Chapter 573, True and False Daphne
'Seven Kills' said coldly: "You are right, I am your copy, but you said something wrong, I have surpassed you."

"You comprehend the way of yin and yang, it sounds like that."

"But the way of killing is infinite killing, not the way of redemption."

"You comprehend the way of redemption, which runs counter to the way of killing, and your sharp edge has been reduced, so you are not my opponent."

Qisha was stunned at this moment.

This guy actually knew that he had understood the way of redemption.

Jiang Chen was also shocked.

This copy is not that simple, it should have the same wisdom, and have unique insights into its own comprehension.

This is so awesome!
The replica surpasses the original?

Just at this moment, the arm of 'Seven Kills' broke, but in the next second, 'Seven Kills' stimulated his true energy, the arm grew rapidly, and the whole arm was intact.

At this moment, the free people were all dumbfounded.

What kind of martial art is this?

Broken arm rebirth?

Nan Gongxin couldn't believe it: "The ninth level of the Beiming Divine Art, use the true energy to restore the body, rebirth with a broken arm? Has he already practiced the ninth level?"

"Nangongxin, his realm is higher than yours!"

"Can you really be reborn with a broken arm?"

"It's true that the Beiming Divine Art is good, but it needs to be practiced to the ninth floor."

"How did this guy get the Beiming Divine Art?"

"Did you forget that Nangong Xin has been copied."

Nangong said: "Jiang Chen, if you want to kill him, you have to cut off his head."

Jiang Chen smiled: "I know."

'Seven Kills' looked at Jiang Chen, and said coldly: "Master Jiange, it's not that easy to kill me."


'Seven Kills' fled instantly.

In the next second...

The heads of the 'Seven Kills' fell to the ground.

But Jiang Chen disappeared, and when he appeared, he was already beside the 'Seven Kills'.

When Qi Kill saw Jiang Chen, he couldn't believe it.

What's going on here?

Why did it suddenly disappear?

Spatial skills?
The rest of the free people were also dumbfounded. They saw it with their own eyes, appearing from one place to another, a bit like a magician's teleportation.

But it is different from teleportation, teleportation is space movement.

But Jiang Chen has no room to move.

It's a pace.

Qian Renxue: Let's go, why did this guy become so strong, and even challenge him, isn't that courting death?
The head fell to the ground, and the 'seven kills' died.

Inside the pub.

Seven kills looked at Jiang Chen and sighed: "You killed me."

"I killed a replica."

"The replica is me too."

Jiang Chen was speechless, fuck off your sister.

Seven kills is a little skeptical about life, is his path correct?
The way of killing runs counter to the way of redemption, and the spirit is greatly reduced.

Seven kills wondered if he had gone the wrong way?

The so-called way of yin and yang is actually not suitable for martial arts?

Jiang Chen asked: "What do you think?"

"I'm thinking about one thing. Is my path wrong? Even the duplicates are better than me, and they understand deeper than me. Is the way of redemption wrong?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "Actually, you are not wrong, it's just that you comprehend it wrongly. The way of salvation is not others, but yourself. If you don't redeem yourself, you still redeem others. Isn't that a fool?"

"Others kill you, but you want to redeem others, let him go, are you going to influence him with love?"

"This is idiocy."

Qisha nodded: "That makes sense."

"How did you fight the replica?"

"A person named Meiling asked me to join the Charming Continent, but I didn't agree, and then I was attacked by her."

"As a free man, how could you be ambushed?" Jiang Chen asked;
"Ambush on the bed."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?
Good guy.

Being attacked in bed?

You deserve it.

"is it beautiful?"

"very beautiful."

"Is your thigh beautiful?"

"Let's not talk about the thighs, everything else is beautiful."

Daphne rolled her eyes: "Is this the time to talk about this? Aren't you supposed to investigate who the enemy is? What is the enemy's purpose for doing this?"

Seven kills said: "She said that after half a year, a replica will appear to challenge me, and if she loses, she will join her organization."

Daphne was thoughtful.

Jiang Chen looked at Daphne, and asked, "What about you, did you get tricked like this?"

"I was attacked by surprise."

"Ambush by a man?"

"Go's a woman."

Jiang Chen felt better, and said with a smile, "Men and women take it all?"

Daphne rolled her eyes.

go aside!
into the night.

Jiang Chen lay on the bed, meditating and practicing.

Just fell asleep, a figure appeared in front of Jiang Chen, it was Daphne who came, Jiang Chen was full of doubts, why did this woman come.

Jiang Chen looked at Daphne: "Why are you here?"

"miss you."

Jiang Chen smiled: "It's very interesting, you are exactly the same as Daphne, it seems that you are a copy."

"Replica? Is that what you call us?"

"Is not it?"

"To make a long story short, I'm here to invite you to join the Charm Organization and together we will overthrow the Gods Continent and the Cthulhu Continent."

"What's in it for me?"

"There are many benefits. For example, your sweetheart Angelina is here, and I am also here, and we can all serve you."

This benefit is really irresistible!
"Except for this!"

"It can also allow you to have the law of destruction, so that your strength can be rapidly improved. If you are a free man and want to become a true god, you must have the power of law."

"Just like Baiyun, no matter how powerful your swordsmanship is, you can't face the gods and the laws, but the King of Charm can give you the power of laws."

At this moment, the real Daphne entered Jiang Chen's dream.

"It's enough for him to have me. If there is one more, I will be jealous."

Jiang Chen looked at the two Daphnees.


One true and one false.

Both are still succubus, and also have succubus skills.

These are simply twin sisters!
So interesting.

'Daphne' looked at each other: "If you want the law of dreams, the King of Charm can also give it to you, as long as you rely on the King of Charm."

"Jiang Chen, kill this replica with me."

Jiang Chen shook his head: "Don't worry, why is this guy able to enter my dream without a sound?"

Daphne explained: "She is a copy of me and knows my memory well, so she can sneak in."

Jiang Chen looked at 'Daphne': "What is the occupation of the Charm King?"

"Gods don't have jobs."

"Then to put it another way, what is the ability of the King of Charm? It is to copy your thoughts through hair or other things, and make you submit to the King of Charm."

'Daphne' looked at Jiang Chen.

In an instant, Jiang Chen clearly felt a change in the eyes of 'Daphne'.

"Yes, that's my ability. I can not only copy all people, but also allow them to acquire memories and skills. Whether it is a brave man from the Gods Continent or an evil person from the Cthulhu Continent, I can copy them all."

At this moment Daphne felt it.

This person's sudden burst of mental power was much stronger than hers.

(End of this chapter)

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