Chapter 376, new insight

Li Xiaoyao said with a smile: "It's a very good skill, but if you turn hundreds of sword qi into one attack, wouldn't it save you a lot of trouble?"

Jiang Chen thought too!
But this is a skill, not true qi, and cannot gather energy together.

It's like condensing three hundred sword qi into one to form a powerful lethal force.

The quantity has been reduced, but the quality of sword energy has been improved.

Jiang Chen shook his head: "No."

"Have you tried it?"

"Tried, but can't fuse."

"Then try again, the skill is the power from the badge, but it also belongs to you, just like our true energy, increase the cohesion of the sword energy, increase the quality of the sword energy, try to change, try to integrate , you can become stronger."

Jiang Chen asked: "Are you talking about the modern sword sect?"

"It seems you have heard of it."

"I heard about it from the Liberty."

"Yes, this is the swordsmanship created by you warriors. The free ones often practice a martial skill. They only need to get started. They are constantly performing and improving to increase the cohesion of the sword energy. The original three-meter-wide sword energy, Condensed into half a meter wide, increased lethality, it is really effective."

"This is effective for the free, but not for the brave, because the skills of the brave are fixed and unchanging."

Li Xiaoyao smiled.

"Who said that?"

Jiang Chen asked back: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not. Your skills are the same as ours. They belong to you. It depends on how you change them."

"Increasing the cohesion of the sword energy does not know how many times it will take to fail before it will succeed. Do you think that if you can't fuse once, it won't work?"


It seems that this is the truth, why don't you try it?

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, he merged the two sword qi.

When merging, the sword qi actually began to cancel each other out, just like the left hand hitting the right hand, and the right hand hitting the left hand.

It is possible to blend at all.

Jiang Chen shook his head: "No."

Li Xiaoyao smiled: "It's definitely not possible for you to fuse like this. The sword energy has already formed, how can it be possible to fuse, just like two stones, no matter how they fuse, they are still two stones."

"You need to fuse when the sword energy is not yet formed."

"Fusion when it's not yet formed?" Jiang Chen was tempted and puzzled;
Li Xiaoyao nodded; "Yes, the unformed fusion is like a free man, who uses sword energy. When the sword energy is not yet formed, he controls the true energy, controls the martial arts, and condenses the sword energy to a high degree, not in the sword energy. When inspired, it condenses into shape."

"The free man transforms true energy into sword energy, which is highly condensed and increases lethality."

"You heroes are magic. When you use magic, you can condense magic power to a high degree. In the final analysis, what you call skills are actually the martial skills of free people."

"It's all transforming into each other."

Using the skill of Wanjian Guizong will consume magic power, and the free man will arouse his true energy when he uses his sword energy, which is the same reason.

When Jiang Chen used the Ten Thousand Swords to return to the sect, he would arouse [-] magic powers, and these magic powers evolved into thirty thousand sword qi through the badge.

If it is an unformed transformation.

Then when using magic power, condense two magic powers into one magic power.

That is to condense two sword qi into one sword qi.

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

If this is the case, it may not be impossible.

But the key point is that when the Wanjian Guizong skill is cast, it is an instant skill, and it is completed in an instant. How to fuse the two magic powers into one.

Li Xiaoyao nodded and said: "It seems that you have understood."

"Thank you for the reminder, but when we release the skill, it is instantaneous, and it is difficult to fuse two magic powers into one magic power."

Li Xiaoyao: "Nonsense, if it's really that simple, everyone in the Brave Continent is a master. I'm just telling you the method, and it depends on how you control it."

"The badge belongs to your own power. If you can't even control your own power, then I have nothing to say. Control your own skills as you like, which is what you should do."

Delia agreed; "You need to practice a lot. It took me three years to fully grasp the power of the badge, and I can control it as I like."

It seems that Delia has learned a lot from Li Xiaoyao.

Liberals can do this.

Then the brave should be able to do it, but it takes time to practice.

If it is really possible, then what is the concept of condensing thirty thousand sword qi into one hundred?
That would be invincible.

Jiang Chen used Wan Jian to return to the sect again.

Thirty thousand magic power points were issued from the badge and from Jiang Chen's body, and the transformation was completed in an instant. When Jiang Chen just wanted to merge, it had already transformed into sword energy.

If it doesn't work once, do it again.

Jiang Chen's [Heart Boundary] skill is extremely powerful, and he can sense the magic power emanating from his body, and this magic power is transformed into sword energy within 1 second.

To control the moment of magic power, transform two magic powers into one.

Only with precise control can it be done.

Come again...
Come again...
Come again...
Jiang Chen realized carefully, thirty thousand sword qi became fifteen thousand, the number was reduced by half, but the lethality of each sword qi increased by half.

A more pure sword energy appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

Delia was puzzled: "Why is there less sword energy?"

Li Xiaoyao said, "He succeeded."

Delia dropped her jaw in shock.

How is this possible, it took me three years to master such an ability, and he only mastered it in an instant?

This guy really is a freak!
Jiang Chen smiled knowingly, it's actually not very difficult!
Try to merge again.

Transform three sword qi into one.

Jiang Chen kept displaying the skill of returning to the sect of thousands of swords, and kept practicing the skill.

Less than 20 minutes.

Jiang Chen has already been able to fuse five sword qi into one sword qi, and the lethality of each sword qi has increased by five times.

Just now.

A group of giants in armor came.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, the sword qi struck out quickly, like a long snake, shooting at the armor of the giants, each sword qi went deep into the armor, although it didn't break through the defense, Jiang Chen saw hope.

Every sword energy hit the armor, leaving a small hole five centimeters deep.

According to calculations, only eight sword qis are needed to penetrate 40 cm thick armor.

If calculated in this way, then killing giants is not a problem.

Jiang Chen distributed the 6000 sword qi evenly, every 20 sword qi lined up in a row, a full 300 long snakes flew in the air, killing the giants.

The giants approached the three of them, and their armor was pierced by the sword energy.

The screams sounded...

Looking at the fallen giants, Delia was surprised to find that the sword energy penetrated the armor of the giants.


Delia exclaimed: "You killed the armored giant? This sword energy is so perverted."

Li Xiaoyao praised; "It's a very good idea, 20 groups of arrays, 600 sword qi to attack quickly, I have seen many brave men, you should be the strongest."

"The giant leader is here, this time I'll see if I can kill him."

Jiang Chen was eager to try.

(End of this chapter)

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