Chapter 350, Is this Nima from the Uchiha clan?
At this time, the three of them walked out slowly, with blue rays of light on their bodies.

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Want to know what kind of ghost profession they are?

But no clue.

warrior?Or a magician?

Melee?Or far away?
Angelina entered the combat state, with six tails stretched out, surrounding herself with only her eyes exposed. In her opinion, anyone who can resist the sword energy must be a master.

At this moment, a man in black robe facing him began to show his strength. The blue light on his body enveloped his whole body, and he took out a bow and arrow from his arms.

Jiang Chen was puzzled: archers?


Since he is an archer, what the hell is the blue light on his body?

Just now.

The black-robed man on the opposite side drew a bow and shot an arrow, and attacked Jiang Chen at an extremely fast speed. Jiang Chen dodged in the air and quickly dodged, watching the arrow disappear.

This is energy, an arrow that gathers energy.

The only thing Jiang Chen can be sure of is that the man in black robe in front of him is a brave man.

Jiang Chen took out the communicator.

Ask Bertram: "Stopped by a brave man, the opponent is very mysterious."

"What? The 'ghost' organization has made a move so soon?"

"I don't know if it's true, but the opponent can emit blue light, like a piece of armor. What kind of profession is this?"

"Blue light?"


"That's a member of the Takano Protoss, and his profession is illusionist."

"Illusionist? Like Aunt Leeds?"

"Yes, their profession is illusionists. They can awaken their eyes and use them to create illusions. However, illusionists are divided into illusion and body skills. Physical skills are very strong and can produce blue light. When combined with equipment, their defense is extremely high. , you wait for me, I will support you."

"You can't beat it."

"Brother, don't forget, I am a prosecutor, I am immune to [-]% damage, as long as I am brave, I can't hurt me at all, you have caught a big fish this time! I am worried that I will not be promoted by meritorious service, as long as I catch them, I will be sure." With their identities, they can complete the internship and officially become regulars."

Bertram hung up the communication and came in a hurry.

Jiang Chen looked at their fighting patterns.

At this time, the blue light on the opposite side was derived and evolved into a ten-meter-long skeleton.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

What Takano clan.

This is a bit like the ability of the Uchiha clan!


With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, the sword energy rushed over.



Sure enough, it is a perverted job with super strong defense.

"This kid has a hand!"

"Don't bother, hurry up, the task is urgent."

"Let me do it."

Jiang Chen watched the other person come forward, looking at Jiang Chen, at this moment Jiang Chen felt a mysterious force imprisoning him, Jiang Chen frowned.

Is this illusion?

But illusions don't seem to work for me.

The other person pointed a sharp arrow at Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen quickly dodged it.

"Hey, the illusion is invalid?"

"Be careful, this guy is not that easy to deal with. If you can't use illusion, then use physical skills to kill him."

"it is good."

In an instant, the three of them immediately changed their fighting style, and a ten-meter-high skeleton appeared on their bodies.

Jiang Chen smiled: "Three Susans? It's interesting."

I don't know if Xuan Tianzhi can destroy Susano's defensive armor.

True Qi can ignore any defense, any armor.

This is also the attack method of Jiang Chen's only faller.

Jiang Chen said: "Be careful, these three people are not easy to deal with."

Angelina nodded: "I know."

Jiang Chen rushed towards the three of them with a thin sword in his hand.

The three of them rushed out their long swords quickly, and slashed at Jiang Chen who was rushing over. The long sword slashed on the ground, splashing countless dust, looking at Jiang Chen, who had already appeared behind him.

Whether you are Susan or not.

Pointing at the back of a Gaoye protoss was Xuantian's finger, a beam of light erupted from Jiang Chen's left index finger, pierced through the blue defensive cover, and pierced through the enemy's head.

The expressions of the other two changed drastically, and they retreated one after another.

What skill is this?
Ignoring defensive attacks?

Sword Qi can penetrate blue armor?

Jiang Chen looked at the remaining two people, smiled, and it really worked. The Xuantian Finger was not sword energy, let alone the energy of the Gods Continent, but the energy of the fallen.

Ignores any defensive attacks.


The two quickly broke through the space, quickly drilled into the space, and fled the battlefield in an instant.

Not about martial arts.

Run if you can't beat it.

Seeing the two of them disappear, Jiang Chen was helpless, who made him lack spatial skills!

At this time Bertram came quickly, only seeing the corpse on the ground.

Bertram said, "Dead?"

"Kill one, escape two."

Bertram squatted down, lifted his mask, looked at the corpse, took out a mirror, and shone it on his face, exclaiming: "He is Kazuo Takano, a member of the Takano Protoss."

"You know him?"

"He has awakened his eyes, and he is a very strong person. It seems that there are people from the Takano Protoss in the 'Ghosts' organization. Do the other two know what they look like?"

Jiang Chen shook his head: "I know what a fart, they are all men wearing masks."

Bertram sighed helplessly: "Then there is no other way, and I can't find any information."

"What kind of protoss is the Gaoye Protoss, why have you never heard of it?"

"That is a group of people, but they are from the Continent of the Gods. Like us Titans, we are all awakened warriors, and they are awakened illusionists."

"They are in the high field world, few people come out, and few people go in. The high field gods are very exclusive."

Jiang Chen asked: "Then there are gods in the Gaoye world?"

"There are gods in the Gaoye world, but they are not in their world, but in the realm of the gods. The gods live in the realm of the gods. It is impossible for ordinary people to see them, unless they are promoted to rank eight or even rank nine and become sub-gods. .”

"And even if we enter the realm of the gods, we will not be able to see the gods."

"The Takano Kazuo you killed is a rank six illusionist."

Turn six!
It seems that they are not very strong!

Bertram squatted down, took out the knife, manipulated for a while, pulled out the eyes, and put them into a small bottle.

"doing what?"

"Their eyes are treasures, they can be stored away, and they can also be implanted into their eyes through transplantation."



This idea seems like a good one!
Isn't that the ultimate dream of Orochimaru!
Jiang Chen asked: "After you transplant, will you be able to possess their strength?"


"Then you still transplant?"

"Although you can't have their strength, you can have their abilities. Many people will do this, such as the half-dragons in the Dragon Blood World. Their hearts are extraordinarily strong. After transplanting their hearts, their endurance is very good, and they can even absorb energy. , allowing the body to recover quickly."

"There are also wings of the feathered people. After transplantation, they can also have the ability to fly."

"If the corpse-eating tribe is from the Continent of the Gods, they can also have the power of Hezi through transplantation."

Jiang Chen was full of doubts: "What about the badge!"

"A badge is a badge, and eyes are eyes. There is no conflict. It's like Angelina turning Kazuko [Nine Tails] into a weapon. It's the same reason."

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

The badge represents strength, and the eyes of the Gaoye Protoss are a special bloodline.

The power of the blood does not conflict with the emblem.

The Takano family is from the Continent of the Gods.

(End of this chapter)

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