Chapter 535, finally calculated by the gods
Qian Renxue also left, she never thought of relying on Baiyun to survive, she has always been a lonely person, relying on others is worse than relying on herself.

Only when you are strong can you be really strong.

So Qianrenhui is all women, not a single man.

Li Mu watched Qian Renxue leave without saying anything!
For every president of the Qianren Association, they are extremely arrogant people.

Baiyun is the top combat power of the entire Freedom, once Baiyun leaves, the Freedom will be in danger.

three days later...
Baiyun returns.

The moment Baiyun returned, Li Qinglian jumped up and threw herself on Baiyun with a look of excitement: "Little Yunyun, I finally see you again."

Jiang Chen: ? ? ? ?

Little Yunyun?
This title, Nima...why is it so disgusting!
Bai Yun smiled: "You are back."


"Think I didn't?"

"Think about it."

"But why do you look unhappy?"

"I am very happy."

"No, I feel it, you are not happy, do you think that I am dead, but I am not dead, it was God King Reinis who brought me back to life."

Bai Yun nodded: "I see."

At this time Li Xiaolian stood up and said coldly: "Baiyun, are you sure she is my sister?"

Bai Yun remained silent.

Bai Yun, who always likes to talk, was also at a loss.


She felt that Li Qinglian in front of her seemed to know everything, whether it was movements, demeanor, or the smile on her face, they were all so real.


Bai Yun saw Li Qinglian's death with his own eyes.

died in his arms.

But now!

Li Qinglian actually appeared in front of him alive, he couldn't believe it.

This is real.

The whole world seemed to collapse suddenly.

Bai Yun looked at Jiang Chen: "I have a word with my friend, is that okay?"

"Okay, I'll close my ears."

Li Qinglian covered her ears with her hands, looking cute.

Jiang Chen also understood.

Woman, it really is a deadly weapon.

Even Baiyun, who was as strong as a god, fell.

Who doesn't love such a silly, white and sweet girl!
Besides, in this dangerous world, everyone hopes to grow up quickly and to be able to shock the heavens, but there is such a girl.

It is impossible not to be moved.

Baiyun walked towards Jiang Chen, said with a smile, "You scared me."

"Hey... I have no other choice. Just give me a mission when I return to the Continent of the Gods, and ask me to bring her to see you. I don't know anything."

"Have you seen God King Reynis?"

"I don't have that ability. I met the master of the Bruce family. He asked me to hand her over to you. It's as simple as that."

"Actually, I still have benefits."

Bai Yun asked: "What's the benefit?"

"Let me become the God of Destruction, I can't refuse this condition."

Bai Yun nodded and remained silent.

It took a while before he said: "I know the gods better, and I have never heard that the dead can be resurrected, even the king of gods is impossible."

"What about cloning!"

"What clone?"

"You haven't heard of it?"


Even cloning is not right, people look alike, but it is impossible to have memories, since Bai Yun said so, he doesn't know what's going on.

Jiang Chen asked: "What's your plan next?"

"What do you say!"

Nonsense, I really want you to return to the Continent of the Gods, so that I can inherit the mark of destruction and become the God of Destruction.

Go back and inherit your throne, belong to your era.

Bai Yun said: "I won't go back for the time being, I will investigate and discuss it later."

Jiang Chen nodded helplessly.

It seems that's all there is to it.

Mark of Destruction is about to fail.

Bai Yun whispered: "One thing, I can be sure, she is not her."

After Baiyun finished speaking, he took Li Qinglian and left.

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

She is not 'her', naturally refers to Li Qinglian, even if she has memory, she is not the original Li Qinglian.

Jiang Chen didn't understand, since he had confirmed that Li Qinglian was not her, why did he take her away?

Why does Li Qinglian have the memory of 'her'?

Forget it.

What to do if you think so much, let's quickly improve your strength. Now that you are at level [-], your next plan is to be promoted to the sub-god. After becoming a sub-god, you will find the law of destruction.

Completely achieve the gods.

Only one hundred million laws of destruction can be promoted to gods.

When will this be collected!

Now there is only one law of destruction!

This is much more difficult than upgrading.

Jiang Chen also went back.

The Continent of the Gods.

Mission Temple.

A god looked at Jiang Chen and said with a smile: "Great Jiang Chen, please accept your mission. When you complete the mission, you will become a real god."

[Accept the mission: kill the freers, destroy the five major alliances of the freers]

[Kill: Li Mu and Li Jian of the Heaven and Earth Society Eighteen ninth-level masters...]

[Kill: Piaomiaohui Nangongxin... seventeen ninth-level elders. 】

[Kill: Chairman Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue... fifteen ninth-level elders. 】

[Kill: Eighteen elders of Taiyihui. 】

[Kill: Loyalty Society, One Sword, Two Hearts, [-] elders of Loyalty Society...]

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

Destroy the five major alliances of the freers.

In the land of the gods, a master will emerge, this person will destroy the free people, this legend is actually true...
At this moment, Jiang Chen's eyes were full of disbelief.

This is the only condition for him to be promoted to sub-god.

Jiang Chen really couldn't understand why his mission was like this, not to kill the sub-god of the evil alliance?
Jiang Chen sent out a soul torture: "Why are my tasks different?"

"You are a swordsman. Your task is different from other sub-god promotion tasks. As long as you complete the task, you will be awarded the title of Sword God and the highest honor."

"And you will replace Baiyun and become the only sword god in the Gods Continent."

"Jiang Chen, do you accept the mission?"

Killing other people is fine, Yixin, Yijian, Li Mu, Nangongxin are also included, they have helped Jiang Chen more or less.

Yijian once helped Jiang Chen resist the master of the evil god and saved his life.

Nangong Xin helped him resist Lei Gang and saved his life.

Erxin is Baiyun's disciple, so he can be regarded as his friend.

Although Li Mu did not save him, but he is a member of the Tiandihui, and his relationship is not shallow...
The god smiled and said, "As a god, don't you want it?"

"Get the ultimate power, don't you want it?"

"Across the heavens, don't you want it?"

"Jiang Chen, you have to remember your own identity, you are from the Continent of the Gods, you are the swordsman of the Continent of the Gods, this is your destiny."

"Bai Yun has brought Li Qinglian back to the lower realm, this is your best chance."

"Once Baiyun returns, you don't have any chance."

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly realized...

In the end, he was calculated by the gods and became an enemy of Baiyun. Is this the ultimate fate?

Jiang Chen said very sincerely: "Can I change the mission to someone else? Even if it's to kill [-] or [-] demigods in the Heretic God Continent."

"Jiang Chen, you haven't sorted out your relationship yet. You are the brave man of the Gods Continent. This is your ultimate destiny."

(End of this chapter)

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