Chapter 152 That's it?

It is not easy for Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang to control Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng.

Both of them are intellectuals, and their physical strength is not good enough. Coupled with these days of tossing, they have long been vulnerable, let alone Professor Chen.

It's good to be awake now.

Seeing that they were all temporarily tied up, Zhou Suyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as everyone is tied up, and then go back to fetch Hao Aiguo's body, they can't help but believe it.

However, the fake seemed to know what was waiting for him, and he knew very well that once he really brought the body back, he, the fake, would be revealed.

His eyes changed, becoming mad and spiteful.

His body squirmed, like a snake, as if there were no bones on his body, both hands broke free from the ropes, and his body also squirmed out from the circles of ropes.

Hu Bayi and the others are all focusing on Chu Jian and the others, so no one pays attention to him.

He escaped so quietly.

"Fuck, sister Zhou, be careful, that fake has come out."

"It's over, it's over, this thing is too cunning, it can break free, it won't fail again, why is it getting farther and farther away from my Worm Valley?"

"Sister Zhou, turn around, it's dangerous."

"Hey, it's too difficult, I have to do it all over again!"


Hu Bayi and the others didn't notice it, but the netizens who had God's perspective saw it, and they really sweated for Zhou Suyi for a while.

If it was attacked from behind, it would definitely be a dead end.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the fake Hao Aiguo had a smug look in his eyes. He stood behind Zhou Suyi with an extra engineering shovel in his hand, and his face was full of smug resentment.

Then, without any hesitation, the engineer shoveled at Zhou Suyi's head and chopped it off.

Logically speaking, Zhou Suyi would definitely die from this blow.

However, when the engineer shovel wheel passed by, Zhou Suyi directly bowed her head and just avoided the blow, and then took advantage of the momentum to sweep the hall, instantly sweeping Hao Aiguo to the ground.

With a thud, Hao Aiguo fell to the ground.

That fake Hao Aiguo was stunned, he didn't seem to expect that Zhou Suyi could even dodge this, how could this be possible, it's totally impossible, she obviously didn't pay attention to herself.

The movement here also caught the attention of others in an instant.

When they saw that Hao Aiguo broke free from the rope, they were all shocked.

"Fuck, how did he get out?" Fatty Wang was shocked.

When Hu Bayi saw the engineering shovel in his hand, he was afraid for a while, "Miss Yang, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Zhou Suyi had a smug look on her face. She looked down at the fake Hao Aiguo, "Hehe, I was fooled by you once, and I want to do it a second time? You think I'm an idiot!"

Ever since the snake was secretly released by this fake for the first time, Zhou Suyi has been wary of this guy.

Although he didn't look at him all the time, pretending that all his attention was attracted by the things ahead, but his peripheral vision was always cast away.

She felt that this thing must not be so easy to be trapped, but unexpectedly, being cautious this time really saved her life.

Hao Aiguo was taken aback for a moment again, probably thinking in his heart, I only attacked you once the fuck, when will it be the second time, you guy, can't even count?

Chu Jian, Professor Sa Dipeng and Professor Chen were a little happy when they saw Hao Aiguo break free from the rope, but then they realized something was wrong.

They could see clearly just now that Hao Aiguo was tied up tightly.

In this situation, with Hao Aiguo's ability, how could he break free by himself?
They are not fools, on the contrary, these people are college students with high IQs.

He was willing to believe Hao Aiguo's words before because of his feelings.

But in front of logic, they can see clearly.

Hao Aiguo quickly came to his senses, the madness in his eyes quickly subsided, and his face turned into panic and anxiety again, "You guys, what are you going to do?"

He sat on the ground and rubbed back in horror, as if he was a good person and Zhou Suyi and the others were bad people.

"Fuck, you can really fucking act!" Zhou Suyi couldn't help cursing.

He just sneaked up on him just now, if he didn't dodge quickly, his head could be kicked like a ball.

Playing pitiful again in the next second, is it so easy to change roles so quickly?
"Teacher, how did you escape?" Chu Jian asked.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Come on, fight with them, otherwise, we are all going to die, fight!" Hao Aiguo continued to shout, the play was really amazing.

"Aiguo, you, you, you are not patriotic!" Professor Chen looked at Hao Aiguo with cloudy eyes, but felt so strange.

He calmed down, vaguely remembering the weird scene he saw just now.

I thought it was my old eyesight, but now that I think about it, it was all true.

The person in front of him is definitely not his favorite student.

That kind of crazy look would never appear in Hao Aiguo's eyes.

"Teacher, what nonsense are you talking about? I am patriotic, I am your student, they want to kill me, they are all gangsters!" Hao Aiguo continued to roar.

Professor Chen kept shaking his head, he seemed to have thought of something, tears were streaming down his face, and he was crying sparingly.

It seemed that he had guessed that his student might be dead.

"Hehe, you bastard, you can pretend. You can untie this rope. You say you are Hao Aiguo, do you fucking believe it? You've reached this point, it's no fun to pretend anymore!" Fatty Wang sneered, turned his gun and aimed at Hao Aiguo.

Hu Bayi also sneered, "If our guess is correct, the real Hao Aiguo is dead, and you should be a fake from that mysterious space!"

The face of the fake Hao Aiguo changed, he was no longer frightened, and his eyes once again became resentful.

"Hehe, since you have figured it out, you will all die, and everyone who disturbs the Queen's sleep will die!" He stood up, no longer pretending.

Seeing that he stopped pretending, Zhou Suyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's stop pretending, let's have a good time, you will single out us all, or we will gang up on you!"

As soon as they spoke, Zhou Suyi, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were in a fight, ready to surround the fake Hao Aiguo.

"So what if you see through it, you mortals can do nothing to me!" The fake Hao Aiguo looked disdainful and fierce, as if he didn't take them seriously at all.

Zhou Suyi and the others also became vigilant. After all, this thing was created by illusion. It might really have some skills in such a wicked way.

But just when they thought this guy would fight them, they saw this guy running towards the temple with a whoosh.


Just run away.

The one who runs is called a simple one.

One second he said the most cruel words, the next second he did the most useless things, which stunned Zhou Suyi and others, and the netizens were even stunned.


(End of this chapter)

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