Chapter 366, Yama City
Isn't this a joke!
"Jiang Chen, is your woman crazy?"

"Er... Priest melee? I've never heard of it!"

"Jiang Chen, are you still going to help?"

Alice and the others were anxious.

If you, a priest, go up to close combat, isn't that courting death!

Can't you hide behind and superimpose BUFF?
Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, she is very strong, not as weak as you imagine."

Alice and the others looked at Angelina's speed.

That speed was even faster than that of an archer, only a flash of white light appeared, and it appeared tens of meters away...

Several people were completely frightened.

"Is she that strong?"

"Is she really a priest?"

"Are we all wrong, Angelina is not a pastor?"

"Nonsense, I accepted Angelina's BUFF just now! Did you find out, this BUFF is really powerful. It increases mental strength by 5000, physical strength by 5000, and even strength by 5000."

A few people were talking, and saw Angelina make a move, headed forward, and punched the giant's ankle, making a crackling sound...
The giant fell head-on, and Angelina made up the knife in an instant.

Kill the giant.

This operation simply stunned several people.

When did the priest become so perverted and knock down the giant with just one punch? What kind of operation is this?
This combat experience is quite rich.

Jiang Chen's sword energy also swept across all directions, within a thousand meters, swept the enemy, and with Angelina's BUFF, the overall strength has been greatly improved.

Easily kill the Giant Tribe.

Gracilaria is an insect master profession.

The worms flew out quickly, surrounded the [-]-meter-high giant, quickly absorbed the flesh, and then split, absorbed and split again, and the number increased.

It's just that Jiang Gracilaria can only deal with eight or nine giants, and it's not enough to deal with more than ten.

It also takes a certain amount of time for the nano-worms to eat the giant flesh-dividing micro-worms.

Alice, Caroline, Xueli, and Mulier could only stare blankly. Not to mention their low level, they had no ability to resist the giants.

Alice is a dark angel, and her strength cannot break through the giant's defense at all.

Caroline is a dark summoner, and all she summons are dark creatures, but facing the [-]-meter-high giant, the summoned dark creatures are instantly killed.

As for Xueli, she is a dark priest, which belongs to the profession that reduces the enemy's resistance, slowness, magic attack and physical attack, poisons the enemy, and weakens the enemy. This is an auxiliary profession.

Muriel is a vampire, and also belongs to the melee class. She has some auxiliary skills, which can absorb the enemy's blood essence, and can slow the enemy, poison them and other effects.

Except for Jiang Li's insect master who was lethal, the other four could not fight at all.

This is also the reason why they are eager to inherit the ancient profession.

They have seen the power of Jiang Gracilaria before.

Soon, Jiang Lian and the others cleaned up the surrounding giants.

Wait until Angelina returns.

Alice and the others looked enviously.

They were extremely excited: "Angelina, when did you become so strong?"

"That's right, you used to always hide behind, but now you are rushing to the front, it's unimaginable."

"My God, your fist is so small, but it's so powerful, you knocked down the giants with one punch."

"Angelina, how did you do it?"

Angelina looked proud: "I drank the blessing water."

"Blessing water? What is that?"

"It's a kind of spring water that can elevate the fourth dimension, and it can permanently elevate the fourth dimension. In the corpse-eating world, Jiang Chen and I broke into the corpse-eating world last time and got the spring water. Next time, I will take you there and let you It can also permanently enhance the fourth dimension."

The five people were stunned, and there is such a thing?
Jiang Chen explained: "Just like potential points, they can permanently improve the fourth dimension."

Jiang Li asked, "Why don't you bring us some?"


Jiang Li and the others rolled their eyes, can they forget this?
Alice quickly changed the topic: "Okay, let's go find it next time."

Jiang Chen: "The world of giants has power magic water, which is also a spring that permanently increases power. Let's go to the ancient city of Yama, look for the spring of power, and find Rhodes by the way, and the spring of power is in the ancient city of Flax."

Seven people nodded.

With Jiang Chen's joining, several people instantly became more careful.

The divine water of blessing, the divine water of strength, besides these two, there are other springs, such as springs that increase spiritual power, and springs that increase agility, and even other strange springs are not guaranteed.

The ancient city of Yama.

It was a huge city.

And there are giant soldiers on the city wall. The huge iron gate is a full 200 meters high, and the thick iron gate is at least 30 meters thick. Such a powerful iron gate can only be completely broken unless it is attacked by a god.

Alice flew down from above, with a serious face: "In the ancient city of Yama, there is a thick white fog, and it is impossible to see the direction, and the entire ancient city of Yama can't be seen at a glance, and there are many giant soldiers inside."

"It's impossible to fly in from inside. There is something similar to the enchantment, which should prevent people from entering the city from the sky."

"If you want to enter, you can only enter through the gate."

Go in through the gate?
Could it be that the giant soldiers are vegetarians?

A strong attack is also impossible.

The soldiers of these giant tribes were completely different from the soldiers in the tribe. The seven men came all the way and killed many tribes of giant tribes. Those giant tribes were all wearing beast robes and holding axes and other weapons.

The whole body is exposed, as long as you find the weak point, it is easy to kill.

But the soldier in front of him was different. His whole body was covered with armor. The thick armor was like a wall of copper and iron. The thick armor was at least 40 centimeters behind. Such a thick armor could not be pierced by sword energy.

Even the helmet is the same, and even in order not to be attacked, the eyes have a thick layer of glass goggles.

Once discovered by the giants, Jiang Chen's sword energy will be ineffective, and Angelina's will be even more ineffective.

Except for the nano-worms of Gracilaria, they have no lethality at all.

But the problem is that Jianggra's nano can only face eight or nine giants.

Muriel said: "We can wait for the night to pass."

Jiang Chen shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work, the giants can't see it at night, but you can't see it either, and the giants have a very sensitive sense of smell, even if they enter it, they will be found."

"Then what should we do? Didn't you say that the crown is inside!"

"There's still power spring water! Could it be that I just gave up?"

"Give up halfway, this is not your style!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not just the seven of us here, there are other people here, and there are dozens of them. I guess they are not from the Alliance of Gods, but from the evil god camp."

"Why is it so clear?"

"The aura on them is completely different. Look at the big rock diagonally opposite, there are ten people hidden there, and there are also a dozen people on the huge tree."

"I think they're also here for the Crown."

Alice and the others looked over, only seeing big rocks and tall trees, but no one.

(End of this chapter)

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