Chapter 546, Kissing Fangze, This Is Not So Good!
Du Ningsun said: "There are terrifying sea beasts in the deep sea, and these are just low-level sea beasts. Everyone should be vigilant to prevent sea beasts from making trouble."

"We are all on the same boat, the past is over, as long as we reach the ice and snow safely."

"What happened in the past, don't blame the past."

"Live in peace and reach your destination."

Li Xiaolu turned her head and said, "Okay, let's get along peacefully and reach the world of ice and snow."

Jiang Chen glanced at it, then returned to the cabin.

"The sea is really dangerous."

"Yes, if the boat is gone, everyone will die."

"What kind of monster was that just now, like an octopus?"

"It should be an octopus monster. They live in the depths of the sea. Fortunately, there are female heroes here, otherwise we will be finished."

"It seems that they should have given up resistance and are ready to let us go to the ice and snow."

Li Xiaolu whispered: "Be careful, don't let your guard down, don't forget, they are desperadoes."

Hearing what Li Xiaolu said, several people nodded.

It's best to be careful.

Such a day, another three days have passed...

【Jiang Chen】

【Infuriating: 4820】

【Level: 3】

[Inner Strength and Mind: Taishang Induction Chapter]

[Martial arts: Vajra Immortality Magical Art, Lingbo Weibu, Slashing the Sky and Pulling the Sword, Fighting the Stars, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect...]

True Qi continued to increase, filling Jiang Chen's dantian.

And the dantian has also undergone obvious changes, from the original true energy to a small ball, this feeling is like entering the golden core state.

At the beginning, true qi was a gas, and as the true qi increased, it became a liquid, and then fused into a solid, undergoing changes step by step.

Du Ningsun asked, "How?"

"They let their guard down."

"Then do it tonight, my arm can't be broken in vain." Du Ningsun looked at the arm with a cold face...

At this time Jiang Chen was lying in the cabin.

A trace of white air emerged from below.

something wrong.

Jiang Chen sensed the change in the surrounding air, knew that it was Du Ningsun who made the move, and was ready to catch them all.

Desperadoes, how can it be so easy to surrender.

Jiang Chen's perception of abnormalities was exceptionally strong, and he immediately walked out of the cabin.

And this moment.

Most of the free people relaxed their vigilance and went back to sleep in the cabin, and a few were observing, but unfortunately they didn't find any problems at all.

In the next second...

Du Ningsun led the sailors to start.

The faces of the two free men changed drastically: "Du Ningsun, what do you want to do?"

"Hmph, what are you doing? You really can't bully me, Du Ningsun, put down the sword, or die."

A free man shouted loudly: "Alarm, Du Ningsun is on the move."

The sailor behind Du Ningsun laughed wantonly.

"Haha...they've been poisoned long ago."

"This kind of poison can make you weak all over."

"Throw down the long sword in your hand, and let us not die."

The expressions of the two free guards changed drastically upon hearing this.

They also sensed something was wrong.

He called twice, but nothing changed.

Boom boom boom...

A free man knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom...

no response.

Boom boom boom...

Still no response.

Murderous look appeared in Du Ningsun's eyes, and said: "I'll give you one more chance, put down the long sword in your hand, or kill..."

"Bring everyone on deck and I'm going to show them who's really boss."

Du Ningsun gave an order.

All freers are on deck.

At this time, everyone's face was ashen, and the true energy in the whole body was sealed, and the true energy could not be adjusted no matter what, the free people who lost the true energy seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

Li Xiaolu looked even more desperate.

After all the calculations, I didn't expect to be recruited.

At this moment, she couldn't figure out, how did she get tricked?

Du Ningsun looked at Li Xiaolu's figure and said triumphantly, "Do you not understand why you didn't eat our food or drink our water, why did you get tricked?"

Li Xiaolu looked at Du Ningsun and said angrily: "Don't forget, I am a member of the Qianren Society, if you dare to do something, will Qianren let you go."

Du Ningsun sneered: "Qianrenhui? Do you think you can still escape?"

"If you killed us all, wouldn't it arouse others' suspicion? I am the disciple of Elder Xue, the leader of Qianren, and my master is a seventh-level master."

"Boss Du, you have the ability to kill us all."

"Hmph, kill us, and you will be buried with us."

The free people agreed one after another, but they panicked in their hearts.

What if you do it yourself?
They are all desperadoes!

Du Ningsun smiled and didn't care at all.

Killed all?
This method is not bad, but it will definitely attract the attention of Qian Renhui in the end.

Du Ningsun is a desperado, not a fool.

Already thought of the plan.

Du Ningsun said with a smile: "Beauty, how could I be willing to kill you? Of course I didn't do it and tied her to the mast."

Two sailors stepped forward and tied Li Xiaolu two or three times.

Li Xiaolu was furious.

Now that there is no true energy, it is impossible to resist.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"What to do, killing you is not too cheap, let them have a good time now."

Du Ningsun looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "I'll give you a chance, whoever wants to live can make out with her for a while."

"Who doesn't want to, I can give him a ride in advance."

When everyone heard the words, their faces changed greatly.

The other party is a disciple of the Qianren Society, who dares to go up...
Du Ningsun said coldly: "Why don't you dare to move? You don't want to give you a chance to live. Don't you want to kiss Fangze? Li Xiaolu is still very beautiful..."

"Those who want to kiss Fangze stand on the left, and I will give you a chance later."

"I don't want to stand on the right side with a kiss on Fangze, and leave the sea to feed the fish later."

"Give you ten breaths of time."

"After ten breaths, those who stand on the left will survive, and those who stand on the right can hum..."

Twenty or so free men heard the words.

They were silent.




Some people go to the left one after another. With No.1, there will be the second person...the third person...the fourth person...

Li Xiaolu's face was ashen, and she understood what Du Ningsun meant.

This is trying to humiliate her.

"Sorry, we have no choice."

"We just want to survive."

"Yeah, we all want to live."


Du Ningsun laughed loudly: "This is the person you want to protect? Do you want to die now?"

A sailor looked at Jiang Chen: "Boy, why don't you go to the right?"

Jiang Chen said: "The legs and feet are weak."

Weak legs?

You are too timid!
Du Ningsun glanced at it, and said with a smile: "Your name is Jiang Chen, and you often inform me. Now I'm giving you a chance. You are the first person to eat crabs."

"Now go over there, kiss Fangze."

Jiang Chen looked at Li Xiaolu, and said awkwardly: "This is not very good!"

"What? You don't want to?"

"Although she likes beautiful women very much, she didn't do it voluntarily."

"You are quite sympathetic, you have no choice, either go kiss Fangze, or I will throw you down to feed the sea monster."

"Actually, I have a third choice."

Du Ningsun frowned: "What?"

"That is to kill you."

Quiet, the scene was quiet.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen with surprise in their eyes, they didn't expect him to be the first one to stand up against him.

Li Xiaolu was shocked.

In such a situation, he can still stand up.

Du Ningsun frowned solemnly.

At this moment, he feels that Jiang Chen is completely different, isn't this a coward?
How can there be such momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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