Chapter 556, Instakill Sword Sect Disciple
Outside the stronghold...

Jiang Chen looked at the disciples of the Sword Sect, and said with a smile: "Let's all do it, let's see how your Wan Jian Gui Sect practiced? I want to see it."

Hou Hechun said coldly: "Don't think that you will be powerful after learning Wan Jian Gui Zong, we will also do Wan Jian Gui Zong, today I will show you what the real Wan Jian Gui Zong is."

Hou Hechun stretched out his right hand, and the true energy in his body quickly condensed into sword energy.

The same is true for the disciples of the Sword Sect behind Hou Hechun,

Stretch out your palm, and the true energy in your body condenses into sword energy.

"If 15 people fight against one person, then Jiang Chen will die."

"Finally, I can see Wan Jiangui's unique skills. I heard that Wan Jiangui can release dozens of sword qi."

"Wan Jian Guizong is very powerful, much stronger than other martial arts."

"Although Jiang Chen has learned Wanjian Guizong, he is definitely no match for the disciples of Jianzong."

The free people on the sidelines talked one after another.

They naturally understand the power of Wan Jian Guizong's unique knowledge.

Jiang Chen smiled, and also stretched out his right hand.

The true energy in the body condensed crazily.

In the next second...

Countless sword qi floated out from the right hands of the fifteen disciples of Hou Hechun's sword sect, white light flashed, and the sky filled with sword qi floated in the air...

The free people who watched looked up in amazement.

So strong.

The sword qi crosses the world, and the return of ten thousand swords to the sect is awesome!


Hundreds of sword qi rushed towards Jiang Chen, and countless sword qi emerged from Jiang Chen's hands, surrounding him like a barrier, spinning crazily, preventing any sword qi from attacking.

One person against 15 Jianzong disciples.

The free ones exclaimed,
"The strong Wan Jian returns to the sect, blocking fifteen disciples of the sword sect by himself."

"It's not right, did you find out, Jiang Chen's Ten Thousand Swords Guizong is different, the sword energy is more than the sword energy of the fifteen Sword Sect disciples."

"Hey... Really, how did he cultivate, and why are there so many?"

"Jiang Chen's sword energy seems to be stronger!"

"Jiang Chen's realm must be very high."

"One person against 15 people is really amazing!"

At this time, the faces of the fifteen disciples of Hou Hechun's Sword Sect changed drastically.

They have practiced Wanjian Guizong for many years, but they are not as good as an outsider practicing Wanjian Guizong, with more sword energy and stronger lethality.

Moreover, Jiang Chen's every sword qi seemed to have been tempered thousands of times, and a random blow could shatter their sword qi.

Jiang Chen joked: "This is your unique skill?"

"This is impossible, how did you practice?"

Jiang Chen remained silent.

Yes, this is an improved version of Wan Jian Gui Zong, and it is a Wan Jian Gui Zong that has been increased by a hundred times.

The Zhantian Sword Drawing technique is to condense true energy to the extreme, just like condensing a piece of iron weighing hundreds of catties into a needle.

Wan Jian Guizong is different, condensing iron blocks weighing hundreds of catties into hundreds of small swords.

Although they are all condensed true energy.

But Zhantian and Swordsmanship are far stronger than Wanjian Guizong.

After Jiang Chen practiced, he applied the condensed method of cutting the sky and drawing the sword to Wan Jian Guizong, with the ultimate sword energy and the ultimate lethality.

Jiang Chen's thoughts moved.

Sword Qi Explosion······

In an instant, the sword energy of 15 people was shattered. His sword energy was as indestructible as steel...
The faces of the 15 people changed drastically.

In the next second, Jian Qi crazily rushed towards the disciple of Jianzong.

Hou Hechun roared angrily, "Sword Formation."

15 people simultaneously stimulated their true qi and passed it into Hou Hechun's body...

A yellow light surrounded 15 people together.


Similar to the enchantment of an enchanter, creating a barrier defense, but turning the magic enchantment into a true energy enchantment.

