Chapter 402, leaving the free world

"Nangong Xin, this person is the legendary swordsman. Once he becomes the god of swordsmen, it will be the grave of our free people. Now he is still in a weak stage. Only by killing him can our free people's alliance be preserved."

Nangong Xin laughed loudly: "You and I are both ninth-level masters, why do you still believe the lies of the Gods Continent? I admit that he is very strong, but I believe in his character."

"How many times have you met him before you believe him?"

"Human nature never changes."

"You have to stop me?"

"It's useless to talk too much."

"Your Beiming Divine Art may not be able to resist my Thunder Fist."

"Then try it, I haven't done it for a long time."

Jiang Chen hurriedly retreated.

Thunder Fist vs. Beiming Divine Art?
What the hell is Thunder Fist?

At this moment, Lei Gang raised his eyebrows and burst out with a strong true energy. Within 30 meters, all the stones turned into powder, and the powerful true energy shattered all objects within 30 meters.

Within 30 meters of Lei Gang, a huge lightning electromagnetic field is formed, like a minefield.

Jiang Chen was startled.

Good guy, is this the ninth-order powerhouse?

So naughty.

It was also the first time for Jiang Chen to see a ninth-level powerhouse erupting with real strength, not to mention the vertical and horizontal sword energy, even Wan Jian Guizong couldn't get close to him, as long as he was within 30 meters, he would instantly disintegrate.

This is the astonishing power erupted by the ninth-order powerhouse.

Like a beast awakened in a minefield.

As for the true qi in Lei Gang's body is even stronger, Jiang Chen believes that as long as Lei Gang makes a move, he will definitely not be able to escape.

No wonder Yijian said that the free ones are very strong.

It's not as simple as it seems.

How could a famous master not have unique skills.

But even with such a strong combat power, it is still unable to deal with the sub-gods of the Gods Continent. There are many free masters, but there are even more masters in the Gods Continent.

Eight Realms frowned solemnly: "Jiang Chen, let's go, we can't intervene in their battle at all."

Jiang Chen also knew, cupped his fists and said: "Senior, I will definitely offer the medicine in the future."

"I'm sure you won't let me down."

Lei Gang moved, his speed was very fast, he arrived at the side of Nangong Xin in a flash, and punched Nangong Xin. The seemingly simple punch contained all his strength.

A hundred meters away, a huge force of lightning was sensed.

too frightening.

Let's go now!

Follow the Eight Realms to leave.

Jiang Chen asked: "What is a domain?"

"Domain is a kind of power that can be cultivated to the extreme and comprehended. It can be said to be a talent. In the free world, anyone who comprehends the domain is a top master."

"The same is true in the Continent of the Gods. It is a power comprehended by the sub-gods, and it is called the domain of the gods."

"Only sub-gods can comprehend?"

Bajie explained: "Anyone can comprehend it, it depends on the person's understanding of the domain, just like the talent activated in the Gods Continent, the talent also needs to be advanced, and at a certain stage, you can understand the domain of the gods."

"It can be called an invincible existence in the realm of the gods. Once you face the brave men in the realm of the gods, there is no possibility of winning."

"And God's Domain will not only weaken the enemy's strength, but also strengthen one's own strength."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

God's Domain!
It seems that the future comprehension of this God's Domain will do.

Jiang Chen said: "That Lei Gang is a master, he must be practicing thunder attribute exercises."


"Then what about your brother Yijian, what is he practicing?"

"Zhantian Swordsmanship, this is the master's famous stunt."

"Swordsmanship of Zhantian?"

"Yes, this is the master's fusion of many martial arts skills. There is only one sword in the sword of heaven and earth. My senior brother is practicing the sword technique of cutting the sky. Regardless of how strong Lei Gang is, as long as my senior brother makes a move, he will die. undoubtedly."

Just hearing the name is awesome.

"You also learned?"

"I have learned it, but I don't get the point. I need to understand it by myself. I know that I was a brave man in the past. I sometimes don't understand the exercises of the free man, and my wisdom is limited."

Jiang Chen once again gave up the idea of ​​becoming a free man.

I have a little bit of wisdom, but not much.

What if you become a free person and cannot comprehend?
Bajiedao: "If you want to comprehend the domain, you need a spar. After you get the spar, you have a one-in-a-thousand chance to comprehend the domain of the gods."

"What spar?" Jiang Chen hurriedly asked;
"Soul spar."

"What is this?"

"This is a kind of spar from the Gods Continent. It is extremely rare, even if it is not in the warehouse of the Gods Continent. You can only get it by your own efforts. In addition, some rare treasures from the Gods Continent are also valuable to us free people. benefit."

"It's like Lei Gang just now, who is practicing the unique art of thunder attribute. He needs a kind of thunder attribute spar to improve his martial arts, to cultivate martial arts to a very high level, and he also needs thunder attribute spar to enhance his true energy. "

Bajie told a lot of secrets about free people.

In fact, this is not a secret, it's just that Jiang Chen doesn't understand it.

The speed of Jiang Chen and the two was extremely fast.

Soon left the small town of Donglongzhuang.

Jiang Chen was also about to return to the world of Sillero, and before returning, Jiang Chen found two people, two familiar figures, two women he had seen in the black market.

Zibai Shuangsha.

Qin Qiwen, Gu Zihan, members of the Qianren Club.

Watching the two blocking the way.

Jiang Chen frowned, why would anyone want to trouble me, even a ninth-level powerhouse, after all, they have strength, you two little ones dare to trouble me?

Eight Realms asked, "Who are you?"

"Go away, we didn't come to find you."

"Boy, we meet again. Dongfang Bubai is Jiang Chen. It seems that my prediction is right. This is the only way you must pass. You will definitely return to the world of Silero. We have been waiting here for a long time."

Eight Realms asked in a low voice: "Enemy?"

"Not really, they are members of the Qianren Society."

Bajie frowned.

Why did you get involved with Qianrenhui again?

Qin Qiwen said; "Jiang Chen, I need medicine, give me a hundred bottles."

Good guy.

One hundred bottles for export?

Are you here to rob?
Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Unless your master Qian Renxue is here, you are qualified to ask for medicine from me. As for the two of you who are defeated, let's forget it."

Let me give it, and I will give it?
When I am easy to bully.

Qin Qiwen said: "You don't have the right to meet my master."

"How can there be so much nonsense, get out of the way quickly, otherwise I will tie you to a rock, take off your clothes, and let you feel the cold wind." Jiang Chen became a little impatient, and spoke without any scruples.

The two women gritted their teeth angrily.

It doesn't matter if you are tied to a rock, why take off your clothes?

Qin Qiwen and the two raised their swords and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen launched the art of returning thousands of swords to the clan, and he would not give them a chance to make a move at all. The six thousand sword qi swept across everything, and the two who killed them couldn't find the north, and there were countless scars on their bodies.

The clothes are even more tattered, and the spring is leaking out.

Jiang Chen chuckled: "If I come a few more times, your clothes will be gone, and when the time comes, the spring will leak out, so don't blame me."

Jiang Chen's words were self-evident.

The two women backed away in fright.

They didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so shameless, this was a naked humiliation.

In an instant, the two disappeared without a trace.

Even if you die, you must remain innocent in the world.

"Shameless bastard, one day you will fall into our hands."

Jiang Chen dismissed it.


Am I fucking you so much!

Speak with conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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