Who dares to say that swordsman is a garbage profession when all people change jobs?

Chapter 326, the identity of the prosecutor is extraordinarily powerful

Chapter 326, the identity of the prosecutor is extraordinarily powerful

The badge is the only way to confirm the identity, just like the ID card, it cannot be copied, and no one will counterfeit it.

Samantha said: "Do you know Eleanor?"


"Ever had a conflict with her?"



"Although she is a goddess, but in the battle with the Nether tribe, the battle was delayed. Arnold can testify to this matter."

The corner of A Nuo's mouth twitched, what the hell, why did you get involved with me?

This has nothing to do with me.

Samantha continued to ask, "Have you been to the black market?"

"What is a black market?"

Samantha looked at Jiang Chen, her eyes were about to burst into flames.

Don't admit it, absolutely can't admit it.

I've never even been to the black market.

You can't wrong a good person!
Samantha said: "Some people say that you colluded with the Tiandihui to kill the Goddess Elinor, the goddess of the mainland, and Huggins, the son of the Bach family. Is there such a thing?"

Jiang Chen said angrily: "Slander, as a brave man in the Gods Continent, how could he do such a thing? Slander, this is definitely slander."

"Is it slander, the slander will be investigated clearly, what are you so excited about?"

"I'm not excited, I'm just angry."

Samantha: "Please keep your wits about you."

Jiang Chen exclaimed in his heart: As expected, he was discovered!
But do you have evidence?

The Continent of the Gods is the place where the evidence is to be obtained. If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense.

Samantha continued: "Just yesterday, a group of people who claimed to be Tiandihui entered the Bach family and attacked and killed members of the Bach family. Hundreds of people died. We received a letter of complaint."

"But don't worry, we won't do anything to you until we have evidence. We have seen your achievements. We stopped the evil god's army of millions, attacked and killed the son of God, and killed millions of Nether tribe with one person's power."

"Help the elf world and find the Lingzhu."

"Your contribution to the Continent of the Gods is obvious to all. We will not wrong a good person, but we will never let a bad person go."


These words are really familiar, full of routines.

Samantha continued: "However, in order to clear your identity, you need to join the Suppressing Heaven and Earth Legion and destroy the Heaven and Earth Society. Now please report with me."

Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly: "Can I refuse?"

"What do you think!" Samantha looked at Jiang Chen and teased;

To put it bluntly, you are now a suspect, and we are investigating you. If you don't participate, then you have a problem. Only by participating can the suspicion be completely cleared.

"As a hero of the Alliance of Gods, I will naturally participate."

"Okay, come with me!"

Jiang Chen nodded helplessly.

Follow Samantha to leave.

A Ling touched her head, with a puzzled look on her face: "Why does the prosecutor suspect that Jiang Chen is getting together with people from the Tiandihui?"

Roy shook his head: "Don't get involved with him in the future, this guy is a bit restless."

"It's just a suspicion, I believe in Jiang Chen."

"Regardless of whether there is such a thing or not, it is best for you to be less involved in Jiang Chen's affairs in the future."


Roy turned and left.

A Nuo is thoughtful, this matter is a bit difficult!

Jiang Chen followed behind Samantha, and asked; "That... who the hell reported me?"

"Why, do you want revenge?"

Am I that kind of person?

"How is it possible? I just want to communicate with him. I am a brave man in the Gods Continent. Isn't this smearing my face!"

Samantha stopped in her tracks: "People from the Bach family reported you."

"You also believe their words. I used to have enmity with the Bach family, and they framed it." Jiang Chen defended;

"Whether it is framed or not is not up to their family alone. We belong to the prosecutor. Once we receive information, we will launch an investigation. There is currently no evidence that you and Tiandi will conspire."

"I believe the law is fair."

Samantha: "This time, the Tiandihui attacked and killed the Bach family. The Alliance of Gods has formed an army of [-] to hunt down the Tiandihui."

"Kill everyone?"

Samantha turned around and asked; "What do you mean?"

"It seems that not every fallen person cultivates true qi."

Samantha said sharply: "Jiang Chen, you need to know your identity. You are a brave man from the Gods Continent, and the fallen are evil existences. They openly attacked and killed the Bach family. This is a provocation to the Gods Alliance."

"What if it's a one-year-old baby!"

Samantha looked at Jiang Chen: "You can close your eyes."

Jiang Chen remained silent.

This is slaughter!

As expected, the villain did not end well, and sooner or later the rebels would still exterminate the Nine Clans.

What the hell is going on?
An army of [-] may seem like a lot, but it is indeed a drop in the bucket of the Gods Continent. The Gods Continent fought against the evil camp. That time it was not a million troops.

But what about the fallers!

Is there an army of ten thousand fallen ones!

A few thousand would be nice.

Jiang Chen followed Samantha to a square very quickly, obviously they had already made preparations, and this time the team was led by members of the Bach family.

Samantha whispered: "This time the team is led by the six-turn magic swordsman Giles. He is a member of the Bach family and a core member of the Bach family."

"It's also the identity of the prosecutor."

"What do you mean?"

"Prosecutors have a lot of power. They are to supervise [Apostles], [Natural Disasters], and [Order]. Once these people commit crimes, they will do it."

"I forgot to tell you that the prosecutor is immune to 100% damage, even if it is a strong [order], it cannot be avoided, unless it is a sub-god."

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Immune to half percent damage?
How does this work?
What the hell is it from the Bach family?

Isn't this dead?

Samantha continued: "But don't worry, this time I was ordered to investigate you, and I will follow behind you. In fact, it means to protect you. The Alliance of Gods knows the grievances between you and the Bach family. I will not let him Opportunity to make a move."

"During this operation, you only need to kill the people of the Tiandihui, and I will report your actions, including you peeing and so on."

What the hell...
To put it bluntly, this woman is supervising Jiang Chen.

Is it necessary to do this!
The identity of the prosecutor is so big!
Anyone who meets a prosecutor will tremble, even someone who is strong in [Order].

Jiang Chen's heart moved: "Then can I become a prosecutor?"

"You don't think so."

"I think so!"

"If you want to become a prosecutor, the first step is to accept the investigation of the Alliance of Gods, and check your memory every month to see if you have betrayed the Gods Continent."


Obviously, there's no chance

Jiang Chen killed Eleanor, and Huggins even more so, he didn't want his secret to be discovered, that is to say, the prosecutor was loyal to the Gods Continent, and would never be suspected of betrayal.

With one word from Samantha, Jiang Chen immediately gave up.

At this moment Jiang Chen understood.

The Bach family suspected that Jiang Chen was colluding with Tiandi, so they reported Jiang Chen and wanted to take this opportunity to eradicate him. After Gods Continent knew about it, they sent Samantha to protect Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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