Chapter 599, Obtained 1000 Laws of Destruction

At this moment, Ulisses looked at Jiang Chen's face, it didn't look like it was pretending at all.

Could it be that he has been waiting for me to make a move?


Even if he refines the laws of destruction of the two of them, there are only 200 million ways, and I have a full 1000 million ways, which is enough to suppress the opponent.

My fighting strength is eight times higher than his four times.

Plus the artifact worn on the body.

How can a mere free man compete.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "You're finally here, I've been waiting for this moment, at this moment, you must be thinking, how can a mere free man be your opponent."

"You're thinking, even if I refine their law of destruction, it's still not as good as your 1000 million law."

"You are thinking, how can you be my opponent with twice the combat power?"

"You're thinking, I'm just putting on a show..."

Upon hearing this, Ulises nodded and said, "Yes, I didn't expect you to be able to read minds."

"No, killing them is just a side dish, killing you is the main meal."

Jiang Chen's words shocked the scene.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"What, was he pretending just now? He wanted to kill Ulysses. Could it be that he didn't know that Ulysses had ten million laws of destruction."

"Ulisses has been able to display eight times the combat power, which is enough to rival the gods."

"Unless he exerts forty times his combat power, he can compete against Ulysses."

"Forty times the combat power, this is impossible."

"It's absolutely impossible."

"It is absolutely impossible for him to exert forty times the combat power."

They didn't understand how sure Jiang Chen could kill Ulysses.

That is the power of 1000 million laws!

Although they are all laws of destruction.

But Ulises has five times more laws than Jiang Chen.

Just when they were in doubt.

Jiang Chen displayed the Dahe Sword Intent, which is the same as the one just now, the only difference is that this is a hundred times the Dahe Sword Intent, which is different from the one just now.

Ulisses felt the change in Jiang Chen, his eyes were really big.


Why is this guy's destructive power so powerful?

Dimiter looked at Jiang Chen: "I didn't expect his target to be Ulysses, what a foresight!"

Demeter is the lord, the king of killing.

Did not see Jiang Chen's real purpose.

Ulisses was his target.

Dimiter looked at Jiang Chen, this kid can do it...

on the battlefield

Ulisses frowned seriously, and he dared to be negligent. He immediately surrounded his body with the power of laws, covering his whole body, creating a pair of destructive armor. The more laws, the higher the defense power.

The more laws there are, the stronger the power of the laws...

Ulises said coldly: "Jiang Chen, do you really think it's that easy to kill me?"

Ulisses let out an angry roar, focusing on himself, Ulisses enveloped within a kilometer, and Jiang Chen was also within the enveloping area.

Jiang Chen was surrounded by sword energy to prevent the opponent from attacking.

At this moment, Ulises was facing Jiang Chen with a ray of destructive light, everything he passed was shrouded in destructive light, and the fan-shaped area in front was Ulises' attack range.

Jiang Chen's thought moved, and the sword energy spread freely, enveloping Jiang Chen.

Feel the power of destruction.

Eight times the combat power.

But just want to kill me in seconds with eight times the combat power?
Ulisses looked at Jiang Chen unharmed.

At this time, I was even more dumbfounded.

This is eight times my combat power, and I have already used my combat power to the limit. Is this guy okay?


There are obviously only 200 million laws of destruction in his body.

Jiang Chen smiled: "Since you have done it, then it's my turn to do it."

At this time, Jiang Chen took a quick step and disappeared...
Ulises turned back and punched.

Great River Sword Intent·····
brush brush...

In an instant, countless sword qi impacted on Ulisses' body, the destruction armor was instantly shattered, the artifact was instantly shattered, and Ulises' whole body was turned into powder.

Only 1000 million laws are left floating in the air.


The whole place was silent.

Those who watched the fight were dumbfounded.

one move?
With just one move, Ulysses was destroyed.

How is this guy so powerful?

"He is really a free man. He destroyed Ulysses with one move. It's terrible."

"Ulisses already has 1000 million laws of destruction, even if he meets a god, he can escape, but he can't resist Jiang Chen at all."

"What a terrifying sword intent, how did he do it?"

"That's real power."

"If this person merges with the real mark of God, I'm afraid it will be another Baiyun."

"No, I'm afraid it's even scarier than Baiyun."

Jiang Chen grabbed it with his big hand, and integrated 1000 million laws of destruction into his body.

At this moment Jiang Chen really wanted to laugh three times.

A total of 1000 million laws, plus Asimio's laws, already have the power of 1000 laws.

It's almost one-eighth.

The law of destruction in Jiang Chen's body is extremely powerful.

Jiang Chen strode out.

Daphne said excitedly: "Congratulations, you finally killed Ulysses. How did you know that Ulysses would come?"

"Feeling, we're all Laws of Destruction, and I can feel Ulysses isn't leaving."

"Fortunately, you first integrated the other laws of destruction."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Fortunately, after killing Asimio and Ada the Nether, the number reached 200 million, which is a hundredfold increase, which is a combat power of [-] million.

The so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger, and this is how Ulises was killed.

Daphne said: "What's the next plan?"

"Stay here for a while, and you are a succubus, I think you have been targeted by others."

Daphne looked surprised.

"What? You didn't lie to me, did you!"

"What did I lie to you, you are indeed being targeted, but she should kill you at night, after all, the battle between you succubi is only in the dream."

Daphne was taken aback.

Being watched?

Daphne can't feel it at all!

I don't know who is being targeted. Could it be Christine who is ranked number one?
This woman has 7000 million laws of dreams!
How to fight this?
Daphne only has [-] dream rules, so she is not an opponent at all in the dream world, and she is afraid that she will be killed if she meets her face to face.

Jiang Chen felt Daphne's heart beating faster.

He whispered: "Don't worry, just follow me. In the dream, I can kill her for you. Now I have obtained 1000 million laws of destruction. As long as it is not a god, I can kill her."

"Even ordinary gods, I can kill them."

At this moment Jiang Chen was full of confidence.

1000 million Dao rules, a hundred-fold increase, is a billion combat power.

Ordinary gods can be killed casually.

But more than one billion, that's enough.

Jiang Chen said: "Now I will continue to comprehend the Dahe Sword Intent, integrate the law of destruction into the Dahe Sword Intent, and strive to exert the strongest combat power."

Whether it is Asimio, Ada the Nether, or Ulysses, they can display super fighting power, which is a deep understanding of the law.

And Jiang Chen relied on a hundredfold increase, and now he needs to retreat and study.

Learn the laws of destruction as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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