Chapter 12 The Power of the Earth Tornado
Everyone watched An Liman knelt on the ground and prayed unhurriedly for one second, and then rode a camel and ran away in the next second, and everyone was stunned.

You are so anxious now, what did you do earlier?

Can you kneel down and bully unhurriedly, can you stop being so pious?

Hu Bayi scolded, "Damn, this old man, he was slow one second, and ran away the next second. Shit, is it dangerous or not!"

Zhou Suyi had a strong premonition in her heart.

"I'm stupid, hurry up and run!"

With previous experience, she knew that she must not waste any time at this time.

Immediately packed up the equipment and jumped on the camel.

Seeing An Liman like this, the others were also anxious.

They packed up their equipment one after another and left in a hurry.

After a while, the originally clear sky was covered by yellow sand, and in the distance, a huge vortex could be vaguely seen, approaching them like an earth dragon piercing through the sky.

The camels also felt the danger signal from the sky, and like crazy, they threw off their four big hooves and ran wildly in the desert. Usually sitting on a camel, it is very interesting to walk around, but once it runs, it will be bumpy. sharp.

Zhou Suyi held on to the camel tightly so that it didn't fall off.

"Hurry up and put on your goggles, and cover your mouth and nose with a scarf!" Zhou Suyi didn't mess up this time, and reminded loudly to share her own experience.

[Hu Bayi recognition +1]

[Fatty Wang's recognition +1]



First, a breeze blew across my cheeks, and the chill was quite comfortable.

But the next moment, the sky full of yellow sand came.

It's just like Fatty Wang said before.

The sand hit the face, burning and hurting.

Although the mouth and nose are covered, it still feels as if fine sand is drilled into the mouth as long as one opens the mouth.

"This is a sandstorm, it's terrible!"

That's not counting, Zhou Suyi looked at the yellow vortex piercing the sky and felt panic from the bottom of her heart.

"What is that?" She scratched her neck and shouted, but her voice was still covered by wind and sand!

Fortunately, Hu Bayi heard it, "It's an earth tornado. It's rare to see this thing once in the desert for decades. It's just an airplane and tank. As long as it gets sucked in, it can be torn to pieces!"

"Fuck, is it so scary!" Zhou Suyi was stunned.

I heard that the typhoon is so powerful that it can overturn a [-]-ton cruise ship, but the tornadoes in the desert are no exception, all of which come from the terrifying power of nature.

"Good guy, there are still moths, I knew that this game is absolutely impossible for you to pass the level so easily!"

"How can this be a game for people? With this big tornado, can people survive?"

"I heard that if there is a sandstorm in the desert, the steel plate can be punched into a pile of holes."

"Fuck, this game is getting more and more exciting. Just this picture, this special effect, is much more enjoyable than the doomsday blockbuster. If it is made into a movie, just this scene, it is estimated that billions of dollars will be burned."

"My God, is this really a game? This is too shocking."

"Which studio is it? It's such a big deal."


The netizens in the live broadcast room were boiling again.

Such a big production, even without personally participating in the game, still feels thrilling.

Across the screen, it seems that you can feel the mighty power from nature, which makes people feel awe.

"Little monkey yyds sent a rocket*10"

"Zhou Suyi gave out lollipops *500"

"Rice sent luxury cruise *15"


For a while, the gifts began to frantically refresh the screen again.

Almost all the other anchors of Hudou noticed the abnormality in Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room, and they all came to check the room.

Seeing the shocking picture in the live broadcast, I couldn't help being shocked.

Looking at the crazy gifts swiping the screen, I am even more envious today.

They hurriedly searched for the game "Exquisite Ancient City".

Ke Du Niang has a lot of entries, but there are no resources.

There are also many anchors and netizens who were deceived by scammers, spent a lot of money, and finally bought the complete works of SpongeBob SquarePants and Crayon Shin-chan!
Many anchors who have a good relationship with Zhou Suyi have sent private messages to Zhou Suyi in the background, hoping to get first-hand resources.

But Zhou Suyi was so immersed in the game that she had no time to pay attention to it.

The sky was full of yellow sand, and the whole world turned into a dim yellow color.

Visibility is already very low.

Moreover, the earth tornado was already very close to them, and they could clearly feel a huge suction force coming from there, as if it was going to suck them in.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Zhou Suyi kept patting the camel's buttocks.

However, something bad happened.

The camel simply stopped running.

It trembled with fright and buried its head in the sand.

"Fuck, don't, Brother Camel, don't run away, run quickly, what do you mean, don't fool yourself, aren't you deceiving the camel?" Zhou Suyi was anxious.

Isn't this the end of the calf?

Not only did her camel stop running, but the other camels also stopped running.

They were all terrified, all trembling, and buried their heads in the sand.

"What the hell, hurry up and run for me!" Fatty Wang stabbed the camel's ass with a knife.

But even though the camel hurts, it dare not run.

In front of Tianwei, the feeling of animals is real.

An Liman was already kneeling on the ground, with his hands facing the sky, as if he was praying.

However, is this something that can be survived by praying?

"Leader Hu, hurry up and think of a way!" Zhou Suyi shouted to Hu Bayi.

Anyway, this is the team leader hired by myself, you have to be there at the critical moment.

Hu Bayao: "Now we can't control so much now. We can no longer rely on these camels. We have to find Xiye Ancient City on foot, so that we have a chance of survival!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

A group of people left the camels behind and did not want to salute unimportant things.

However, in this wind and sand, it is impossible to walk fast.

The earth tornado was getting closer and closer.

Zhou Suyi only felt that the suction force was getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly, her feet were completely empty, and she flew backwards, and was directly sucked into the earth tornado.

"Ah, save me, save me!"

She only felt deeply as if being prodded and prodded by a machine gun. The severe pain made her scream loudly. Not only was the world spinning, but her body seemed to be torn into pieces.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a short time, and the game prompted a failure!
"Ah ah ah ah..."

Even though the game was over, Zhou Suyi seemed to be still immersed in the intense pain and fear and couldn't extricate herself, screaming in terror.

For a moment, the netizens were silent.

The scene just now was too bloody.

Zhou Suyi was not the first to be sucked into the earth tornado, they saw even more bloody scenes.

All the big living people were beaten into blood mist by the yellow sand all over the sky, it shouldn't be too cruel!


(End of this chapter)

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