Chapter 531, Qualified to be the God of Destruction
Angelina said: "Bacal, who is beside you?"

"I can't even see it. This is my new lover. He is now level 400 and needs experience orbs to grow up."

"How many is this?"

"It's just an experience ball. It's hard for a little sister to raise her level. As a kind-hearted Bakar, shouldn't it be right to help my little sister raise her level?"

Bakar didn't care at all.

Angelina was speechless.

Take Jiang Chen away.

The two of them just walked out of the room when a housekeeper came over and said with a smile, "Miss Angelina, the master is waiting for you in the meeting room."

"I see, Jiang Chen, I'll take you to my room."

The butler said: "The master said, I still want to meet the guests you brought back."

Angelina nodded: "Okay."

The two followed behind the butler...

The butler smiled and said, "Hi Jiang Chen, my name is Roland, and I'm the butler of the Bruce family. The gods appreciate you very much."

Jiang Chen felt that Roland also had the power of law in his body.

Asked: "Are you also a god?"

"I'm not a god, and I haven't condensed the imprint of a god. Having laws in my body doesn't mean I'm a god, I can only be regarded as a sub-god."

This guy is a master!

Angelina explained: "Gods need to condense the marks of gods to be considered gods, and to condense the marks of gods, they need the power of [-] million laws."

"Jiang Chen, what you condense is the law of destruction. If you want to become a god, you need to condense [-] million laws of destruction. Now you have a law of destruction in your body."

"In the future, we will take the route of destruction."


One hundred million laws of destruction?

Where the hell am I going to find the [-] million laws of destruction?

It seems that wanting to become a god is not that simple.

And the mark of God that Jiang Chen obtained was the complete power of law.

Angelina continued: "It can be exchanged with merit points. There are laws of destruction in the warehouse of the Gods Continent, as well as the power of other laws."

"The 20 laws can be exchanged for one law of destruction."


This is the same as what Diane said, 20 marks of God, exchange for your own mark of God.

A mark of God is very difficult.

How about 20 coins?
Is it possible to hunt down other gods?
Isn't this looking for death?

Of course, if there is a chance, Jiang Chen can exchange a God's Seal for his own God's Seal.

For example, the opponent is the Law of Devouring, and it happens to have the Law of Destruction, which can be exchanged for your own Law, but the chances of this are too slim.

How could this be possible.

If other people had the seal of God that Jiang Chen needed, they would not exchange it with Jiang Chen.

You have become a god, I am still a sub-god, I will never do it...

Roland said with a smile: "Actually, such an exchange condition is too unfair. You can go to the black market to find your own rules. May I ask, what is the rule of the God's Mark you got?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "This question really stumped me, before I had time to study it, I was snatched away by Baiyun."

Xiao sample, want to get information from me?

You are too tender...
Roland smiled, stopped asking, and led the two into the conference room.

There is only one middle-aged person in the conference room.

angelina's father

Russell Bruce····
Roselle watched the two come in, and said with a smile, "Sit down."

Roselle looked at Jiang Chen and said with a smile, "Level 500?"


"Thank you for taking care of my daughter in the lower realm. She is a priest. Before she was promoted to a god, she was very weak. In return, it is right for you to be promoted to a higher level. It is up to you to advance to the sub-god."

"I can't do anything about it, but I'm sure you can."

This old man is his father-in-law?
It seemed very amiable.

At this moment, Jiang Chen murmured in his heart: This old man is also planning to use the mark of God, right?

After all, that is the complete mark of God.

Once possessed, it can make a sub-god a god.

Then the Bruce family has another god.

Angelina said: "My lord, Jiang Chen's seal of God was snatched by Baiyun!"

Roselle nodded: "I know, Bai Yun, the man who made the gods tremble, the son of the god king Reinis, a little boy with a small temper."

"Just like you when you were a child, in the rebellious stage, always thinking that you are the most powerful existence, I believe he will return to the Gods Continent sooner or later."

"After all, he is the son of the king of gods. Lady Reinis doesn't want her son to do anything wrong."

Jiang Chen was shocked.

God King Reinis?
This is the guy who came out of nowhere.

So is Bai Yun's status so noble?

Hearing Roselle say that, he was like the ruler of a country, the emperor's son, a son who was deviant, a son who didn't want to inherit the throne.

A son who only wants to walk the world with his sword.

Russell looked at Jiang Chen's doubts, and explained: "In the Continent of the Gods, there are a total of ten god kings, who are called lords in the outside world."

"And Baiyun is the son of one of the god kings, Reinis."

"Baiyun's real name is not Baiyun, but Langton. He is different from other gods. He likes to travel all over the world, and finally joined the Freedom Alliance."

"By chance, I became a sword god."

"God King Reinis originally wanted him to bring the free people to join the Alliance of Gods, but unfortunately... he betrayed the Alliance of Gods."

"Do you know why he is?"


"A woman, a woman who believes in love, don't you find it ridiculous!"

Jiang Chen: ? ? ? ?

Is this ridiculous!

It doesn't seem ridiculous!
From the perspective of Gods Continent, this seems very ridiculous.

Russell continued: "God King Reinis is also paying attention to this son. I heard that you have a good relationship with him. I hope you can persuade Baiyun to return to the Gods Continent."

"Of course in return, Reinis will naturally make you a God of Destruction and give you a complete mark of God."

This task is more difficult than becoming a god!
Although he met Bai Yun once or twice, Jiang Chen knew Bai Yun's choice, if he wanted to come back, he would have come back long ago.

Is it his turn to persuade?
No wonder Lilith, the god of the Gods Continent, didn't fight Baiyun.

The emotional family is the son of the king of gods.

Isn't that looking for death!

Jiang Chen embarrassedly said: "I'm afraid my ability is not enough, if you want Baiyun to return to the Continent of the Gods, you need his beloved woman."

Russell nodded: "I also knew you would ask that, so the woman from Baiyun has already arrived."

Russell clapped his hands.

A woman came out of the next room.

Jiang Chen looked at this woman.


A very ordinary woman, not outstanding in appearance, not even comparable to Angelina, Lilith and others.

She looks fairly handsome, the kind of woman who can be caught in the street.

This is Baiyun's lover?

Turnip greens, all have love?
What the hell is love?
"Hello, my name is Li Qinglian."

"Jiang Chen."

"Baiyun, is he alright?"

"'s pretty good."

Russell smiled and said, "My lord God King gave me a mission. I thought about it and asked you to take her to meet Baiyun. As for Baiyun's choice, it's beyond our control."

At this time Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

Baiyun returns.

Jiang Chen obtained the mark of destruction and became the God of Destruction.

Baiyun does not return.

Not a dime.

(End of this chapter)

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