't take him seriously at all.

Carlo Scott's attack was very fast, and he stopped at [-] meters.

Looking at the sword energy all over the sky, he was dumbfounded.

What's so special about this?
How come there is so much sword energy?

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, ten sword qi rushed towards Carlo Scott.


Ten sword qi passed through Carlo Scott, but did not hurt Carlo Scott, Jiang Chen felt the change of the sword qi.

That's it, using the lightning skill to change the trajectory of the sword energy.

"You can't hurt me." Carlo Scott was full of confidence.

"It was just a small test of skill just now, do you really think I can't kill you, idiot."

Thirty thousand sword qi instantly attacked and killed them.

With a flash of white light, Carlo Scott disappeared.

You can change ten ways!

Can you change thirty thousand ways!

(End of this chapter)

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