Chapter 364, Ancient Occupation

A look of doubt.

Not right.

There seemed to be people around.

As for the danger, Jiang Chen was able to perceive it in advance, although in Jiang Chen's perception, there was no one within a thousand meters around, but there was a strong killing intent.

This is the benefit of [Mind Realm].

Able to sense killing intent, even in a foreign space.

Jiang Chen said: "Be careful, there are enemies around."

Angelina glanced left and right: "There is no one around."



"You can't see it, but I feel a strong killing intent. This is to kill me. It should be hiding in the dark."

"Did you sense it?" Angelina looked puzzled.

Jiang Chen nodded.

"How did this kid know we were hiding in the dark?"

"Don't know, but we've been discovered."

"Swordsman, when did you become so scary, and your perception is so perverted, we are in a different world."

"Show yourself! Kill the swordsman and complete the task."

At this moment, five figures surrounded the two of them.

Koya protoss.

There were no longer two people from the Gaoye Protoss this time, but five people.

'Ghosts' organization.

A traitor to the Alliance of the Gods, the Gaoye Protoss who made a deal with the corpse-eating clan, wanted to find another way to become a god.

Jiang Chen clearly felt that these five people were full of hostility.

What kind of organization is the "ghost" organization, and it has won over the Gaoye Protoss.

The members of the 'ghost' organization are sub-gods, and they have no hope of becoming gods. They can only reach an agreement with the corpse-eating tribe, and use the sub-gods of the corpse-eating tribe to kill the gods of the Gods Continent, so as to obtain the god's seal.

So that people can inherit the corresponding god's imprint and become a real god.

Everyone in the organization is a master.

Jiang Chen frowned: "Be careful, this time it's different, it's not a giant race, but a member of the Takano God race."

Jiang Chen just finished speaking.

Five blue rays of light emerged from their bodies, and the ten-meter-high blue armor covered the whole body. The illusionist profession of the Gaoye Protoss can not only use illusion, but also a powerful melee profession.

Jiang Chen saw five figures appearing at the same time, and immediately understood.

They are hiding in a different dimension, not in the whole world, no wonder they can't feel their breathing, can't feel their heartbeat.

But there was a killing intent on them, which was an undeniable fact.

For such an ability, Jiang Chen only wanted to say two words, awesome.

There was no way to hide in a different dimension before, but now, it's completely different.

[Dimensional swordsmanship: release a hundred sword qi to attack the enemy, the sword qi can pass through the dimensional space and kill the enemy...]

This is a skill that Jiang Chen has newly comprehended.

Able to travel through dimensions and attack enemies.

Watch as the enemy surrounds you.

Jiang Chen moved, and rushed forward, facing the front was a [Sword Blade·Storm], this sword energy pierced through the body of the enemy on the opposite side, even Jiang Chen was the same.

Sure enough, it was in a different world space.

"Boy, you don't understand the power of the Takano Protoss at all." A Takano Protoss smiled back;
But the next second I can't laugh
Jiang Chen turned around with a sword.

Three hundred sword qi struck out quickly and immediately cut the opponent into pieces.

The remaining four were startled.

How could this be?
Why hide in another dimension and still die?


Jiang Chen looked at the remaining four people, and said coldly: "It's just a mouse hiding in the dark, nothing special."

Jiang Chen acted quickly.

With a flash of figure, another sword strike completely killed the other enemy.

The dimensional sword attack can penetrate the dimensional space and kill all enemies.

Jiang Chen's speed was very fast, and he quickly killed the five people.

Looking at the five corpses lying on the ground, sheathed the sword.

Angelina: "It's another member of the Gaoye Protoss."

"They are still very strong, especially the eyes of the Gaoye Protoss, let's go, continue to the next place, and upgrade the level."

The two continued to walk, looking for the tribe.

At the same time, find out where the crown is.

The two continued to kill giants.

Level up rapidly...

It quickly rose to level 145, 5 levels in a row, and was still 150 levels away from level 4.

Just as the two were walking forward, they met five people from Jiang Lian.

Why is the old lady in Titan World?
The five of Jiang Li were overjoyed.

"Brother, how did you get to Titan World?"

"You have not arrived at Titan World."

Jiangli is a worm master, and it is indeed suitable for leveling up in the Titan world. His worms are small and dense, and they are perfect for dealing with giants.

"Brother, how old are you?"

"Level 145?" Jiang Chen responded.

"So fast, how did you upgrade."

"Oh my god, at level 145, it will take three rotations."

"We have worked so hard to kill giants here, and we are only level 130 now!"

"Jiang Chen's upgrade speed is already very fast."

After a few people chatted, it was only then that they realized that apart from improving their level, they were also looking for the spring of strength.

Alice is a dark angel class, a melee class and a far combat class.

Caroline is the Dark Summoner.

Xueli, the priest of darkness.

Muriel, a hidden professional vampire.

They all belonged to SS-level occupations, and also belonged to dark-type occupations.

Jiang Chen asked: "What are you looking for from the spring of strength?"

"Of course it is the power increase."

"It's not a melee class, what do you do to increase your strength?"

Jiang Li said: "Besides this, prepare to kill one person."


"It's not an enemy, but a person from an ancient profession. This person's name is Rhodes, he is from the evil camp, and he is a lineman."

"An ancient profession appeared?"

Jiang Li nodded: "Yes, the ancient profession, which one is very powerful, Alice is going to give up the dark angel and become an ancient profession."

Ancient occupations are relatively powerful occupations. For example, the insect master occupation of Gracilaria is an ancient occupation, and Alice is a dark angel, an SS-level occupation.

There are many professions of angels, and there are many in the human race.

And there are many in Protoss.

Lots of angels.

Angels are divided into two camps, dark and light.

There are also Dark Angels in the League of Gods.

After Alice and the others had seen the power of Jiangli, they also wanted to inherit the ancient profession in their hearts. After inquiring clearly, traces of the ancient profession appeared in the giant world.

Several people rushed over non-stop, ready to kill Rhodes.

After searching for many days, there was no trace of Rhodes.

The world of giants is huge, and no one knows where Rhodes is hiding.

And not only are they looking for it, but some brave men are also looking for Rhodes' trace.

Jiang Chen asked: "What is the profession of a line teacher?"

"It is said that it is a profession that can emit light. This kind of light is indestructible, a bit like Hezi [thread] of the corpse family."

What did Jiang Chen understand!
[Lianxian] of the Corpse Clan has fought against each other before!
Seriously though, that corpse-eating tribe is really powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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