Chapter 523, kill Lei Gang, sudden change

Lei Gang looked at himself in disbelief, and then looked at Jiang Chen in horror.


How can he control the power of law.

Lei Gang fell to the ground...

Jiang Chen's sword not only broke the God's Domain, but also chopped Lei Gang's Thunder Armor and split Lei Gang's body in two.

The place was silent.

"How is it possible that Lei Gang lost the battle and died?"

"What's the meaning of that sword just now? It's such a terrifying sword. Could it be that he comprehended God's Domain during the battle?"

"What a strong sword, this sword is brilliant!"

"This sword surpassed two hearts, surpassed one sword, and was inherited by Baiyun."

"Lei Gang is dead, I can't believe it, he is the most hopeful person to understand the law."

The freelancers all looked at Jiang Chen one after another.

That is the swordsman of the Gods Continent.

Beheaded Lei Gang, beheaded the powerful ninth-order powerhouse.

Augustus looked astonished, then smiled and said: "That kid still has a hand."

"Lord Augustus, it seems that Jiang Chen has obtained Baiyun's true inheritance."

"This sword is so brilliant, it can catch up with Baiyun."

"Yes, even Lei Gang is dead, this sword is really powerful!"

Augustus shook his head: "He didn't get Baiyun's inheritance, but he realized the power of law. He obtained new skills after fusing the power of law with the technique of killing gods and drawing swords."

"Baiyun's is the law of the sword, while his is the law of destruction."

"Although it's only a little bit, it's enough to deal with Lei Gang."

"It's a pity that he is a swordsman in the Gods Continent, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to be promoted to a sub-god or a god in the future."

Augustus shook his head and sighed...


Augustus was silent.

How can the gods be promoted so easily?
How many sub-gods are there in the Continent of the Gods?
There are at least several million sub-gods.

But how many gods are there?
But a few thousand.

And the gods are inherited in the form of families.

Li Mu was taken aback: "Jiang Chen has already grown up. Apart from the gods, no one is his opponent. Unexpectedly, only a few months have passed, and he is already comparable to a god."

As the president of the Tiandihui, Li Mu was full of admiration for Jiang Chen's strength.

Even if Li Mu is against Jiang Chen, he may not be sure.

Especially the last sword, even Li Mu couldn't catch that sword.


Free people all understand that the sword just now is no longer a so-called skill, but the power of law!
That is the law that overrides any force.

If you want to fight, only the law can fight.

Yixin came over and exclaimed: "Junior Brother, you are really amazing."

"Hey... Li Gang, you're not my opponent yet."

At this moment.

Zhong Yuanju said loudly: "Everyone has seen it, he is a swordsman trained by the Gods Continent, and he is the biggest enemy of the Freedom Alliance."

"Haven't you guys heard the legend? The Gods Continent will train a swordsman to drive out all free people."

"Now that the swordsman has not yet become popular, I suggest that everyone take action together to take down this swordsman and strangle him in the cradle on the spot."

The rest of the people looked at Zhong Yuanju one after another.

They were silent.

The reason why the Cangsheng Association was established was that after hearing the legend of the Gods Continent, the Cangsheng Association was established with the purpose of killing the swordsmen in the Gods Continent.

In their view, a swordsman is a free man, which completely betrays his identity.

It is a profession cultivated by the Gods Continent for free people.

As for the legend, no one took it seriously.

Now, Lei Gang died at the hands of the swordsman, what does that mean!
This legend turned out to be true.

At this time, most of the free men held their sword hilts.

It doesn't matter that Lei Gang died at the hands of the free, but he couldn't die at the hands of the brave men of the Gods Continent, or at the hands of the swordsmen.

Li Mu snorted coldly: "Zhong Yuanju, don't sow discord, what legends are just your one-sided words, if you have the ability to fight Jiang Chen one-on-one, don't you think we are all fools?"

Li Mu once heard from the people below.

It was Jiang Chen who lifted the curse on his forehead, it was Jiang Chen who turned the fallen into a free person, and from then on he was able to live in the small world with integrity.

Don't have to suffer from hunger any more.

Li Mu is not the kind of person who crosses rivers and destroys bridges.

Nangong Xin nodded: "Li Mu is right, Zhong Yuanju, don't yell, you have no right to speak here."

"Li Mu of Tiandihui, Nangongxin of Piaomiaohui, it seems that you have completely defended Jiang Chen. Have you forgotten your identities, you have forgotten that you are free, and you have completely surrendered to the Continent of the Gods?"

Zhong Yuanju questioned...

Li Mu snorted coldly: "There's so much nonsense, if you want to fight, then fight, why bother talking nonsense."

Li Mu turned and left.

Nangong Xin did the same, turned and left.

They couldn't do it to besiege Jiang Chen.

"Haha... this Yuanju horse is not strong enough, it will talk nonsense, and it still wants to call free people to attack Jiang Chen, it is simply an idiot."

"The legend is just a trick of the Common People's Association."

"Li Mu and Nangong Xin are both ninth-level masters, powerhouses in the realm of comprehension. If they join forces, Jiang Chen may not be able to resist."

"That's right, besides Li Mu and Nangong Xin, there is also the president of the Qianren Association, and Qian Renxue is also a master of the God's Domain."

"Do they dare? Don't forget, Jiang Chen must be Bai Yun's disciple who has obtained the Sky Slashing and Sword Drawing Technique, so they are not afraid of Bai Yun turning his face!"

Augustus smiled: "Actually, what the common people will say is true."

The gods under Augustus were taken aback.

Are the legends true?
Isn't this a little trick of the Commonwealth Society?
How can this be?

Augustus continued: "This is what the prophet of the gods said. The prophet has no skills, but he controls the law of prophecy for what he says is the future."

Augustus looked at Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen wants to become a god, then the task is: to kill the fallen strong. This is the Gods Continent's long-planned plan, and it is also the biggest plan of the Gods Continent.

Why the swordsman is so powerful is also calculated by the gods.

The Fallen either surrendered to the gods.

or die.

There are only two possibilities.

And Jiang Chen will become the Sword God of the Freedom, the Sword God of the Freedom.

The only condition is: the sword god surrenders to the gods...

Once upon a time, the Continent of the Gods wanted to control Baiyun.

As a result, the gods failed.

In the end, Baiyun comprehended the ultimate power, comparable to the power of a god.

And what about Jiang Chen!

I'm afraid it's also a pawn of the gods.

As for how to choose in the future.

It depends on how Jiang Chen chooses.

It is to become a pawn of the gods and hunt down the fallen.

Or become an abandoned child, like Bai Yun, give up the power of the badge, and feel the true power of the free?
Augustus is the true god.

He is still very familiar with the strategy of the Gods Continent.

Zhong Yuanju drew out his long sword: "Fight for the free ones, fight for the free people's alliance, and kill Jiang Chen with me, absolutely can't let him grow up."

Zhong Yuanju slowly walks out of the city...

Jiang Chen was taken aback

Eighth-order powerhouse?
Are you here to die?
The elders of the Cangshenghui also drew out their long swords, fearless of death...

A large number of free men drew their long swords.

(End of this chapter)

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