But how could a mere barrier be able to resist it.

Jiang Chen's thoughts moved.

Turn hundreds of sword qi into a long snake and rush towards Hou Hechun.


As the sword energy continued to attack, the barrier of true energy began to shatter...


Just in an instant.

The sword qi shattered the barrier, killing all 15 people
Don't stay alive.


The sword qi returned to Jiang Chen's body, turned into true qi and stored it again.

The place was silent.

Killing fifteen sword sect disciples in seconds is simply too powerful...

Jiang Chen yawned.

Go to the stronghold.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Everyone who wants Wan Jian Gui Zong's unique learning, you can exchange it with your unique learning. As long as I like it, I will attach a copy of Wan Jian Gui Zong's unique learning."

"I will stay here for three days, and after three days, I will leave here."


Amid everyone's astonishment, Jiang Chen entered the stronghold...
"What did he just say?"

"Could it be that he wants to pass on Wan Jian Guizong's unique knowledge?"

"It can't be a lie! That's Jianzong's unique skill, whoever dares to practice, isn't he afraid of being chased and killed by others?"

"He wants to cause us to confront Jianzong, don't be fooled."

"If we all practice Wan Jian Guizong, we will definitely be hunted down by Jianzong. He wants to use this opportunity to escape immediately."

Liberty saw through Jiang Chen's scheme at a glance.

Jiang Chen exchanged meat for some firewood, and sat alone by the campfire, waiting for others to come over...

Jiang Chen is going to do something big.

It is to pass on Wan Jian Gui Zong's unique knowledge, rubbing tens of thousands of fucking copies, and making Wan Jian Gui Zong grandly an ordinary martial art.

Jiang Chen knew that there were people coming, he couldn't bear it, there must be many people.

Jiang Chen also wanted to experience other martial arts.

Thoroughly integrate new martial arts.

Like Baiyun, feel your own things.

Whether it is returning to the clan of ten thousand swords, cutting the sky and drawing the sword, fighting to turn the stars... these are all martial arts created by the predecessors.

If Jiang Chen wants his own things, he must make a breakthrough.

Jiang Long and the others sat around.

Jiang Long asked, "What do you think my little brother is doing? Are you really going to confront the people of Wan Jian Gui Zong and spread Wan Jian Gui Zong's unique knowledge?"

"I'm afraid that someone will go to my younger brother to verify and learn the ten thousand swords to return to the clan."

"Yeah, Wan Jian Gui Zong, that is a unique skill. Once practiced, it will definitely increase one's combat effectiveness, but learning Wan Jian Gui Zong will definitely be hunted down."

"If everyone in the entire Ice and Snow Continent has a share, can Jianzong kill him?"

The four were silent.

Everyone in the world of ice and snow has a copy?
This Nima...

In the future, Wanjian Guizong will become an ordinary martial art.

as predicted.

After Jiang Chen waited for more than ten minutes, someone finally couldn't bear it any longer, and walked up to Jiang Chen under cover.

"What you said is true, are you willing to teach me Wanjian Guizong?"

Jiang Chen looked up at him, and said with a smile: "It's not to teach you, but to trade, you exchange your martial skills for mine."

"The premise is that your martial skills must be valuable."

"Mine is the saber technique, which comes from ancient inheritance, and it's called Batian Jue."

"Write down the secret technique to me, and I will give you Wanjian Guizong's unique knowledge."

The man in black hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Jiang Chen looked at the secret technique of the man in black.

He nodded and said: "Okay, listen carefully, this is Wan Jian Guizong's unique secret technique..."

After listening to the man in black, he clasped his fists and left...
Everyone knew that the man in black had really been taught.

With No.1 eating crabs, there will be a second person eating crabs.

Wrapped in black cloth one by one, they walked up to Jiang Chen.

"I have a sword, do you want it?"

"I have Piao Miao Palm, do you want it?"

"Do you want Tianshuang Fist?"

"Do you want Fengshen legs?"

Very good, I want all of them...
(End of this chapter)

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