Chapter 588, The Proud Ancient Sword Soul

"Ancient Sword Soul, that is the second generation president of the Loyalty Society."

"The Liberty is a top player."

"Is it really the ancient sword soul?"

"It must be. There are seven masters around Gu Jianhun. They are all top masters. They disappeared a long time ago. Why did they suddenly appear?"

"It's really them, they really came back out of the arena."

"That's Jiange Pavilion Master Jiang Chen, it seems that they have some hatred."

Gu Jianhun made his debut earlier than Baiyun, and he was the president of the Loyalty Society. He became famous a long time ago. Gu Jianhun even became sworn brothers with the other seven people. He was already famous before Baiyun was born.

When Baiyun appeared, he was known as the free man's sword god. '

Gu Jianhun looked back at Jiang Chen, frowning: "You're here too."

Jiang Chen said with a smile; "Little Er, have a pot of wine."

Jiang Chen didn't care at all: "I didn't expect the eight of you to be quite famous, but taking refuge in the Cthulhu Continent, this is your biggest mistake."

Jiang Chen's words stunned the free people around him.

Why are free people called free people? It is independent of any forces.

Don't join the Cthulhu Continent, don't join the Gods Continent.

This is true freedom.

But now, listening to Jiang Chen's tone, he actually joined the Evil God Ancestral Continent.

Ancient Sword Soul couldn't refute it either.

They did seek refuge in the Cthulhu Continent, and under the instigation of Death Queen Delphine, they became immortal.

"Becoming a god requires all sacrifices."

"Master Jiange, although you are very strong, it is unwise to fight against the Cthulhu Continent. Delfina, Queen of the Death God, wants to invite you to join."

"Delfina, Queen of Death, admires you very much. Join her and you will be immortal."

"Even Baiyun has returned to the Continent of the Gods. The free ones will never be able to become a force. They can only join the Continent of the Cthulhu, or the Continent of the Gods. This is their destination."

Jiang Chen thought it was ridiculous.

Join the Cthulhu Continent and become the evil one.

Jiang Chen didn't have that skill.

However, there are indeed many people who joined the evil gods and the continent of the gods, just to become gods.

It's a pity that neither the Cthulhu Continent nor the Gods Continent allow free people to become gods.

Liberals are separate beings, without badges.

will not be under their control.

If you want to become a god, you can only rely on yourself.

Obtain the law on your own.

And Jiang Chen integrated all the martial arts together, just like that, let all the free people grow up, practice higher martial skills, and create their own paths based on the above martial skills.

Thus becoming a god, comparable to the continent of the gods.

Jiang Chen said: "The free ones naturally have their own path, but it is very long. You have already lost hope, and it is impossible to become gods."

Ancient Sword Soul was silent.

They originally thought they would cooperate with the Cthulhu Continent and become gods, but they didn't expect to fall into the trap of Death Queen Delphine.

directly became immortal.

After they were killed, they felt even more strange.

Gu Jianhun asked; "Jiang Chen, what is your purpose for coming?"

"Contribute your practice skills."

Jiang Chen stated his purpose.

These eight people are all practicing different cultivation methods, Jiang Chen integrated the complete cultivation methods, and did not have their cultivation methods, this is Jiang Chen's purpose, it is to obtain the cultivation methods and martial skills.

"Boy, you are dreaming, how can we give you the exercises."

Ancient Sword Soul said: "Give it to him."


"Brother, did I hear correctly?"

"Why give it to him?"

"Brother, you are crazy."

Gu Jianhun said: "We are immortal now, and we are no longer free people. Naturally, we have to hand over our skills. We have our own way, and one day we will also become gods."

The remaining seven were silent.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "The Jiange will collect martial arts from all over the world. You can see if you can find a kind of cultivation method that can break the restriction of Death Queen Delphine."

"Delfina, Queen of Death, is just a human being, and there is always a way to crack it."

Ancient Sword Soul nodded.

This is the only thing he wants to do now, which is to crack the body of immortality, so as not to be restrained by the Queen of Death, Delphine.

They are free men, not slaves.

Even if it is death, it will not be controlled by others.

Ancient Sword Soul is willing to hand it over.

Seeing that the ancient sword soul was like this, the other seven people also surrendered their skills.

Jiang Chen also obtained the exercises of the eight of them as he wished.

Tathagata Divine Palm, Promise Stellar Qi, Dafa of Ecstasy...

Jiang Chen looked at the secret books of exercises in it.

To be able to comprehend the subtlety of it and integrate it into the sword energy of Dahe...

Ancient Sword Soul stood up: "My Ancient Sword Soul will not be controlled by Death Queen Delphine."

After speaking, he left with seven people.

Jiang Chen didn't stop him either, but instead studied the exercises.

In the past few days, Jiang Chen practiced in closed doors.

To comprehend the essence of it, by the way, Jiange was also established in the Sin Continent, and all the exercises were written into it, so that all free people can comprehend it.

"This is the practice method of the Tathagata God's Palm of Ancient Sword Soul."

"That's Wuji Gangqi."

"Ecstasy and Dafa are all available, my God..."

"The master of the Jiange Pavilion is really powerful. He engraved all the cultivation methods of the eight ancient sword souls."

"The Lord of the Jiange Pavilion has immeasurable merit."

"Not only know these, but even his Dahe Sword Intent, and there are even detailed information on it."

"What, Shunpo has appeared."

At this time, on a stone tablet, countless martial arts were depicted, and the peerless martial arts of the free people could be found on it, and the free people looked at the exercises on it.

They all sighed.

The owner of the Jiange Pavilion is really awesome.

The eight ancient sword souls looked at Shunpo above and were shocked at the same time.

"Unexpectedly, this guy actually took out Shunpo."

"In a short period of time, traveling between two different places is similar to the teleportation of a magician."

"Different from teleportation, teleportation is spatial movement, while Shunpo is very fast."

"According to the above understanding, he seems to be a combination of swordsman's skills and freedom Lingbo Weibu, and other speed skills."

"This shunpo should be his strongest step."

"Yeah, when we chased him down, we couldn't even see his shadow. It's obvious that Shunpo's ability is too strong."

"Brother, after we learn Shunpo, we will definitely be able to hunt down and kill Jiang Chen."

Gu Jianhun shook his head: "I, Gu Jianhun, would use his method to chase and kill him. Death Queen Delfina intends to control us, but I must create a new technique to get rid of her control."

The remaining seven people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Get rid of the control of Death Queen Delphine.

"Is that all right?" asked one of them.

Ancient Sword Soul: "Hmph, Bai Yun created the Heaven-Slashing Sword Art, Jiang Chen created the Dahe Sword Intent, and my Ancient Sword Soul is worse than them?"

"There is a kind of blood demon technique on it, which is a secret technique that uses blood to absorb, and it contains the mystery of the soul."

"Combined with your soul ecstasy secret technique to create a brand new technique."

Gu Jianhun didn't believe it anymore.

I will be worse than Bai Yun, and worse than Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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