Chapter 143
Looking at the jade pendant in her hand, Zhou Suyi felt a little excited. She had a hunch that it was definitely one of the important props, and it was also the meaning of Fatty Wang's role.

"Hahaha, I like Sister Zhou's money-making ability."

"How much is [-] US dollars worth in those days, sister Zhou is really willing."

"Don't forget, Shirley Yang's grandfather is a Taoist who moves the mountain. Although the Taoist who moves the mountain only asks for the Muchen Bead and the Alchemy Artifact, can he have less good things in his hand?"

"Sister Zhou really gets better and better the more she plays, this game really makes her understand, and it can be done."

"I'm stupid, is it because this piece of jade has stuck with me for so long?"


Netizens really thought the same as Zhou Suyi, they really wanted to start a game right away and beat Fatty Wang in the game.

This guy's piece of jade actually trapped the players on the whole network for less than half a month, who can bear it.

If Zhou Suyi hadn't thought of a way to reverse it, it is estimated how long she would be stuck.

At the same time, she admired Zhou Suyi more and more.

How did they know that this was the method Zhou Suyi got from Lin Mu.

Zhou Suyi held the jade pendant, "It's a deal, but I won't regret it!"

Zhou Suyi was afraid that Fatty Wang would cheat if he went in for a while.

Fatty Wang immediately patted his chest and promised, "Miss Yang, don't worry, as long as the money is in place, I, Fatty Wang, will spit and nail each other, and I will definitely keep my word."

"Okay, I believe you!" Zhou Suyi put away the jade pendant.

"Come on, let's go in!"

This time, she was ready to try again.

Everyone entered the temple, after seeing the jade eyeball, Fatty Wang was excited again, and then was brought down again.

After calming him down, Zhou Suyi approached Yushi's eyeballs and began to look carefully.

Before, I simply thought that this jade eyeball must be a treasure, a rare treasure, and I didn't look at it carefully, but now I observed it like this, and immediately found the difference.

There is a groove on the back of the jade eyeball, and the shape is exactly the same as Fatty Wang's jade.

Zhou Suyi's eyes immediately became strange.

"Fatty, hold your things!" Zhou Suyi said!

Fatty Wang was stunned.

You stopped him from touching it just a second ago, how can you take the initiative to let him take it now?

Hu Bayi was also a little surprised, Hao Aiguo and the others immediately became unhappy.

"No, I can't put it in his hands!" Hao Aiguo directly refused.

This guy's eyes were shining just now. If this kind of treasure is in his hands, wouldn't it be like a meat bun beating a dog and never coming back?
"Uh, why don't Professor Hao keep it?" Hu Bayi smoothed things over!
Zhou Suyi was firm, "Professor Hao, listen to me, let the fat man hold it first, I trust him!"

When the fat man heard this, he was almost moved to tears.

"Miss Yang, I'm just saying this to you, I, Fatty Wang, will protect this thing even if I risk my life!" Fatty Wang was almost moved to tears by Zhou Suyi's trust in him.

Seeing his moved appearance, Zhou Suyi felt a little embarrassed.

After all, she didn't really trust Fatty Wang, but just wanted to experiment.

"Uh, come down first and then talk!" Zhou Suyi was a little embarrassed.


Fatty Wang went up to get the jade eyeball.

With Zhou Suyi's words, although Hao Aiguo was dissatisfied, he did not stop him.

Fatty Wang held the jade eyeball in his arms happily, and wanted to take it off directly, but he exerted force with his arm and found that the eyeball did not move at all.

Fatty Wang was a little surprised, and tried again, but his eyeballs still didn't move.

"What are you dawdling about? Didn't eat!" Seeing that Fatty Wang was still struggling to hold something, Hu Bayi thought that Fatty Wang was going to talk about something else, so he urged him.

Fatty Wang had a strange expression. This time, he used all the strength to feed his baby, and his face turned red.

Except for Zhou Suyi, everyone else frowned.

"Eh...Although it's quite boring, but, fat brother, you wouldn't act so exaggeratedly, would you?" Chu Jian said.

He thought that Fatty Wang was trying to liven up the atmosphere.

But it's too exaggerated.

With a jade eyeball as big as your head, a strong man like you can't take it off.

It's pompous, okay.

"Nonsense, I'm acting a fart, why can't I take this thing off!" Fatty Wang cursed angrily, his forehead was sweating from exhaustion.

Hu Bayi saw something was wrong, "Let me try!"

He asked Fatty Wang to get out of the way, but when Fatty Wang wanted to withdraw his hand, he found that his hand was stuck to it and he couldn't take it off.

"Damn it, why is it still stained, damn it, it's covered with glue!" Fatty Wang cursed, and pulled his pedals hard on the stone platform, but he couldn't pull it off.

Everyone also realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly dragged it.

"I'll try!"

Zhou Suyi stepped forward and grabbed Yushi's eyeballs.

At this moment, Fatty Wang let go of his hand, and everyone was helping to pull it. This is good, everyone retreated again and again, and they all sat on the ground.

And the jade eyeball that Fatty Wang couldn't hold was easily held by Zhou Suyi at this moment.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Everyone was immediately stunned.

I can't figure it out at all.

From their point of view, although Zhou Suyi is capable, she is definitely not as strong as Fatty Wang.

But what Fatty Wang couldn't take down, Zhou Suyi took it down easily, it's outrageous.

However, they didn't have much time to think.

The scarlet eyeballs on it exploded directly, and a group of strange snakes fell down.

In order to end the game as soon as possible, Zhou Suyi didn't remind her this time, everyone died and the game failed.

Zhou Suyi, who failed in the game this time, was not at all depressed, but became excited.

"Sure enough, as I guessed, the person holding the jade pendant can easily take off the jade eyeball, but the person without the jade pendant will be sucked to it as long as he touches it, and he will die!"

"And if my guess is correct, only by placing the jade pendant in the groove behind the jade eyeball can the jade eyeball be taken off without incident!"

Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

She didn't rest this time and directly entered the game.

It was the same operation as last time, except that instead of asking Fatty Wang to get the jade eyeball this time, he took out the jade pendant and came behind the jade eyeball.

When everyone saw her taking out the jade pendant, they were a little surprised, and they all forgave her.

"This..." Everyone was surprised when they saw that the groove was in the same shape as the jade pendant.

"Damn it, damn it..." Fatty Wang was even more confused.

He watched Zhou Suyi put the jade pendant into the groove, his guts turned green, he slapped his thigh straight, and then looked at Zhou Suyi with extremely strange eyes.

"How does it feel, Ms. Yang seems to know the function of this jade pendant in advance, damn, have I been cheated? If this jade pendant is still mine, I can say that this eyeball is also mine, ah... ah !” Fatty Wang really regretted it.


(End of this chapter)

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