Chapter 368, snatching mythical equipment

Moore took the lead, and countless flames emerged from his body. Like a giant of flames, he swung a punch and hit the barrier. The entire barrier quickly cracked, and the barrier even exploded.

Rhodes punched at the same time, and a dozen lines swung out from his hand, quickly breaking the restriction above, and grabbed the theocracy crown in his hand.

"Kill them."


The giants moved quickly, one by one holding a huge axe, and slashed at the evil brave man. When the ax went down, the whole ground began to crack, and more than a dozen evil brave men were killed before they had time to react.

The giant family belongs to the melee profession, the ceiling of the melee profession, and its strength is terrifying.

The physical strength alone made them unable to bear it.

Moore dodged the attack and landed a punch.

This punch hit the armor, and the armor quickly melted, along with the giants. Moore's fighting power was also strong, and he actually melted the armor.

Rhodes swung a few lines around the giants.

The armor was cut quickly, along with the giants, and turned into countless pieces.

"Do you think I dare to steal the theocracy crown without preparation!"

"In the name of God's punishment, I will deprive you of your abilities." The scepter of the leader of the giant tribe fell to the ground, and several rays of light went in the direction of Moore, and quickly entangled Moore.

At this moment Moore felt that all the skills on his body were gray.

It was also sealed along with the badge.

Moore was shocked.

"Damn it, he's a magician."

Just when Moore was terrified, a huge ax slashed down, smashing Moore into a pulp.

The same is true for Rhodes.

After being shrouded in light, he couldn't exert all his strength, the entire badge was sealed, and he became an ordinary person directly. When the giant ax swung down, Rhodes was smashed into a pulp.

The equipment fell to the ground.

What fell on the ground were the ancient professional scroll sleeves and the theocracy crown.

Jiang Chen hid in the dark, startled.

Is this dead?

Nima, is the leader of the giant clan so awesome?

What the hell is a magician?

Jiang Chen didn't dare to think too much, he quickly used the skill of volley flash, took the things away immediately, and disappeared...
The guard saw only a flash of white light.

The theocracy crown disappears...

By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

The leader of the giant clan was furious: "Damn it, there are still people hiding in the dark. Immediately close the city gate, and we must not let him escape."

whoosh whoosh

With dozens of flashes, Jiang Chen has already appeared at the gate of the city, and quickly fled from the place where he just came.

"Get out of here immediately."


"Yes, the giants haven't found out yet, so we must quickly leave the giant world and return to the titan world."

"It's not too late, let's leave immediately."

Seven people fled quickly.

Titan World.

Jiang Chen took out the ancient scroll sleeve: "There are two professions in total, one is called Line Master, and the other is Melting Warrior. I have seen him make a move, but it seems that he is a warrior and belongs to the close combat profession."

"The whole thing is simple, we just need to check the ancient occupation rankings."


"The ranking list of ancient occupations. There are rankings for ancient occupations. Some are strong and some are weak. Line masters are very strong, but melting fighters don't know it. Just check the rankings."

Alice quickly found out and explained: "Melting fighters are ranked 171st, and line masters are ranked 120th, which are also very strong professions."

"Then what is the number one ancient profession?"

"The No. [-] one belongs to [Photochemist], Dilia from the Continent of the Gods. Her speed is very fast, every blow has the speed of light, and she can kill the enemy instantly, regardless of any defense."

"She is No. 1 in the ancient occupation ranking list, rank six [Photochemist]."


When did the Ancient Occupation Leaderboard appear again?
Jiang Chen said: "I'll hand over the two sleeves to you, who of you wants to change jobs?"

Four people, you look at me, and I look at you.

Except for Jiangli, which is an ancient occupation, the other four are all SS-level occupations. Changing occupations means starting all over again, and all previous efforts will be wasted.

All skills will not exist, only new ones.

Just like Jiang Li, she was originally a shadow assassin who could surprise enemies in the dark. After changing her profession, she became an insect master, but an insect master is more powerful than an assassin.

Alice is a dark angel, Caroline is a dark summoner, Shirley is a dark priest, and Muriel is a vampire.

Obviously, none of these four professions can compare to ancient professions.

Alice said: "Let's decide by lottery. Whoever wins the lottery will be transferred to a new profession."

"Both professions are strong."

"I won't participate. I am a dark angel, and I belong to the melee class. Even if I encounter a powerful enemy, I still have the power to protect myself. Caroline is a dark summoner, and Xueli is a dark priest. Both of you are support types." career."

Mu Lier shook her head and said, "I'm not going to participate either. I'm a blood race and have the ability to restore my body. If you two participate, you will both be transferred to ancient professions."

"How about that? Let's draw lots together."

"I know what you think, if you don't participate, I won't participate either."

Jiang Li said: "Okay, we are all good sisters, there is no need to give way, our belief is not to abandon, not to give up, no matter who gets it, we will not give up, we are a family .”

"Look at me, I changed my job to become an insect master, and I didn't give up on you four oil bottles."

A few people exploded.

"Jiang Li, tell me clearly, who is the oil bottle."

"If I hadn't reduced the enemy's resistance, neither would your bugs."

"I'm a vampire, a nanny who provides you with blood."

"I'm a summoner, and my summoned beasts are very strong."

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Let's all draw lots to decide. Although you are very strong, compared to me, you are still very weak. Obtaining an ancient profession can easily be promoted to a demigod and become a real god."

Several people glared at Jiang Chen.

You are awesome!

The four began to draw lots.

In the end, Caroline got the Lineman and Shirley got the Melting Warrior.

The two entered the Titan Temple.

Start changing your career.

Level 130 Line Master, Level 130 Melting Warrior.

The two came out of the Titan Temple, you look at me, I look at you, after the skill changes, the future combat strategy must also be changed, one is a long-distance combat occupation, and the other is a close-combat occupation.

Jiang Li smiled and said: "Let's go, I'll take you to familiarize yourself with your skills. It's best to familiarize yourself with mobs first. After you can use new skills, go to the giant world to find tribes and improve your level."

The two nodded, and now they can only do so.

Familiarize yourself with the skills first.

leveling up.

The five left.

Jiang Chen took out the theocracy crown.

【Divine Crown】

[Level: God]

[not wearable]

Attributes: Insufficient level to view attributes.


The thing that was finally snatched, I can't see the attributes.

What the hell is this gem?

It seems that I asked Uncle Snake to ask.

Do you want to give it to him?

Didn't he get the theocracy crown and have a new ancient profession?
Why not?
Is it fake?
What Jiang Chen thought was whether to hand over the mythical equipment.

This is a mythical equipment!

You can wear it if you become a god in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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