The capital of Demeter.

Daphne said excitedly: "Agreed, Terena agreed, and Yi Xin is beside him, they are going to come to find us."

"What is the strength of two hearts?"


"God? How is it possible, how could he be a god?"

Jiang Chen smiled, how could it be so fast.

Did Yixin find the mark of God?

Erxin was so lucky to get the complete seal of God, or was it given to him by Baiyun?

How to forget.

Baiyun is the rich second generation of the Continent of the Gods. Finding a seal of the gods is not an easy task. After all, Erxin is also Baiyun's disciple.

Is it too much for the master to give his apprentice a mark of God?

It seems not too much!

In the Continent of the Gods, there are only thirteen lords, but there are many gods. Just one family of gods has several gods. As for demigods, there are more.

The same is true for the Cthulhu Continent, which is an alliance of Cthulhus united by god families.

Jiang Chen couldn't help complaining in his heart: It's good to have a master!

Imprint directly to God.

In the past, Baiyun had no chance at all, but after returning to the Continent of the Gods, it was different...
Besides, it was quite simple for Baiyun to kill any god.

Even if he didn't need to kill an evil god, he could just give it to his disciples.

Jiang Chen asked: "The second heart is a god, are you sure?"

"Terena said it."

"You didn't ask how you became a god?"


"Forget it, let's talk about it after they come. We will discuss it at that time. This is the capital of Dimiter. It is best to leave this place and go to Augustus City, one of the sinful continents."

Jiang Chen thought about it, and decided to go to the world of succubus.

A safe place must be found.

It's safe there.

Only the city of Augustus is relatively safe, let alone the city of Dimitus.

It's too complicated here.

Especially if he didn't know Lord Dimit, he was known as the King of Slaughter, if he really went crazy, Jiang Chen couldn't resist it at all.

Unless it is to promote to the gods and understand the deeper law of destruction.

Have a chance to escape.

Jiang Chen said: "You continue to contact Erxin, go to Augustus City, we will meet there, and then see if he takes you, or I take you to the dream space."

"You agree?"

"Nonsense, you have already contacted him, how can I disagree? How can you say that you are also one of my friends with benefits."

Daphne smiled: "Do you have other sex friends?"

"What do you say!"


"She's not a buddy with benefits."

"Come on, the gods in the Continent of the Gods are all the same, you think I have only one friend with sex!" Daphne proudly said;
"I'm not going, you can find your friend with benefits!"

Daphne was stunned, why did she agree just now, but now she disagrees?
Sure enough, he is a free man.

You are allowed to look for it, but I am not allowed to look for it?

Daphne rolled her eyes: "I lied to you, you are indeed a free man, and the blood of a free man flows in your body. If you are too jealous, you are allowed to look for it, cheapskate."

"You are my woman, how can I let you find another man! This is not allowed by me."

"It's really incomprehensible."

"You're not free, so you don't understand."

"No wonder you couldn't integrate into the Continent of the Gods and the Continent of the Cthulhu. It's probably because of this."

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

There is no love in Gods Continent.

It's all nonsense.

Jiang Chen said, "It's not difficult to understand. I'm a man, and a man naturally has dignity. If I knew you had another man, I would kill him. Believe me, I can do it."

Daphne nodded, he knew that.


They are all a bunch of selfish guys, so is Jiang Chen.

But Daphne doesn't want to find other people, in her heart, free people rarely betray, at least in her opinion, Jiang Chen will not betray her.

This is also the advantage of being free.

He will not betray the people around him for profit.

The Cthulhu Continent is different. There is no so-called love, only eternal interests. If you really meet someone else, you may be betrayed within a few days!

Especially the succubus profession, in reality, its strength is very weak, just like priests and priests.

The two left the capital of Demeter.

Going to the city of Augustus...
along the way...
Daphne smiled and said, "It was the right choice to let you go."

"Who let you go, you have to make it clear."

"I remember when I met you for the first time, you were still a swordsman of the Gods Continent, or a second-rank swordsman, and now you have become a great god of destruction."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Where's your apprentice!"



"What a pity?"

"Actually, she's pretty."

"Go away, you still want us to serve you together?"

"Have the idea."

Daphne complained in her heart: Abnormal...

city ​​of augustus

Jiang Chen soon met Yi Xin and the other two.

From Jiang Chen's perception, there really is a mark of God in Yi Xin's body, which is different from Bai Yun's. Bai Yun's is the law of the sword, which perfectly embodies the essence of the art of cutting the sky and drawing the sword.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, but you actually became a god."

"This is the mark of God that my master gave me."

"Your master is really generous."

"He went to the Nether Continent, killed three gods, and snatched three god marks, one for each sword, one for me, and one for seven kills..."

"Aren't there still a few apprentices?"

"They didn't. The master said that these three are suitable for us."

"What about the Eight Realms?"

"I don't know, I guess it's still in the small world!"

Jiang Chen thought of the Eight Realms, Baiyun's disciples had seen Yijian, Two Hearts, Four Elements, Seven Kills, and Eight Realms, a total of five people, and there were three others that Jiang Chen had not seen.

The realm of the Eight Realms is the lowest, but the relationship with Jiang Chen is the best.

Find a time to visit the small world.

Jiang Chen asked: "What's your law?"

"The law of thunder and lightning, besides the three of us, there are other free people who have become gods, and Qian Renxue has also become a god."

Has Qian Renxue become a god?

How lucky is she?
Yixin explained: "Lifeel killed five gods from the mainland, and distributed the marks of gods to the free ones, and among them, Qian Renxue obtained the law of ice."

Jiang Chen exclaimed: "When did Li Feier become so generous?"

"I don't know. In short, there are five free gods around Lifeier, all of whom have taken refuge in Lifeier's subordinates, and your sword pavilion is almost divided."

"Many people have turned to Qian Renxue and the others again."

"Your current identity is just a display."

Jiang Chen:? ? ? ? ?
Jiang Chen originally wanted to become a god, so he raised his arms and shouted, and then the free man came over to build the strongest force, but he didn't expect that this woman, Li Feier, moved so fast.

I have already thought of countermeasures.

Give them the Seal of God and help them become free.

In the end, the free people turned to Li Feier one after another.

Become Li Feier's subordinate.

This woman may have thought of it a long time ago, to develop the power of the free people into her own power.

Li Feier is not easy!

Those who become lords are not small characters.

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