Chapter 585, the new crisis, the danger from the free
Daphne grasped it with a big hand, and integrated the law of dreams into her body...
Daphne said with a smile: "This time I really made a profit. There are three hundred laws of dreams. I am also a god."

"It's still too early to become a god! It takes [-] million laws of dreams to completely merge into the seal of God."

The rule of [-] million Tao.

Can't even think about it.

No wonder there are so few gods.

At this moment, the two woke up, and the nightmare beast was lying beside Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "Fortunately, he didn't do anything in reality."

"He can't use the law of dreams in reality, how can he do it, the law of dreams must be in a dream to exert its strength."

After Daphne swallowed the law of dreams, her mental power soared ten thousand times, her strength increased crazily, and all her skills were enhanced.

However, it is still far from the position of the gods...
Daphne said: "What should we do now? Should we continue to stay on the battlefield of the gods, or return to the sinful continent?"

"What do you say!"

"Just stay on the battlefield of the gods and look for other laws. What if you encounter a beast of destruction, wouldn't you be able to increase your strength?"

Jiang Chen thought about it, this idea is not bad.

Staying on the battlefield of the gods, there are many opportunities to find other laws.

Even if it is not the law of destruction.

The same goes for collecting other laws.

Collect more laws and have a chance to exchange for the laws of destruction in the future.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Okay, we are just trying our luck to find other strange beasts in the battlefield of the gods."

Daphne smiled: "If we win the big prize, we will become gods directly."

What a wonderful dream.

Reality is not that easy.

There are many rules, and this opportunity is harder than winning the lottery.

Of course, what if it happens!

That was luck.

The two wandered on the battlefield of the gods, looking for new rules.

I don't know if it was a coincidence.

I ran into Qian Renxue and the others.

Qian Renxue also spotted Jiang Chen and the two of them.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Isn't this Qian Renxue? Why did I come to the battlefield of the gods?"

At this time Jiang Chen clearly felt it.

Qian Renxue also has the power of law in her body, it seems that Qian Renxue has also obtained the law, Qian Renxue's strength has grown completely.

A free man without laws is quite different from a free man with laws.

Law is the most mysterious force in the universe.

A power that overrides any skill.

Qian Renxue snorted coldly: "I didn't expect to run into you on the edge of the battlefield of the gods."

"This person is Jiang Chen, the Lord of the Jiange Pavilion?"

"This is the person who portrayed all the martial arts and spread them."

"Is this person so young?"

"Nowadays, all the free people are practicing powerful martial arts, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

Since Jiange was created...
The five major alliances have declined, and countless people have joined the Jiange, become members of the Jiange, and discussed with each other and verified each other's skills.

It can quickly improve the realm of martial arts in a short period of time.

This is a great thing for free people.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Qian Renxue, I didn't expect that you also obtained the power of the law, it looks like it should be the law of ice."

"That's right, mine is the law of ice, and I have mastered it. Sooner or later, I will challenge you and Baiyun."

"Wait until you fuse to become the mark of God!"

There are only a dozen laws of ice, and it is still far from being able to merge into the seal of God...
Just when Jiang Chen left.

Qian Renxue said: "You have to be careful, the Cthulhu Continent has trained several free men, and they are going to attack you."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Hmph, do you think it's an ordinary free man? That's a free man with the mark of God, and the Cthulhu Continent is hunting you down."

"It's a bloody effort to let the free ones integrate the complete seal of God."

"Hope you live."

Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks, his brows became serious...

The complete mark of God.

Is the Cthulhu Continent insane?
There are many gods in the Cthulhu Continent, and there are also many marks of gods. Now the marks of gods are given to free people, so that their strength is no less than that of gods.

Obviously, no one can refuse such a bait, not even Jiang Chen can refuse such a temptation.

directly become a god.

After the ninth-level free people heard the news, they must immediately seek refuge in the Cthulhu Continent.

Completely become a person from the Cthulhu Continent.

If that's the case, you're in big trouble.

The free man merged with the mark of God, that is a very terrifying existence.

Jiang Chen asked: "Why did you tell me?"

"I don't want you to die at their hands. For us free people, it is a traitor to seek refuge in the Cthulhu Continent."

"Thank you."

"Hmph, you killed the elder of my Qianren Society, I will settle this account with you sooner or later."

Qian Renxue left the battlefield of the gods.

Daphne frowned seriously: "This is a big trouble, Cthulhu Continent is preparing to train free people to deal with you."

"I know that in addition to dealing with me, they should also deal with Baiyun."

"It's not enough to deal with Baiyun, but it's enough to deal with me. It seems that we must find the law of destruction as soon as possible, and completely integrate it into the seal of God!"

Daphne nodded: "This is the only way to do it now."

The two moved on.

Search for laws on the outskirts of the battlefield of the gods.

The two searched for three days and three nights, but they couldn't find the law.

Jiang Chen was a little disappointed.

He could only take Daphne away from the battlefield of the gods and return to the continent of sin.

Rules trading center.

Just came back and saw a message.

[I found the Destroyer God Beast, I can team up to find it together, contact person: #########]

Daphne said; "There is news of the destruction of the beast."

"This news is not necessarily true?"


"Most of them who are looking for the law of destruction together are fake, and it may be a trap designed by others, just like you have the law of dreams now, post information on it, and ask for the law of dreams..."

"Once other succubi see this news, they will definitely contact you, kill you, and take away the law of dreams in your body."

Daphne nodded: "You are right, but what if it is true!"

"Really, you are fooled."

Jiang Chen continued to read to see if there was any information about the law of destruction.

Except for this piece of information.

no message.

Jiang Chen looked at that message and contacted the other party.

"Didn't you say it was fake?"

"Let me see who designed the trap first. It is very likely that it has something to do with what Qian Renxue said. Either it was the evil god mainland who set it up, or the evil god mainland sent free people to kill me."

"For potential dangers, I can only eradicate them."

Jiang Chen tried to contact the other party.

Sure enough, the other party responded and agreed to meet outside the Sin Continent.

Jiang Chen laughed when he saw this message.

Sure enough, it was a trap.

Most people won't go, but who is Jiang Chen?

He first sees who designed the trap.

Is it as Qian Renxue said.

Jiang Chen said: "I'll go out once."

"Be careful."


Jiang Chen walked out and flew out of the Sin Continent...

There are three cities in the Sin Continent, and each city has a lord-level master. No one dares to do anything in the Sin Continent.

Unless it is the existence of the lord level.

(End of this chapter)

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