Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 308, Medusa Gema Perfectly Restrains Nanoworm Master

Chapter 308, Medusa Gema Perfectly Restrains Nanoworm Master
After Jima activated her skills, within 80 meters, many tiny creatures fell from the air. Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand and felt a lot of dust on his right hand.

Jima smiled and said, "These dusts are nano-microbes after petrification."

"It turns out that you are also quite powerful."

"Of course, if I hadn't met you, a pervert, that Hagen, I could have easily handled it."

Jiang Chen also ignored it, Hagen is not that easy to kill.

Jiang Chen opened the vitality barrier.

The dense fog was still floating in the air, and the gravity of the vitality barrier had no effect on the fog at all.

These tiny nano-organisms themselves have a very small weight, insignificant, even after a hundred-fold increase, they are still insignificant.

Just as an ant can lift something 400 times its own weight, for an ant, a hundred times the gravity is also easy.

Jiang Chen joked: "If the Alliance of Evil Gods has such a profession, the Alliance of Gods can't resist it at all."

"You don't have to worry about that at all."

"This profession belongs to the ancient profession, not the profession of the evil god camp."

"What do you mean?"

Jima explained: "It's the ancient gods, just like the alliance of the gods is now at war with the netherworld. If the netherworld is defeated, they have only two options. The first is to join the alliance of the gods and become a member of the alliance of the gods. member."

"The second is to escape far away, hide in the deepest part of time and space, look for opportunities, and then counterattack the nether world."

"In ancient times, there were many, many gods. These gods did not belong to the alliance of the gods or any side of the evil camp. The gods are all proud existences, and they will never lower their noble heads."

"And these gods will be left behind for inheritance, which is the so-called profession, which can awaken people's unique talents."

"Even after the death of a god, his imprint of God will not disappear, and will be left for inheritance, or even directly reincarnated and reborn, so as to become a truly powerful god."

"It is very possible that the evil brave man in front of him is the reincarnation of God. Of course, this is just my guess. It is also possible that he has obtained an inheritance."

Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat: "Since the other party is in the evil camp, how could they allow such existence, it is equivalent to heretics."

It's as if the whole world believes in Christianity, but suddenly a Catholicism came, how could Christianity allow such an existence.

Jima smiled and said, "It's not as serious as you said."

"If the god on the other side dies and someone inherits this profession, when he grows up, he will be able to obtain the opponent's god's mark, and when he becomes a god, he can join the alliance. This kind of existence is allowed in the continent of the gods. "

"When he turns nine or is a sub-god, the gods will even help him kill the gods, make him a god, and join the alliance of the gods. In this way, he will become the god of the alliance of the gods."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the case.

Jima continued: "I'm telling you a secret. If the god on the other side dies and leaves behind a legacy, this legacy will not dissipate. Anyone can inherit the legacy."

"You mean to give up the original badge and inherit the current badge?"

Jima nodded and said with a smile, "Isn't it very special?"

Jiang Chen's heart moved, this method is good!

Killing him, inheriting this badge, and multiplying it by a hundred times, wouldn't it be invincible, and there is still a chance to become a god in the future.

Even if you don't use it yourself, you can use it for others!
Angelina was originally the reincarnation of a god, and she didn't need it at all.

But Gracilaria needs it.

Don't look at Jiang Li's S-level profession, Shadow Assassin, it sounds very awesome, but compared with such a profession.

Nanite master, just by hearing this name, he knows that he is much better than any shadow assassin.

And even if the Shadow Assassin is promoted to a demigod, it is difficult to become a god, because the Assassin God already exists, unless it is possible to kill the Assassin God and fuse his God's mark.

But killing gods, this plan is very dangerous.

Jima looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Is your heart moved?"

"A bit."

"Of course my heart is moved. Obviously, the person in front of us is that kind of person. Either the reincarnation of the gods, or the inheritance of the gods, when the host dies, the badge will burst out."

Jiang Chen asked: "Do you want to inherit?"

"I will not inherit."


"Our Medusa clan already has the mark of God, and I am a member of the Medusa clan, so I have the petrification talent. If I give up this and inherit other professional badges, I may lose my talent."

"Your Medusa family has the mark of God?"

"Yes, the Medusa family has no gods so far. That's because the gods died in previous battles. So far no one has been able to find the mark of the gods. If I want to become a god, I can only find the mark of the gods, and I It is the god of Medusa."

"I think you'll make it."

"Not necessarily, the sea is vast, and I don't know where to look for it. Maybe it has been hidden by others, or it may have fallen elsewhere. In short, there is little hope."

As Geema walked forward, the smoke in the air instantly fell down, forming dust and flying all over the sky.

The Medusa family is really strong, and the petrification skills can petrify the surrounding things, but fortunately, these nano-microbes are not very strong.

It is simply the perfect restraint of this profession.

Barlow turned his head, felt the breath of death, and smiled; "It's a very interesting profession, but it can actually enter my territory. It seems that I have to show my real skills."

Barlow released his skills, and countless bee-sized creatures flew in the sky.

Then rushed towards Jiang Chen's direction.

woo woo woo...

The two felt the vibration of the air and stopped immediately.

Gemma: "Did you hear anything?"

"I heard that there are many flying insects the size of bees rushing over, and the same is true on the ground. It seems that the enemy is attacking us."

"It doesn't matter, my profession perfectly restrains him, as long as I get within the range, I can petrify them all."

Just now.

Hearing a group of black shadows rushing towards the two of them in the air, the densely packed bees made my scalp tingle.

Jiang Chen unfolded the barrier.

Countless bees fell from the sky and fell to the ground, flapping their wings helplessly.

Jima exclaimed; "What kind of ability are you? Gravity domain?"

"It's a built-in skill."

"Too good."

The two continued to move forward, feeling that there were dozens of people in front of them, and just entering Jiang Chen's barrier range, dozens of people instantly lay down on the ground.

Barlow watched them lying on the ground, frowning.

"In the field of gravity, it seems that this person is very powerful, but my equipment can offset the abnormal state, and these are not enough to hurt me at all."

While waving his hands, Barlow released his skills, and a sky full of spiders appeared from behind Barlow.

These spiders quickly attacked in Jiang Chen's direction.

At this time, Jiang Chen and the two walked in the direction of Baluo, feeling countless black shadows attacking the ground, Jiang Chen activated the [Sword Formation], the spider just entered Jiang Chen's range, and was instantly killed by the sword energy.

Those that can absorb energy are just nano-microbes.

(End of this chapter)

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