Now the sky was dark and dark, and it was even colder at night. In less than half an hour, he would run out of true energy, and it would be easy to catch him.

Pan Tianli is not in a hurry, his seventh-level powerhouse has a lot of true energy, although flying in the air consumes a lot of true energy, but compared with Jiang Chen, it is obvious that Jiang Chen has exhausted more true energy.

At this time Jiang Chen also understood Pan Tianli's plan.

Prepare to make him exhausted and exhausted, and it will not be too late to make a move when the time comes.

Jiang Chen sneered in his heart: You want me to exhaust my true energy, you are too naive, don't you know that I have the Holy Body of Heaven?This is a continent of ice and snow, which can absorb true energy silently and replenish the lost true energy.

Jiang Chen quickly rushed to the depths...
Pan Tianli followed closely behind.

half an hour later...
Pan Tianli gradually felt that something was wrong. This kid ran for half an hour, but his true energy seemed endless.

Pan Tianli flew directly to the front.

It landed directly opposite Jiang Chen.

"Boy, I don't have the time to spend with you. Give me the martial arts of Zhantian and Swordsmanship, and all the martial arts in your body, and I will let you live."

"Why don't you fly anymore? Is it because you don't have much energy?"

"Hmph, I'm a seventh-level powerhouse, I don't know how many times more true energy than you, and the true energy consumed is less than one ten-thousandth."


Jiang Chen once again cast Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, and dozens of sword qi rushed towards Pan Tianli.


Pan Tianli had already taken precautions. The domain formed by the true energy isolated the sword energy, like an invisible wall, which could not be penetrated at all.

"Stop resisting, my patience is limited."


Jiang Chen made a turn and flew to other places.

Pan Tianli:? ? ? ? ?

How angry is this kid?
Just after casting Wan Jian Guizong, there is still so much true energy?

Pan Tianli could only keep up on foot...
Jiang Chen turned his head.

My heart burst into laughter.

Lingbo Weibu is a step, which consumes a pitifully small amount of true energy. It is not relying on the use of true energy to run on the snow, but relying on body skills.

But Pan Tianli was different, he ran on the snow with his feet completely relying on his true energy.

"You are a genius, how about asking me to be your teacher? I am willing to teach you everything."

Jiang Chen continued to run.

"Don't run anymore. It's dark now, and it's easy to encounter strange beasts. I won't be able to save you then."

Jiang Chen didn't care.

"Did you even listen to me?"

Jiang Chen continued to run.

"Damn it, if I catch you, I will make you pay the price."

At this moment, Pan Tianli felt a little regretful.

The night is extremely dangerous. Even if there are no strange beasts, there is a risk of hypothermia. In the ice and snow, even a ninth-level master will die if he runs out of true energy.

half an hour later...
Pan Tianli was panting from exhaustion.


Jiang Chen also stopped in his tracks, turned his head and said, "No more anger?"

"Hmph, you're not the same."

"I'm different from you. I trade a lot of exercises, and one of them is called the ice exercise, which can absorb the power of ice to improve my cultivation."

"The lower the temperature, the better, especially in heavy snowfall, it can be handy."

"And while I'm running, I'm practicing! Do you think I'm running away?"

'Successful training of Tianshuang Fist, a hundred-fold increase, successful increase...'

Pan Tianli was astonished.

Ice attribute exercises?

Jiang Chen was not joking, among the more than 200 exercises, there is indeed a kind of exercise, and this kind of exercise is to practice in cold places.

The colder it is, the faster the cultivation speed will be.

While running, he was still practicing this kind of ice technique.

Coupled with Lingbo Weibu, it is like a tiger with wings added.


This is Jiang Chen's capital, otherwise how could Jiang Chen run to the depths.

Jiang Chen circulated the exercises.

The surrounding snow echoed each other, rushing towards Pan Tianli like a tsunami, Jiang Chen clenched his fist, and the heavy snow instantly turned into a fist.

It hit Pan Tianli fiercely.

Pan Tianli's expression changed drastically.

What a powerful boxing technique, and this boxing technique is actually an ice attribute boxing technique.

The kid wasn't lying.

Pan Tianli circulated his true energy to resist.

Jiang Chen smiled.

Using Tianshuang Fist again, all kinds of fists transformed from heavy snow greeted Pan Tianli's head, smashing down the nails like a hammer.


After a few punches, Pan Tianli was smashed under the heavy snow, reaching a depth of ten meters...
Could it be smashed to death?

Just as Jiang Chen wanted to go up to check, he immediately stopped and sensed a powerful zhenqi.

Not dead yet?
It is worthy of being a seventh-order powerhouse.

Pan Tianli closed his eyes tightly, the mere Tianshuang fist was not enough to hurt Pan Tianli, but concentrated the strongest blow deep in the snow.

Waiting for Jiang Chen to come forward.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen has a mind realm, and can sense all of Pan Tianli's movements, even the sound of his heartbeat is under Jiang Chen's induction.

Pan Tianli was waiting.

Waiting for Jiang Chen to step forward to check.

Jiang Chen was also waiting, waiting for Pan Tianli to rush out.

Pan Tianli: Why isn't this kid coming over...
Jiang Chen: This middle-aged man hasn't come out yet...

1 minutes····
5 minutes····

10 minutes····

Pan Tianli's true energy has been consumed a lot, more than half of it has been consumed, and he can't even return to the stronghold with his current true energy.

Can only spend the night outside.

At this time, Pan Tianli complained wildly in his heart: Could it be that he has already left, it doesn't matter if he left, I can use my mind and use my true energy to the extreme, and I can spend this night safely, and return to the stronghold tomorrow.

Pan Tianli closed his eyes tightly.

He has practiced in the ice and snow continent for ten years, so he naturally knows that he should spend it. He just needs to close his mind and use his true energy to the extreme.

But Jiang Chen would not give him a chance.


This old boy gathered his true energy together?

Looks like he's about to feign death,
But Holy Spirit swordsmanship is pretty good.

Jiang Chen used Tianshuang Fist again, smashing the ground with one punch, the heavy snow broke open, and a road was opened. At this moment, Pan Tianli was lying on the ground...

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "Don't pretend to be dead, get up!"

Pan Tianli didn't move at all. Now Pan Tianli is like a corpse.

Pan Tianli was indeed playing dead.

He had to kill Jiang Chen with one blow, only then could he completely get rid of this kid.

Jiang Chen used Tianshuang Fist again.

Throw a punch at Pan Tianli...

Pan Tianli turned over and quickly dodged...
Damn it, actually launched an attack on the corpse?
Jiang Chen chuckled: "Alive again? Your move is useless to me, even if you are dead, I will still dismember you."

"Boy, how about we discuss it?"

"You said."

"It's my fault today, how about you and I turn our hostility into friendship? Let's just smile."

"It's not impossible, but I need your Holy Spirit swordsmanship."

Pan Tianli frowned: "What?"

"Hand over the sword of the Holy Spirit, and I will spare you."

"Hmph, the Holy Spirit sword technique is the most important mental technique of my Taiyi meeting. How can I entrust it to you, unless you are a teacher. In this way, if you worship me as a teacher, how about I teach you the Holy Spirit sword technique?"

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