
Looking at the suit, Jiang Chen couldn't help being excited!
This Nima...


It's so awesome.

Jiang Chen held up the divine sword: "Thanks to the great gods, praise the great gods, I, Jiang Chen, will definitely follow behind the gods and never betray."

The rest clapped their hands and applauded with great excitement.

"Fuck, this is a set attribute, it's too awesome."

"Much more powerful than ordinary epic equipment."

"Nonsense, this is the equipment made by the gods, so it is naturally powerful, now Jiang Chen is invincible."

"What, they have long been invincible. Slaughtering people from the Cthulhu Continent is like slaughtering dogs!"

"Is this the treatment of a boss..."

Jiang Chen put on his equipment.

[Thunder strike, a hundred-fold increase... The increase was successful]

[Thunder Sword Array, in the process of increasing by a hundred times... the increase is successful]

[Thunder Armor, in the process of increasing by a hundred times... The increase is successful]

[The power of thunder, in the process of increasing by a hundred times... The increase is successful]

[Phantom Lislet Forbidden Curse, in the process of increasing by a hundred times... the increase is successful]

[Phantom Lislet's laser finger is in the process of increasing by a hundred times... the increase is successful]

[Phantom Lislet's field is being multiplied by a hundred times... the expansion is successful]

After a while of growth...

Jiang Chen felt unprecedentedly powerful.


Now he can finally kill a god.

Subgod Diane Bellamy said with a meaningful smile: "I hope you will always remember what you just said, and don't abandon the continent of the gods like Bai Yun."

"I, Jiang Chen, am the brave man of the Gods Continent, and will always be..."

"it is good."

Yashen Diane Bellamy looked at Angelina next to Jiang Chen.


She felt that the people around Jiang Chen were reincarnated gods.

Sub-god Diane Bellamy knelt on half a knee: "sub-god Diane Bellamy, I have met God, the great Angelina."

Everyone was stunned.

I was dumbfounded for a moment.

what's the situation?
Philippa knelt on half a knee: "Prosecutor Philippa has seen Angelina God."

"I have seen Lord God."

"I have seen Lord God."

Everyone understood that the god standing before them was a god, a great god.

Everyone Shocked...

Angelina said: "Get up!"

"Thank you, my lord."

Yashen Diane Bellamy looked at Angelina with a calm face...

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ? ?

This is exposed?
This Nima...

But it doesn't matter, the current Jiang Chen has enough strength to protect her.

The sub-god Diane Bellamy was exposed, so naturally she wouldn't do it, and if she did, Angelina's identity would not be exposed.

Killing the gods, if it spreads, it is a real betrayal.

The rest of the people looked at Angelina one after another.


oh my god
Angelina turned out to be a god?
It never occurred to them that the priest beside them turned out to be a god.

The sub-god Diane Bellamy asked: "My lord, please give me instructions on how to fight next."

"I don't know, just leave it to you. I'm a priest, and I don't have enough combat power at all."

Asian God Diane Bellamy nodded: "Understood."

Yashen Diane Bellamy looked at everyone: "The legion commander, Jiang Chen, and the prosecutor all entered the meeting room with me, and blew the horn to attack Cecilia's country."

meeting room.

Jiang Chen stood next to Angelina, my wife is a god.

How does this feel like eating soft rice!
But this soft rice is delicious...

Angelina took Jiang Chen out.

"What are you doing? Isn't it a discussion?"

"I might have to go back."

"go back?"

"Yes, the sub-god Diane Bellamy exposed my identity. The family members are afraid that I will be in danger, so they will definitely take me back."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.


Now that Angelina's identity has been exposed, Angelina will naturally want to go back.

no surprise······

This soft rice is not so delicious.

There is no so-called love in the continent of the gods.

Even the gods are like this.

At this moment, Jiang Chen had a feeling that the distance from Angelina was getting farther and farther...
Although it is close at hand, it is like the ends of the earth.

She is no longer her.

"Will we meet again?"

"Will do."

"When you become a god, I will meet you, and I will wait for you in the domain of the gods."

"Have you regained your memory?"



"When drinking the blessed water."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

At that time, Jiang Chen felt that Angelina was different. Although Jiang Cheng refused to admit it, it was true...
At that time, Jiang Chen felt a change.

Angelina lowered her head: "I didn't deliberately hide from you, but I want to practice with you, raise the level together, and enjoy this wonderful moment together."

Jiang Chen: "I know."

"Yeah, I feel it too, you already know."

The two were silent...
At this moment.

It was as if two people were about to part forever.

Just then.

The sky burst into thunder...

A gate of time and space appears...

Everyone looked at the sky.

The sub-god Diane Bellamy also came out of the conference room. The moment she saw the sky, the sub-god Diane Bellamy understood that it was the gods of the Bruce family who had arrived.

And the one who came was Angelina's brother, Lockon Bruce...

A clean white suit.

Sub-god Diane Bellamy knelt on half-knee: "I have seen the gods."


Everyone kneeled.

Lockon Bruce looked at Angelina and said with a smile, "My dear sister, I finally found you."


"You don't even call me brother?"

Lockon Bruce looked at Jiang Chen with doubts on his face, who is this person?

You didn't bow down when you saw me?

Angelina introduced: "This is Jiang Chen, the person next to me."

Lockon Bruce smiled: "It's the person next to you, it seems to be your new man."


"'s okay, I understand."

Lockon Bruce looked at Jiang Chen and said with a smile: "My name is Lockon, and I'm Angelina's elder brother. You are very good, young man, you have won my sister's favor."

"Jiang Chen."

"Jiang Chen? Swordsman? are the swordsman praised by the gods, no wonder my sister likes you, thank you for taking care of my sister, now my sister should go home, and go to God's Domain to play when she is free .”

Angelina turned her head and said, "Jiang Chen, I should leave."

"Okay, I will go to God's Domain to find you."

"Well, I'll wait for you..."

Lockon Bruce looked at the sub-god Diane Bellamy and said, "Thank you for telling me the information."

"Master God, this is as it should be."

Lockon Bruce looked at Philippa and said coldly: "Philippa, you already knew about it, but you still kept it from me. After you go back, let's see how your mother treats you."

Philippa said: "I don't know, what are you talking about!"

"Hmph, brat."

Lockon Bruce took Angelina and flew into the sky.

Angelina: I look forward to meeting you in God's Domain...
Jiang Chen: Farewell...

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