Chapter 305, The Summoner of the Evil God Camp

no effect?
Feeling the spatial fluctuation just now, the attack was completed in an instant, but the enemy was not dead, let alone injured.

Jiang Chen sneered, a little funny.

Abak only caused fluctuations in the space, but didn't completely open up the space, and didn't really attack Jiang Chen.

Abak slowly approached Jiang Chen: "Your perception is indeed very strong."

Facing the approaching enemy, Jiang Chen didn't move, but watched what the hell Abak was doing. This kind of attack was a bit like Uchiha Obito's attack method.

Hiding itself in another space.

Abake stretched out his right hand and grabbed Jiang Chen: "My name is Abake, and I am the prince of the Nether clan. It is your greatest honor to die by my hands."

Abak's right hand touched Jiang Chen's chest, and went deep into Jiang Chen's chest.

Gemma watched this scene and opened her eyes wide.

Straight through the chest, what kind of perverted skill is this?
At this moment, Jiang Chen disappeared.

Appeared behind Gemma.

This guy's ability is a bit perverted, he opened a space crack in Jiang Chen's chest, and launched an attack on Jiang Chen's internal organs.


Gemma asked; "Are you leaving now?"

"You can try to fight against them. If you don't last for three seconds, you will be instantly killed."

At this moment, Abak led five people to surround Jiang Chen.

"If you want to go, let's see where you go."

"Don't try to escape this time."

"Swordsman, you can't escape."

Jiang Chen flashed quickly, and instantly left the surroundings of several people. Although the Nether Race was very strong, their speed couldn't keep up with Jiang Chen's.

Seeing this, Jima immediately used teleportation and followed behind Jiang Chen.

The five quickly caught up.

Jiang Chen grabbed Jima and fled quickly.

Facing the space-type Nether Race, Jiang Chen has nothing to do for the time being, even Wan Jian Guizong can't penetrate their space.

These people are the same as that Asa, they are all rare super god professions, much stronger than SS-level professions, and combined with unique equipment, the power displayed is far stronger than SS-level professions.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to retreat.

Jiang Chen said: "It's a little troublesome."

Gemma nodded: "They are hiding in another space, unless you have the ability to break through the space, you can't kill them at all."

"Unless the space is connected, it can be completely killed."

"Spatial connection?"


Jiang Chen thought for a while: "There's nothing to worry about. Don't forget about that succubus. This woman is also very strong. Once they enter the finals, they will definitely meet."

"I just don't know if they can resist the attack of the succubus."

Jima smiled and said, "Your method is very good."

The two escaped from the pursuit of the Nether tribe and continued to wait, killing other Nether tribe warriors while waiting.

At this time, a bird chirping came...
The two looked up at the sky, and a black shadow appeared in their eyes.

Who is this?
If you dare to fly in the air openly, you are not afraid of being watched by others!
At this moment, that black shadow descended from the sky, looking at Jiang Chen and Jima.

It was a one-meter-long crow, watching the two of them with black pupils, under Jiang Chen's sense, he didn't hear the heartbeat, and couldn't feel any breath.

Jiang Chen said: "This crow doesn't have life, it's a summoner, it should be the summoner of the evil brave."

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, a sword qi flew out, quickly killing the crow, passing through his chest, the crow seemed to be fine, still staring at the two of them.

Jima said: "The summoned creatures are already dead. This is of no use to them. Only by cutting off their heads can they be completely killed."

With a flash of sword light, the crow's head fell to the ground.

Not far away, a black figure stood up slowly. This person was the evil brave Hagen, who was also the undead monarch, commanding a black figure to rush towards Jiang Chen's direction.

Hagen said excitedly: "I discovered the swordsman you mentioned."

The succubus smiled: "That's great, my attack has no effect on him, I can only let your summons deal with him."

"Ordinary summons can't resist at all, only masters can. He will become my collection."

"Who did you send?"

"The space-type hero of the Nether race."

"Is it the Nether Race space fighter you collected last time?"

"Yes, such a powerful swordsman must be enslaved."

Hagen licked the corner of his mouth, as if he saw Jiang Chenchen surrendering at his feet.

When Jiang Chen and Jima were walking, they saw the Nether tribe appearing in front of them, they immediately stopped, and the fuck happened again.

Jima said angrily, "I'll try it."

Jima rushed forward, her eyes glowing red, wanting to petrify the opponent, the Nether tribe on the opposite side slowly approached Jiang Chen and the two, and when they approached, Jiang Chen felt something was wrong.

The Nether tribe in front of them is not the previous five.

His pupils are black.

Jima saw that the Nether tribe remained unchanged, and retreated: "Sure enough, there is no other way, what should we do now?"

Jiang Chen said; "He is not a Nether race."

"Nonsense, you didn't see such a big man!"

"I'll explain to you later, we're leaving now."

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen pulled Jima away in an instant.

disappear in front of your eyes.

In a forest.

Jiang Chen said: "The Nether tribe just now has died, he is a summoned object, his eyes are black, and he has a dark aura on his body."

Jima thought about it carefully, and she suddenly realized: "Really, that summoner must be hiding not far away. Killing him is equivalent to killing the summoner."

"No hurry, this guy will be kept."

The most powerful summoner is summoning objects. Obviously, the Nether tribe was turned into puppets by him just now. It is easy to kill the summoner. Now Jiang Chen most wants to kill the Nether tribe's guy named Abak.

This is his worst enemy.

This guy's ability is very strong, Jiang Chen still can't think of a way.

I just want to let the succubus take the shot.

But now that there is a summoner from the Nether Race, it is different. Abak will definitely be very angry when he sees this scene, and he must have a fight with that summoner.

Only then is the time to act.

This is what Jiang Chen wants to do.

Jiang Chen smiled inwardly, and suddenly had an idea.

Look around for Arbak.

According to the information provided by Gemma, they will be attracted.

The five members of the Nether clan caught up with Jiang Chen, and the summoner's Nether clan seemed to have discovered Jiang Chen's trail.

The three parties looked at each other in unison.

At this time, Hagen saw the five Nether tribe through the eyes of the summoner, and instantly felt that he had picked up a treasure: "Succubus, now you need to take action to kill the Nether tribe's space fighters."

"Aren't you looking for that swordsman?"

"Yes, but in the process of tracing, I met five people from the Nether Race. These five people are treasures, and they are all space-type fighters. I want to refine them into summoning objects and become my subordinates."

"What about the swordsman!"

"The swordsman peed his pants in fright when he saw the Nether tribe. Don't worry, after recovering the five Nether tribe, it will not be too late to deal with him. Sooner or later, he will enter the final."

"Where are they?"

"Northwest direction, 2000 meters away, the speed must be fast."

(End of this chapter)

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