Chapter 330, two powerful girls
"Is the legend true or false?"

"It's being circulated in every world now, so it's true. It's said that a prophet knew about the changes through prophecy."

"You also believe the words of the prophets, they are all lies."

"Whether you believe it or not, in short, Jiang Chen must be killed to eliminate harm for the free."

"That's right, he will definitely die under my sword."

"That swordsman is very powerful."

"Swordsman is a profession developed based on our freelancers. How powerful is it, can it be as powerful as our sword spirit?"

This group of people is free and forms a league.

The name is also very nice, to eliminate demons and protect the way.

And Jiang Chen is their target. According to the intelligence, he is very likely to come to the black market, and the black market belongs to the no-nonsense zone, which is just right for them to do it.

It doesn't matter whether Jiang Chen is the swordsman in the prophecy or not, and it doesn't matter what the prophecy is or not.

As long as you kill him, you can become famous.

And Jiang Chen has another identity, that is, the brave man of the Gods Continent.

It was the enemy in the first place, so there was nothing to say.

Lin Yangze felt Jiang Chen's change, and asked, "Why?"

"There is a group of fallen people coming, they probably came to the Cloud Tavern, and they probably came looking for me."

"Your perception ability is very strong, and you can perceive it from such a distance. You are worthy of being the descendant of [Heart Realm]."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Old man, don't put gold on your face, I can only perceive it after a hundred times increase.

Lin Yangze asked, "Is the person here an expert?"

"Nine first-rate goods."

Lin Yangze nodded: "Thinking about it, a real expert doesn't even bother to kill you, and it's not for fame or fortune. Only third-rate people will attack you."

"However, the more people you kill, the wider the relationship you will be involved in. It will be difficult for you to move forward in the Freedom League in the future."

"People in the arena involuntarily."

Lin Yangze smiled: "Unexpectedly, you are not young, but you can still have such an experience. You are indeed my apprentice."

What the hell...
Put gold on his face again.

Only then did Jiang Chen realize that this old man is so shameless.

Jiang Chen took a sip of wine, and walked out.

"What to do?"

"People are in the Jianghu, and they can't help themselves. They are all here, so I will always come forward!"

"Didn't I teach you how to make a mask, why don't you use it?"

"I'm not the type to run away."


Jiang Chen pushed open the door, silently lit a cigarette, and then swaggered out of the door. Just as he went down the stairs, he saw more than a dozen fallen people entering the Cloud Tavern.

"By the way, do you know what that swordsman looks like?"

"Naturally, he is very young, around the age."

"Just like the guy on his stairs."

"Hey, why are they getting more and more similar?"

"Really, open the portrait and have a look."

"We are so lucky? We met him right away?"

More than a dozen fallen people looked at Jiang Chen with astonishment on their faces. They originally came to try their luck and planned to stay in the black market, waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival, but unexpectedly, the protagonist stood in front of them.

At this time, Jiang Chen walked down step by step, walked out of the entrance of Yunyun Tavern, and walked to the side alley.

How could the dozen or so fallen people let Jiang Chen go, and followed behind Jiang Chen.

Go to the empty alley.

Jiang Chen turned his head and asked, "Are you from the Cangsheng Association?"

"Are you sure he is the swordsman?"

"It's him. There's a portrait. It's exactly the same. It must be him."

"It seems that he has discovered us a long time ago and is waiting for us to catch up. Could it be that he still wants to deal with a dozen of us alone?"

"A bit rampant."

Jiang Chen asked again; "Are you from the Cangsheng Association?"

"No, we're here to hunt you down."

"Go away, such a person, I can do it alone." A big man rushed forward,
"I practiced hard for 20 years just to wait for today."

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while, these nine-level fallers must be crazy, they don't even have a third rank, and they dare to come out to embarrass others.

At this point someone couldn't help it.

It was a hidden weapon attacking Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen casually slashed and knocked out the hidden weapon.

Can it be a little technical?
That's it·····
Jiang Chen yawned: "You guys go up together, save me from wasting time."

"Bastard, how dare you look down on me?" A middle-aged man said angrily;

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking down on you, but looking down on all of you."


"To die."

"Take my move, ten thousand swords will pierce the heart."

"Overlord Fist."

"White crane spreads its wings..."

And the white crane spread its wings?
What a ghost you are!
Jiang Chen unfolded his skills, and with a thought, three hundred sword qis quickly struck out, killing more than a dozen people instantly with just one move, it was not challenging at all.

Jiang Chen shook his head, and walked towards the Yunyun Tavern.

dark place.

The two girls looked at Jiang Chen's fight with ease, as if they were abusive. The free man had no chance to make a move, and was instantly killed in an instant.

These two girls are members of the Qianren Society, they are the apprentices of the president of the Qianren Society, Gu Zihan and Qin Qiwen, they hid in the dark and watched the battle between Jiang Chen.

See Jiang Chen's fighting style clearly.

Qin Qiwen: "Sister, what do you think of this person?"

Gu Zihan nodded: "Very strong, ordinary people are really no match, this swordsman is completely different from other swordsmen."

"Yeah, I don't know if the legend is true?"

"Don't worry about what is a legend. We are here to see how powerful this person is. He is able to set off such a storm. Maybe the legend is not necessarily false. When this person grows up, he may surpass us."

"Senior Sister, you are too optimistic about him. The dozen or so people just now are just low-level people. I can kill them with one finger."

"Didn't you realize that he didn't try his best!" Gu Zihan said with a sad face;

Just now.

Jiang Chen appeared not far away, and said with a smile: "The two of you are hiding in the dark, and don't help while watching the battle, it's too embarrassing!"

At this moment, Gu Zihan and Qin Qiwen turned their heads and watched the black shadow approaching step by step.

I didn't expect to hide so secretly, and they were all discovered.

Qin Qiwen asked: "When did you hide behind?"

"I heard you talking here, so I'll come over and have a look."

"Did you discover us a long time ago?"

"I want to say it's just a coincidence, do you believe it?"

Jiang Chen looked at the two girls, dressed in purple and white, from Jiang Chen's perception, these two were also masters, at least at the level of the golden flower mother-in-law.

Sixth-order freedom.

The third level is a threshold, and the sixth level is a threshold.

And after the sixth level, they can spread the powerful zhenqi around, forming a unique field, and within this field, space and time are all controlled by them.

It's like an invisible wall.

Just like the magician's magic shield, even more terrifying than the magic shield.

Qin Qiwen drew out her long sword: "Senior Sister, I'll go find out his details."

"Be careful, this person is not easy to deal with."

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

At this moment, Qin Qiwen rushed forward with his sword in hand. Freelancers belong to the close combat profession, and only in close combat can they display their greatest strength.

Jiang Chen watched the woman in white flying towards him.

Draw a sword and cut.

(End of this chapter)

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