Chapter 332, who wants to be a prosecutor

Jiang Chen asked: "Have you seen Qian Renxue?"

Lin Yangze shook his head; "I've never seen it before, such a master is very mysterious, besides, don't you know that I'm blind!"


How could you forget about this? You are blind and can't see at all.

"What do you ask this for?"

"Just asking, is she pretty?"

"According to her age, she is already several dozen years old. It's rare for you to have an appetite."

Jiang Chen smiled: "I know you are jealous of me."

"There are advantages to not having eyes."

"What advantage?"

"Don't be fooled by beauty. You meet people from Qianrenhui. They are women. If they are beautiful enough, will you soften your heart?"

"I will not give up on myself just because of the beauty of the other party. If they want to kill me, I will do it mercilessly and will not give them a chance at all."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that."

At this moment, Jiang Chen received a message from A Ling.

Carole: Samantha is looking for you.

Jiang Chen was full of doubts, Samantha?

This woman is a prosecutor, what do you want me for?
Jiang Chen: Is there something wrong?
Carole: Yes, she wants you to join the prosecutor.

Jiang Chen: Join the prosecutor?I don't have that plan.

Carole: Do you know what a prosecutor means?It means power. If you are a prosecutor, even the Son of God can be ignored.

Jiang Chen naturally knew what it meant to be a prosecutor, but he had to undergo inspections every month if he wanted to be a prosecutor. Jiang Chen killed Eleanor, and even Huggins.

If such a secret is known, what's the deal?
Jiang Chen: Reply to Samantha, I won't join.

Jiang Chen still refused, he didn't want his secret to be known.

Carole: OK, I will reply to her.

Lin Yangze asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"I was offered to be a prosecutor and I turned it down."

"What kind of job is that?"

"It is a great right to be immune to any harm under the sub-god, but it is not a good thing for me to be supervised or even inspected every month."

"That's right, you killed the Goddess of the Gods Continent. If someone finds out, it will definitely be a bad thing. It's better for the free ones to feel comfortable and don't have to worry about such crap."

Jiang Chen asked: "Do free people have an independent world?"

"It's not an independent world, but a different world. It's a place abandoned by the Cthulhu Continent and the Gods Continent. Many people live in it."

"It's all free people inside. It's very cruel inside, food is scarce, and even hair doesn't grow. Many people come out of it, and they don't have many choices. They either join other conferences, the continent of the gods, or the camp of evil gods."

Jiang Chen was full of doubts: "Aren't they going to starve to death?"

Lin Yangze nodded: "You are right. Many people died of starvation, and many free people entered the Gods Continent in exchange for some things and moved back to the barren world."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

So that's the case, isn't it the same for Aji and the others?
Make money from the continent of the gods, and then send the money back home?

Beat workers?
Lin Yangze continued: "That's why the five major alliances will come out with free people to find a safe place to live, a place that can provide food for a long time, where is it called an evil place."

"I want to go and see."

Lin Yangze was silent, and after a while he said: "It's nothing to look at, the benevolence of a woman, if you want to help, there's no need for it, they don't need alms."

"It's not a charity."

"For them, you are the brave and they are the free."

"Well, I can't say no to you, I think I should go back."

Lin Yangze nodded.

Jiang Chen turned around and left, returning to the world of Sillero. Just as he returned to the villa, he saw Samantha sitting on the sofa. Angelina smiled and said, "You're back?"


"I don't even notify me if there are any guests."

Samantha stood up: "Talk?"

"it is good."

The two sat facing each other, and Angelina made two cups of tea. Jiang Chen probably knew that the purpose of Samantha's coming was to be a prosecutor.

But Jiang Chen refused.

Jiang Chen spoke first: "If you want me to be a prosecutor, then it goes without saying."

"Prosecutors have a lot of power."

"I know, but I don't want to be peeped at my memory. Everyone has secrets. I don't want to be seen naked."

"As long as you don't do anything against the Continent of the Gods, won't you be fine?"

Jiang Chen smiled, but did not respond.

Are you kidding me?
The key is that it has already been done, killing a goddess, a son of god.

Samantha continued: "Now you are being targeted by the Fallen, and you are easily assassinated. After you become a prosecutor, you can avoid this situation. Even the Fallen is very afraid of being a prosecutor."

"You should know that the Fallen Alliance has five conferences, the Loyalty Association, the Piaomiao Association, the Taiyi Association, the Tiandi Association, and the Qianren Association... In these alliances, there are many masters."

"Why are we still alive, Giles is alive, even Li Mu dare not do it without authorization, this is why they are afraid."

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

The prosecutor is equivalent to the status of an imperial envoy. If the imperial envoy is killed, the emperor must not be angry.

"Becoming a prosecutor can improve your level very quickly. Not only that, it is easy to be promoted to the sub-god, and it can let you quickly improve in a short period of time."

Jiang Chen still shook his head and refused, it was not necessary at all.

Seeing Jiang Chen's refusal, Samantha didn't need to stay here, so she left briefly after saying goodbye.

Angelina said: "Why did you refuse? I think it's pretty good."

"What a fart, even if I'm not a prosecutor, I can become a god."

"Well, I believe you."

Jiang Chen smiled: "I will rely on you in the future, don't forget, you are the reincarnation of a god."

Angelina tilted her head: "But I can't feel it! I don't have any memory."

"That's because you haven't recovered yet. When you recover, you will be a god. Why don't some of our husband's sons try?"


Promised so readily?
Want to kidnap me with your son?
It's hard to protect yourself, wait until you become a sword god.

Angelina lay reclined in Jiang Chen's arms: "How about we try it now?"

Jiang Chen looked at the sky, it was blue and white.

into the night······
Jiang Chen entered the dreamland, and Daphne appeared.

Still the sun, the beach, the sea, the breeze...

Jiang Chen asked: "When will Angelina recover God's memory?"

Daphne reclined on the chair, with her legs crossed: "I don't know, the reincarnated god of the gods also existed many years ago, but they were all hidden, but I heard a message."

"what's the message?"

"If she is reincarnated and awakens her own memory, is she Angelina or a god?"

Jiang Chen thought to himself when he heard this.

If the memory is awakened, is he still Angelina?

Jiang Chen is a person who has traveled through time, he is very clear about this, possessing the memory of two lifetimes, occupying the physical body, is he still 'Jiang Chen'?
Is he really a time traveler?
(End of this chapter)

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