Chapter 416, Hunting from the Prosecutor
Delia: Don't hide. The power of the prosecutor is beyond your imagination. As long as you are a hero of the League of Gods, the prosecutor will find you.

Jiang Chen: Why?
Delia: My brother is the prosecutor. He told me that the prosecutor has a tracking mirror that can find you. As long as you are in the same world, no matter how you hide, you will be found.

Delia: Your badge is the locator.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Chen was instantly embarrassed.

The badge is the locator?
This Nima...

Jiang Chen hurriedly contacted Bertram.

Bertram: Brother, do you need me?
Jiang Chen: You are a prosecutor, do you know the tracking mirror?
Bertram: Brother, you must be being targeted by the prosecutor. This is troublesome. As a prosecutor, I want to tell you that such an existence does exist. There is no enemy who is being targeted by the prosecutor. People can escape.

Jiang Chen: How to cover it up?
Bertram: It's impossible to cover up, unless you give up the badge automatically.

Jiang Chen: Is there really no other way?
Bertram: There is no way. Our goal is to find traitors from the Gods Continent. Once we find someone who has betrayed the Gods Continent, we will use this ability to track the enemy and kill the enemy.

Bertram: Unless you return to the land of the gods, the prosecutors will not dare to take action. Once they do, they will be impeached, deprived of the identity of the prosecutor, and will be executed.

Bertram: Prosecutors have a lot of rights, but they can't take action against the brave, unless it's in a world other than the Continent of the Gods.

Jiang Chen: I know.

Bertram: You wait, I'll help you.

Jiang Chen: How can I help?
Bertram: I'm also a prosecutor. We can't hurt each other. I'll help you resist. When the time comes, you can escape and go back to the land of the gods.

Bertram: As long as you are not wanted by the Continent of the Gods, he will not dare to make a move. By the way, why did you mess with the prosecutor?
Jiang Chen: Did I kill people from the Adolf family?

Bertram: What?The Adolf family is a family with sub-gods, a very powerful family, but don't worry, if you kill it, you will kill it. Dead people in the wild are very battlefields, and even the prosecutor will not appeal.

Jiang Chen: Forget it, I will find a way by myself.

Bertram: Your speed is very fast. When he catches up with you, you can just run away. Don't fight hard with him. He is immune to damage.

Jiang Chen: I know.

Jiang Chen turned off the communicator: "You guys hide here first, the prosecutor's target is me, I'll go out to deal with him, don't come out until I contact you."

Several people looked melancholy, they knew the danger this time.

Facing the prosecutor, they have nothing to do.

"Let's go together."

"We can't let you go alone, it's a big deal."

Several people were furious.

Alice was silent.


How to spell it?
They are immune to any harm and cannot harm the prosecutor at all.

Jiang Li said: "We are an ancient profession, maybe we are not immune to damage."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said: "Even if you are ancient professions, it's still the same. You are the brave men of the Gods Continent, and you can't change this."

Jiang Chen saw the worry of several people, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't you know my speed! No matter how fast his speed is, he can be faster than mine. When the time comes, I will take him around and go Walk around the Giant Clan city, I believe the Giant Clan will definitely be able to kill them."

"And your speed is too slow. Once you meet someone like a prosecutor, you will definitely die."

"But I'm different. I'm fast. If we go out at the same time, you will become my burden."

Several people looked angry, especially when they said the word "cumbersome".

He gave Jiang Chen a hard look.

Who are you talking about!

Who is the burden.

Alice agreed: "Jiang Chen is right. We will only become a burden if we follow him. He is very fast and can use the giant world to kill the prosecutor."

"Don't help blindly and impulsively. This will only put us in danger."

Angelina looked at Jiang Chen, and was particularly worried about Jiang Chen's comfort: "Be careful."

"It's okay, it's just a prosecutor, let's see how I kill him."

Jiang Chen disappeared in a flash, and completely left the cave.

Continue to run, look for the city, and face the next prosecutor.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Jiang Chen didn't want to make a move. What if he killed the prosecutor himself and got a red name on his back?
After all, Jiang Chen didn't know if such a rule existed.

Jiang Chen took out the communicator to contact Bertram.

Ask yourself the question directly.

Jiang Chen: If I kill the prosecutor, will I be wanted?

Bertram: I said boss, the prosecutor is immune to harm, it is impossible to be killed, don't you understand?
Jiang Chen: I know, I'm just making an analogy, as a prosecutor, don't you know it!

Bertram: This... Wait for me to check the information to see if there are similar cases.

after an hour·····
Bertram replied.

Bertram: There used to be a case where a brave man killed the prosecutor, and nothing happened. If he hadn't talked loudly and confide his heart when drunk, no one would know that he killed the prosecutor.

Jiang Chen: How did you kill the prosecutor?
Bertram: When the prosecutor was seriously injured, he was killed.

Prosecutor is a special identity bestowed by the Continent of the Gods. This identity is immune to the damage of the brave, but in the face of monsters from other camps, the prosecutor cannot be immune to harm.

The hero's lethality comes from skills, and skills are ineffective against prosecutors.

So the brave can't use skills to attack the prosecutor, but it doesn't mean that he can't hurt the prosecutor. If he directly wipes the prosecutor's neck with a knife, the prosecutor will die without any skills.

Prosecutors are only immune to skills.

This is just like a game mechanism. The boss has a mechanism and cannot be broken. Certain operations are needed to break the mechanism in order to completely kill the boss.

It is understandable that the prosecutor ignores any magic attacks and skill attacks, but he cannot ignore the damage done to him by ordinary attacks.

There is just one thing, the brave only has normal attacks, and they can't beat the prosecutor at all.

Only use normal attacks on the prosecutor if he is seriously injured.

That's the right understanding.

But if you want to seriously injure the prosecutor, you can only rely on the giants.

Jiang Chen replied: I know.

Bertram: Brother, be careful, use a borrowed knife to kill someone, kill him.

This point doesn't need to be reminded by Bertram, Jiang Chen has already thought of it.

inside the cave.

Angelina was particularly worried about Jiang Chen's comfort, after all, she was a prosecutor, she sat in the cave in fear, without saying a word.

Jiang Li comforted at the side: "Don't worry, you have to trust him, he will figure out a way."

Alice also persuaded; "Jiang Chen's speed is very fast, even if he is a prosecutor, he can't catch up with him. He can use the giants in the giant world to kill the prosecutor."

"Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do."

"There is no way, we don't have Jiang Chen's speed, and following him will only drag him down, we really become a burden."

After saying this, several people remained silent.

Now they can only hope that Jiang Chen can escape this disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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