Chapter 300, a traitor appeared in the Tiandihui

At this time Jiang Chen originally wanted to rely on his perception skills to eavesdrop on a few people's conversations, but it didn't work at all, as if he was enveloped by a force, he couldn't hear anything clearly.

Jiang Chen asked: "Is that the vice president of the Tiandihui?"

Lin Yangze nodded: "Yes, he is very powerful. He is already close to the sub-god you mentioned. In the future, respect him in front of him. Otherwise, if he makes a move, I won't be able to protect you at all."

"So awesome!"

"Nonsense, the eighth-level master, how can you resist, your sword energy can't hurt him at all, they let you join the Tiandihui, they will definitely want you to help with things, you don't have to worry about safety, and you are the gods People from the mainland, they won't believe you at all."

"Strange, why did they let me join the Tiandihui?"

"It should be that something is going to happen in heaven and earth."

"whats the matter?"

"It seems that a man at the helm was killed."

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

who cares!
It has nothing to do with me.

Outside the black market.

Li Chanji said: "Jiang Chen, I need you to help me pay attention. Recently, two or three sub-helms of Tiandihui have been eliminated one after another. I suspect that there are traitors."

"Ask me to investigate?"


"I said woman...Young master, you seem to have found the wrong person. Where did I investigate from? You won't let me go directly to the street to inquire!"

He was suddenly asked to investigate the affairs of the Tiandihui, Jiang Chen had no way to start.

Isn't this what the police should do?
How did you get involved with him.

No one knows, how to investigate?
For him, this is simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

Li Chanji also knew it would be difficult, they needed to place people on the side of the Alliance of Gods, after thinking about it, only Jiang Chen was suitable, Jiang Chen was a swordsman and a free man, others couldn't believe it at all.

Li Chanji nodded; "I know it's difficult, I just hope you pay attention, and it has something to do with you."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"You killed the goddess Eleanor, and then killed his brother Huggins."

"Wait a minute, who Hudgens is, I've never heard of it."

Woman, you are slandering me.

Even if you beat him to death, you won't admit it.

Jiang Chen continued: "And I didn't kill Eleanor, she was killed by a brave man from the evil god camp."

"Can you be more frank?" Li Chanji asked angrily;
Jiang Chen untied his clothes.


"Be honest."

Let's all be honest, take off your clothes and talk.

"Stop making trouble, okay, this is about the life and death of the world, thousands of lives."

Jiang Chen put it on again: "Okay, tell me."

Li Chanji rolled his eyes: "What did you say just now?"

"You said it had something to do with me."

Li Chanji continued: "Yes, it has something to do with you. You killed the goddess. She is from the Bach family. It should be the Bach family."

"Would your world not be able to handle the Bach family?"

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, we will not make a move."

The Bach family!
After Eleanor died, his brother Huggins arrived after a while, but after Huggins died, the Bach family did not move.

Could it be that when Huggins was killed, the Bach family mistook it for someone from the Tiandihui?

When Jiang Chen made a move, he turned into Chen Jinnan.

Is this the scapegoat for the Tiandihui people?


Seems like that's the case?
But whether it was true or not, Jiang Chen didn't dare to say for sure.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Okay, I will pay attention."

"Thank you."

Just as Jiang Chen was about to turn around and leave, he turned around and asked, "If a traitor is found, how should we deal with it?"

"If it's not convenient for you to do it, just let me know."

"As long as I'm not as good as the vice president, it's easy for me to do it."

Jiang Chen left the black market.

This happened so suddenly, why did he become a member of the Tiandihui!

Jiang Chen didn't know if it was from the Bach family.

I don't know if Aji knows.

He's a free man, and it should be easy to hear about that.

Inside a pub.

Jiang Chen also saw Aji.

Aji asked, "Looking for me?"

"I have something, I want to ask."

"You said."

"Do you know about the Tiandihui?"

Aji: "I know. Dozens of people have died, and several branches have been wiped out. Now Tiandihui is investigating this matter. Are you from Tiandihui?"

"You misunderstood. I went to the black market today and heard news by chance. You know that I am more interested in the Freedom Alliance, so I asked you."

Aji looked at Jiang Chen.


That's not like your style.

Aji said bluntly: "Then I will tell you the information, there are indeed traitors on the Tiandihui side, and they have contacted me."

"Touch you?"



"It is estimated that he wants to join the Son of God and gain benefits. He wants to be like us and be able to live in the Continent of the Gods. Christie Burton has always had a good reputation in the Freedom League."

Jiang Chen couldn't figure out how he got involved with Christie Burton.

Also have a good reputation?
If you just say that he is humble, it's over.

Aggie continued: "But Christie Burton did not agree."

"Why? Isn't he recruiting free people!"

"He doesn't accept everyone, it depends on their character and strength, and they are members of the Tiandihui. If they mess with the Tiandihui, even Christie Burton can't afford to go around."

"You should know what it means for people from the Tiandihui to join the Alliance of Gods. That is a traitor, and you should understand what happens to traitors."

Jiang Chen nodded.

A traitor has only one word, and that is death.

"and then!"

"Then they approached the Bach family."


"I don't know, when we meet, we wear a mask."

"How do you know that they are members of the Tiandihui?"

"Their own special symbols."

"Anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty?"

Aggie: ...

After Jiang Chen inquired about the news, there were indeed traitors in the Tiandihui, and they took refuge in the Bach family. As for why they killed the people who were at the helm of the Tiandihui, could it be that they voted for names?

Killing them is equivalent to completely betraying the Tiandihui and living under the Continent of the Gods.

This is the difference between bread and steamed buns.

Bread is definitely more fragrant than steamed buns.

And of course women.

This is how Jiang Chen understood...
As for who it is, Aji doesn't know, but Jiang Chen has heard important news, that is, the traitor is going to attack Li Chanji.

Good guy, this vote is a bit big!

That is the young master of the Heaven and Earth Society!
But Li Chanji has a sub-god beside him, who would dare to do it?
and many more.

What if the vice president leaves?
It's okay, there's Granny Jinhua!


Since he is a traitor, then his strength is definitely not a rookie. If he is not at the vice president level, then he must be at the Jinhua elder level.

a bit dangerious.

Do you want to inform Li Chanji?
who cares!
Does this have anything to do with me?It seems that it really has something to do with it, after all, he is also a member of the Tiandihui.

Jiang Chen sighed: "Just joined the Tiandihui and made meritorious service, will you give me a sub-ruler Dangdang, just promise it with your body, it's fine, I don't have half the meat, and I still have to continue to fatten up, it's not worth it!"

(End of this chapter)

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