Chapter 357, Line Fruit Ability?
Quangu Lingtai wanted to hunt and kill Jiang Chen alone, the more powerful the brave, the more excited the corpse-eating tribe was, and now Jiang Chen was already Quangu Lingtai's prey, and no one could touch him.

Jiang Chen felt that there were dozens of lines behind Quangu Lingtai, these lines were small and sharp, and could cut off any armor, Brother Ming only had a few lines, how the hell do you have dozens?

Still let people play?
These lines cannot be cut even with sword energy.

Quangu Lingtai is already a rank six master, and her four-dimensional body is much higher than Jiang Chen's. Now Jiang Chen's only chance is the Xuantian Finger.

It's just that the Xuantian finger belongs to the attack of true energy.

Requires close range to be effective.

Jiang Chen activated the [Vital Energy Barrier].

Izumiya Reita's body only trembled slightly, but she didn't lie on the ground.

Jiang Chen was silent to himself.

Izumiya Ryota's equipment is also very strong, which can offset the special effects brought by the abnormal state.

Jiang Chen's sword energy has a paralyzing effect, and it is effective for weak people, but it has no effect on people like Izumiya Reita, Abe Seimei, and Abe Chisato.

The first is the gap between levels, as well as the gap brought about by equipment.

There is not a slight difference between the second-rank legendary equipment and the sixth-rank legendary equipment.

The two lines around Quangu Lingtai rushed towards Jiang Chen.

like a straight line.

One side of Jiang Chen's body avoided Quangu Lingtai's attack, and at the same time as Jiang Chen dodged, the two lines bent instantly, like a flexible fishing line, forming a big curved bow.

Jiang Chen's analysis:

The advantage of the fishing line is that it can be bent.

The disadvantage is that the speed is not fast enough.

Jiang Chen activated the Wanjian Guizong mode again, and [-] sword qi rushed towards Quangu Lingtai.

At this time, the lines behind Lingtai Quangu quickly condensed into a small net, covering himself in it. These small nets were impenetrable, and the sword energy could not pass through the small net to attack Lingtai Quangu.

Watching the ten thousand sword qi dissipate quickly.

Quangu Lingtai dismissed it: "Is this the sword energy you became famous for? It's nothing more than that."

"I'm not here to deal with you, but to deal with them."


The remaining [-] sword qi quickly killed the people behind Izumiya Reita, especially Abe Chisato and Abe Seimei, one of them was [Atom] and the other was [Magic Eye].

These two must be killed.

The screams sounded...

Except for Abe Seimei, Abe Chisato, and Yufi Mili, everyone died tragically under Jiang Chen's sword.

Euphemia's [Nine Tails] Kazuko surrounded the three of them.

Now there are only four left.

"You want to die." Quan Guling was too angry.

The lines were activated at the same time, launching an attack on Jiang Chen, cutting Jiang Chen's body like a cutting machine, but Jiang Chen's speed was very fast, and he quickly escaped from the attack range.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Not bad Hezi ability, but the speed is too slow, and the distance is not enough. I guess your attack distance should be 200 meters, and you can't use it beyond 200 meters."

"so what?"

"My sword energy is not 200 meters."

At this time, Xiaoxi came over and looked at the four people opposite.

Said: "Not resolved?"

"Not yet, they are all rank six masters, especially the one in front, very powerful, my sword energy can't penetrate his dense net."

"I will solve this, you can attack Abe Qianli."

"Are you okay?" Jiang Chen looked suspicious;
Xiaoxi nodded: "Just don't let Abe Qianli destroy my illusion. Classes and classes can restrain each other. The Hezi in front of me is [Lin Xian], with strong attack power and high defense, and can easily cut the surrounding objects, even armor. It can also be cut."

"I couldn't do it originally, but after my father transplanted my eyes, I can use low-level illusions, and illusionists can restrain most professions."

"Unless the other party is also an illusionist."

Jiang Chen only wanted to say one word.


Sharingan is different, no wonder the Uchiha clan is so obsessed.

Jiang Chen activated his skills again, and in a flash, he appeared 100 meters behind Abe Qianli. Thirty thousand sword qi quickly attacked, and Yufi Mili spread out the nine tails, surrounding the three of them.

Not a single gap is exposed.

Abe Chisato frowned: "That swordsman is very strong, it is very likely that Izumiya Reita is not his opponent."

Abe knows Jiang Chen's ability.

The speed is fast, comparable to the teleportation of a magician.

Sword Qi attacks fast, and the damage is terrible.

The number is even more numerous, surrounded by his sword aura, and these sword auras can also attach thoughts, and they can act under Jiang Chen's command, this is the scariest thing.

The key is that this guy is immune to illusion.

There is nothing Abe Qianli can do. Her most powerful is illusion, which can restrain most professions. The key is that illusion is ineffective against swordsmen.

Abe Seimei said: "That's not necessarily the case, his thread can easily cut the swordsman's body."

"But don't forget, the swordsman's speed is very fast, unless the space around him is imprisoned, only the space around him can be completely strangled in the cradle."

"Unless it's Ren Hagiyama's shot."

"But he's not there."

"If he is there, he can confine the space and prevent him from escaping."

At this time, Quangu Lingtai looked back at Jiang Chen, and said angrily: "Your opponent is me."

Xiaoxi said: "Your opponent is me."

Quangu Lingtai looked back at Xiaoxi: "Mere tree clan, go to hell!"

With a flash of lines, Xiaoxi was quickly split into countless pieces.

At this time Jiang Chen watched Quangu Lingtai's movements.

What is this doing!

Attacking against the air?

This guy is crazy!
At this time, Reita Izumigu has been controlled by the illusion. After Xiaoxi transplanted the eyes of the Takano God Clan, she already possessed part of the abilities of the Takano God Clan.

Illusion is one of them.

Although this illusion is very weak, it is completely enough for Izumiya Reita.

What Xiaoxi said is right, illusion can restrain most professions.

In Quangu Lingtai's eyes, Xiaoxi had already been dismembered into countless pieces, but in an instant, the flesh and blood stuck together again, Quangu Lingtai turned pale with shock.

What kind of terrifying ability is this?

After being dismembered, can they still be glued together?

No way.

Quangu Lingtai launched an attack again, and divided Xiaoxi into countless pieces, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, Quangu Lingtai launched an attack against the air.

Jiang Chen smiled.


Illusionist is very strong, not ordinary powerful.

The dried persimmon ghost dragon fought with the ferret, thinking he had won, but ended up slashing at the air for a long time...
Play alone.


This is the power of illusionists.

Jiang Chen is glad that he has the [Mind Realm] without perceiving anything, and can be immune to the damage of the illusionist, otherwise he would not be an opponent at all against Abe Qianli.

At this moment.

Abe Qianli's face changed drastically, he felt the power of illusion.

"No, that Tree Clan can use illusions. It turns out that this is their strategy. Lingtai Quangu can't resist illusions at all. Illusionists can restrain most professions."

"No, isn't she from the Tree Clan! How could she be able to perform illusions?"

"Although she is a tree clan, there is a profession in the Continent of the Gods called Illusionist. This is the ability of the Takano God Clan. The eyes of the Takano God Clan can use illusion."

"That's not right, he is a tree clan, not a Gaoye god clan."

(End of this chapter)

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