Chapter 571, Dahe Sword Qi Kills Qian Renxue Instantly

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Girl Qian Renxue is not dead, so I am not dead either. Qian Renxue, you have practiced the Holy Spirit sword technique, and you are considered half a Jiange disciple. Why destroy the stone monument."

Qian Renxue said coldly: "The Jiange does not need to exist."

"Touched your interests?"

"You wrote all the exercises on the stone tablet, but have you ever thought about the five major alliances?"

"This is the trend of the times. The Jiange is not a power, but a college where everyone can learn. Even if you destroy the stele, there will be a new stele. Why are you obsessed with it?"

Qian Renxue said: "Do you think I'm the only one? Come up!"




Thirty masters appeared behind Qian Renxue. These were eighth-level masters, and even ninth-level masters. They were all members of the five major alliances.

Jianzong, Taiyihui, Loyaltyhui, Piaomiaohui, Tiandihui...etc.

Zhao Yuyan's face changed greatly: "People from the five major alliances, most of your disciples have also come to watch the stele, what do you want to do?"

"The Jiange does not need to exist."

"Jiang Chen, you finally appeared, do you remember who I am?"

Jiang Chen took a look: "Mo Xiangbei, you idiot are here?"

Mo Xiangbei said: "Thank you for improving Wan Jian Gui Zong. Now I can do it too. Next, I will let you experience Wan Jian Gui Zong."

Jiang Chen smiled.


Wan Jian Guizong was improved by me, don't I know its power?

You are playing big swords in front of Guan Yu!
The emergence of Jiange touched the interests of the five major alliances.

After Jiange taught the exercises, the five major alliances had lost their previous advantages, and many disciples withdrew from the five major alliances one after another.

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "Very good, you are all here, then I will catch you all."

"Jiang Chen, you are talking nonsense, here are all masters."

"Even if you are a ninth-level master, we are also ninth-level masters, and we have also practiced the improved version of the holy spirit sword."

"Everyone besieged him together."

"Letting him die in the Jiange is also a worthy death."


Jiang Chen said: "This is the latest sword energy I have comprehended, called the Dahe sword energy. I will expand and print the Dahe sword technique on the stone tablet, so that everyone can learn it, and let all free people learn it."

Jiang Chen's thought moved...

The air around was trembling.

The snowflakes falling from the sky turned into swords, and the surrounding ice and snow lifted into the air, turning into countless small swords. Thousands of sword qi appeared around Jiang Chen, like a surging tide.

The liberties were stunned.

"What kind of exercise is this?"

"Is this a new exercise? Dahe Sword's so powerful."

"This is stronger than the sword energy of Wan Jian Guizong."

"Hundreds of times stronger than Wanjian Guizong! Every drop of water is sword energy, it's terrifying."

"One person facing dozens of people, this is the real master."

"too strong."

Mo Xiangbei just wanted to use the improved version of Wanjian Guizong, but when he saw Jiang Chen's sword energy, he was instantly dumbfounded.

What kind of move is this?
With ice and snow as a sword, why does he have so much sword energy? Wan Jian Guizong is his younger brother in front of him.

Qian Renxue was astonished.

So strong.

How did this person comprehend, Dahe Sword Qi, this is not just sword Qi, but a kind of artistic conception, and there is even a trace of legal artistic conception in it.

Has he begun to comprehend the power of the law?
The people behind Zhao Yuyan were extremely excited.

Is this the founder of Jiange?
So strong.

Such a powerful sword energy, not to mention thirty masters, even hundreds of masters would not be afraid.

Jiang Chen waved his hand.

Thousands of levels of sword energy rushed towards Qian Renxue and the others.

Sword Qi roared wildly all over the sky.

It hit like a tsunami.

Facing the tsunami-like sword energy, thirty masters resisted one after another.

But in the next second.

The master fell.

One by one, his body was pierced by the Dahe Sword Qi, and Mo Xiangbei's head fell to the ground the moment he came into contact with the Dahe Sword Qi...
One move to death.

Qian Renxue turned pale with shock.

damn it.

Why is his true energy so powerful?

Qian Renxue died.

The free ones were amazed.

one move.

Just a trick.

Everyone died, including Qian Renxue.

Among masters, one move often determines the outcome.

Zhao Yuyan clasped her fists and said, "I've seen the pavilion master."

"I am not the pavilion master, Qisha is the pavilion master."

"Master Qisha said that you are the pavilion master."

Jiang Chen said: "I will go to the upper realm, do you know how to go to the upper realm?"


Jiang Chen nodded, walked to the stone tablet, and engraved his Dahe swordsmanship on it, while the rest of the free people looked at the cultivation methods on it.


"Is this the cultivation method of Dahe Sword Intent?"

"Yes, it is really the cultivation method of Dahe Sword Intent."

"It's great, it's great."

"The master of the Jiange Pavilion will not be a big boss. I will engrave all the exercises I have practiced. I want to learn and apprentice..."

"Come on, how could the Lord of Jiange like you."

"Huh... besides the Dahe Sword Intent, there is also the cultivation method of cutting the sky and drawing the sword, my God..."

"Quickly copy."

"Is transcribing useful? I don't know how to recite it!"

After Jiang Chen finished writing, he said to Zhao Yuyan: "From now on, you will control the Jiange. I need to go to the upper realm. When you find a suitable person, you can also go to the upper realm."

Zhao Yuyan nodded; "Understood."

Zhao Yuyan took Jiang Chen away.

If you want to go to the upper realm, you can only go to the upper realm by spaceship, and the spaceship is also a spaceship from the continent of the gods.

Jiang Chen is now at the peak of the ninth rank.

The body can no longer expand the true qi, now only to find the law, integrate into the law, and become the god of the law.

And the law only exists in the upper realm.

I don't know what happened to Jiang Li and the others?

Is it also in the upper bound?

In three years, it should have turned eight!
Jiang Chen sat in the cabin, looking at that shining gate of time and space.

Upper Bound·····
I, Jiang Chen, are back again.

sin continent.

City of Augustus.

There is still no change here, the free ones, the heroes of the Gods Continent, and the evil braves all exist...

Jiang Chen met an old acquaintance, Daphne...

In three years, Daphne has become a sub-god.

The two laughed.

Inside the restaurant.

"How long has it been in the past, you have become a freer, and you are still a ninth-level master. You have changed a lot, from the sword god of the gods continent to the freer sword god."

" have changed a lot, you are all demigods now, don't you have your god mark?"

Daphne shook her head: "No, it's not that easy to become a god, but in the three years since you left, many changes have taken place in the Gods Continent."

"Another swordsman appeared in Charming Continent. This person is also called Jiang Chen, and all the skills are the same as yours."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?
like me?
my clone?
Daphne continued: "But he's not as exaggerated as you, and he's just so-so, just like an ordinary sub-god."

"What exactly is going on?"

Daphne said with a smile: "The Charming Continent is a newly rising continent. In the past three years, it has risen rapidly. Not only you, but also Bai Yun and Bai Yun's disciples, as well as many masters from the Cthulhu Continent and the Gods Continent. replica."

"Even I have a copy."

Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Daphne said: "It is said that the king of charm called the king of the gods they are loyal to is a master of the lord realm."

(End of this chapter)

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