Chapter 503, Jiang Chen is Invincible
Everyone was amazed and shocked.

"What? He rushed out alone?"

"Who is he?"

"I don't know! Is this person stupid, facing thousands of giants alone? Isn't this courting death?"

"Is this man a madman?"

"What do you know? If you want to break through the siege, you can only rely on him."

"He is Jiang Chen, the strongest swordsman."

ta ta ta ta tao

Facing the giant race, Jiang Chen rushed out without hesitation, these are experience points, so we can't let them go like this.

And Jiang Chen still needs to upgrade to level 350.

It's still far from level 350.

Now requires 18 billion experience points.

It feels terrible to think about it.

When the giants saw a person rushing over, countless giants rushed towards Jiang Chen, brandishing huge weapons.

Jiang Chen was not polite, Wan Jian Guizong appeared, and instantly killed the giants in an instant.

Three thousand sword qi rushing straight...

Instant kill.

These are just ordinary giants who can use Wanjian Guizong's sword energy to kill instantly.

The thunder and lightning giants fused together in an instant, preparing to use the method of a large formation to kill Jiang Chen.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen won't give them a chance at all.

Slashing the Gods and Drawing the Sword...

Cleave a hole from the big net.

Wan Jian Guizong quickly killed the remaining giants in a flash.

above the sky.

A few evil brave men watched Jiang Chen fight on the battlefield...
My heart trembled.

"Who is this person? Why is he so powerful?"

"do not know."

"Such a strong sword energy, almost invincible, cutting giants is like cutting melons and vegetables."

"Even the thunder giant's formation can be broken, what kind of job is this person?"

"He is Jiang Chen, a swordsman by profession, and also Yixin's junior."

The rest of the people looked at Erxin one after another.

The Junior Brother of the Fallen?


Is this guy so scary?

Yi Xin calmly said: "Look at what I do, it has nothing to do with me, if you want to kill him, just go down and kill him, I won't do anything."

Although Jiang Chen is not a free man, he is also a swordsman.

He also obtained the technique of killing gods and drawing swords.

He is Bai Yun's disciple.

He won't go down and do it, and Jiang Chen is very strong, as a ninth-level powerhouse, he may not be Jiang Chen's opponent.

Tajana Willis smiled and said, "I'll go!"

Focused on Tajana Willis.

Frowning tightly: "I advise you not to go."

Tajana Willis looked back at Yixin and smiled charmingly; "Why? Are you afraid that I will kill your junior brother?"

"I'm afraid you're dead."

"Really, I want to see if your junior brother's concentration is the same as yours."

Don't say anything anymore!
Tajana Willis is a succubus class.

Utilize the skill of charm.

Yixin has seen that kind of power before. He has excellent concentration and will not be charmed at all. Free people are a group of people with firm concentration.

Although he has desires, he can suppress his desires.

Warriors are different.

It cannot be suppressed by its own strength.

To put it bluntly, badges are nothing without their power.

Yi Xin is also worried, once Jiang Chen is no match.

What should I do?
Do you want to rescue yourself?
Tajana Willis flew down and floated towards Jiang Chen from the sky.

At this moment.

The brave men in the city saw this scene.

They were all afraid.


It was the succubus Tajana Willis, and she appeared.

An enemy who can make the enemy despair.

Although she didn't do it.

But she can infinitely magnify desire, directly causing people to lose more than half of their combat power. Both men and women are afraid of the ability of succubus.

At this moment Jiang Chen is killing the giant.

Anomalies were also found.

Looking up at the sky, I saw a beautiful figure appearing on it. That perfect body and beautiful pupils seemed to be telling something!
When Jiang Chen saw this scene, there was a faint impulse in his heart.


He wanted to hug the woman and ravish her hard.

'It' moved...

Let go of me, I want to go out and ravage her...


This person is a succubus, a strong man with a special profession, a woman who can make all brave men fear.

She is both an angel and a devil.

With a thought in Jiang Chen's mind, Wan Jian Guizong turned into a long snake and rushed towards Tajana Willis.

Tajana Willis' complexion changed drastically.


How could charm not work?

Does this person have no desires?


Tajana Willis fled immediately.

appeared high in the sky.

Yixin calmly said: "I told you earlier that he will not be controlled by your charm. Although he is not a free person, his mental strength is comparable to a free person."

"What should I do? This kid's attack power is very strong."

"How to kill him?"

"With him around, it might be very difficult to kill. Let's retreat first, Terena, you take action at night and kill him."

Terena smiled: "It's not that I don't want to kill him, but that his dream space is very strong. I once fought against him in the dream."

"I'm afraid that if I don't kill him by then, he will kill me."

Terena complained;

Terena once appeared in Jiang Chen's dream space, and even fought against each other, so she naturally knew how powerful Jiang Chen was, and there was nothing Terena could do.

And he is Yixin's junior, even if he can kill him, he won't make a move.

"Then you can't watch him keep killing giants!"

"Do the giants have anything to do with us!"

"Let's go!"

"Temporarily retreat."

The evil god brave flew away in the air, ignoring them at all.

And below.

After Jiang Chen cleaned up the surrounding giants, he faced the golden giants, and the golden giants only had the ability to kill gods and draw swords.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is invincible...

The brave men on the city wall were amazed when they saw this scene.

"Such a strong sword energy, even the golden giants will kill with one blow."

"How could he not be controlled by the succubus?"

"Could it be the charm of immunity to succubus?"

"Impossible, the succubus is not in an abnormal state, even wearing a legendary suit has no effect."

"Unless he can suppress his own desires."

The warriors were astonished.

They kept the fear of being without a demon in their hearts, especially the charm of the succubus, which no one could resist. It was neither a physical attack nor a magical attack.

Instead, it arouses one's own desire, and any defense is ineffective.

But Jiang Chen completely ignored the succubus.

Level up 309...

Level up 310...

After killing the giants, it will be upgraded by 2 levels again.

【Name: Jiang Chen】

【Legion: Secret Sword Legion】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

[Title: Prosecutor Killer]

【Level: 310】

【Experience: 500000/2000000000】

[Physical: 12130]

【Strength: 11259】

【Spirit: 12660】

[Agility: 2135]


Jiang Chen turned around and went back...
Brave cheers...

"Swordsman is too powerful."

"One person repels the enemy, invincible, invincible."

"We hope to leave the world of giants completely."

"Yes, I will definitely be able to leave the world of giants."

After seeing how powerful Jiang Chen is, they already had hope that they could leave the world of giants.

(End of this chapter)

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