At the beginning, the exquisite ancient city was made, and Sister Zhou was scared to tears!

Chapter 16 Foreign players, where does the sense of superiority come from?

Chapter 16 Foreign players, where does the sense of superiority come from?

The person in charge of the ST game platform has been stunned.

The popularity of this game can only be described as horror and exaggeration.

"It doesn't seem to belong to a big factory. It should be a private studio. It was uploaded by a person named Mumumu. He has never uploaded any games before, and he has never heard of this person!" the staff said!

"Private studio?" The person in charge was a little surprised, "It's really rare for a private studio to produce such a phenomenal game. You should pay attention to it. If it really becomes a big hit, then immediately take advantage of other companies before they react. Contact this person named Mumumu as soon as possible, and strive to buy other copyrights of the game!"

"Then, do you want to give it a push?" the staff asked!

The person in charge thought for a while, "No, just follow his own enthusiasm and follow the rules. If he can get on the appointment list, it's his ability!"

"it is good!"


Lin Mu himself didn't know it, he only uploaded the game once, which caused a shock inside the st platform.

However, he didn't pay attention to those either.

After uploading, I was inexplicably nervous.

Although he is very sure about the game, but still the same sentence, in today's era, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

Although the publicity made by Sister Zhou seems to be effective, but no one is sure whether anyone will download it.

Therefore, Lin Shu did not dare to refresh after uploading.

I am afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

He turned off the computer directly and went to sleep.

Tomorrow is Monday, and I have to go to work.


After Zhou Suyi downloaded the broadcast, she was still a little excited.

The night was a double thrill.

First, the live broadcast exploded, and then she experienced the simulated death. Under the double mental stimulation, her nerves were still very excited.

"Today, we were finally favored by the goddess of luck. By the way, let's see how many rewards we got today!" Zhou Suyi was a little excited.

I saw all kinds of gifts flying all over the sky before, but I didn't pay attention to how many there were.

Thinking about it, there should be at least a few hundred thousand.

She opened the backstage and took a look, her eyes were worth it.

"Oh my god, one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, my God, more than 600 million in one night, my mother, it's too scary!"

This amount of reward simply surpassed her cognition.

It can be said that this night is the absolute peak since her debut, and it will be unprecedented. It is very likely that there will be no one before, and no one to come after.

The net income of the live broadcast alone exceeded 300 million.

It is equivalent to earning a house in one night.

Happy is happy, but Zhou Suyi knows in her heart that if Mu Mumu hadn't sent her the game "Exquisite Ancient City", she would never have had this chance.

"Should I repay him, um, yes, 300 million income, tax deducted, there should be 200 million, um, how much should I pay him!" Zhou Suyi was going to send Lin Mu a super big red envelope as a thank you .

Nor is she ungrateful.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and transferred 50 directly.

"Brother Mumumu, thank you for your game, these are my thoughts, please accept them!"

However, Lin Mu had already fallen asleep and did not see the news.

During the period when Zhou Suyi was broadcasting, the popularity of "Exquisite Ancient City" was still rising.

The more than 100 million netizens who came out of Zhou Suyi's live broadcast room started to promote spontaneously.

What kind of short video platform, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, are all entries about "Jingjue Ancient City", giving people a feeling as if the entire Internet is searching.

Especially after Lin Mu uploaded the game, sharp-eyed people noticed it at a glance and posted it.

This is the post that the director of the st platform saw before.

"Wow, it's on the shelves, and you can make an appointment to download it. It only costs 299, a conscience price!"

"Is it really only 299? I thought it would be at least a thousand. I'm ready to borrow money."

"Hahaha, the wallet is ready, it's just waiting to be put on the shelves!"

"Brothers, go make an appointment. Those who have money will help the money field, those who have no money will help the individual field, and help the author to greatly increase the popularity, and strive to get the first place on the appointment list!"

"gogogo, stand up, my domestic game can finally be proud!"


It was only after twelve o'clock, and the pre-ordered downloads of "Jingjue Ancient City" had already exceeded 150 million, successfully reaching the top of the pre-order list.

From the perspective of domestic players, this seems to be a matter of course, and "Jingjue Ancient City" deserves its name.

However, some foreign netizens couldn't sit still.

A game that has just emerged, surpassing their game in an instant, how can this be tolerated.

For a long time, the games of the Great Xia Kingdom have been scoffed at by players from all over the world. Although they are only number one on the pre-order list now, it is still a bit unbearable.

Foreign players are also talking about it.

"Hehe, the Great Xia Kingdom can't afford to play again. To do such a disgusting behavior, and to be number one on the appointment list. It's too shameless."

"I'm laughing to death, where did they get the courage, I am the number one in the game."

"It is said that a female anchor from the Great Xia Kingdom tried it out, and her popularity directly broke the historical record, and she received more than 600 million rewards."

"They just like to use this kind of thing to make noise!"

"I watched the animation at the beginning, it's really awesome, it's definitely a big production."

"Hahaha, you still don't understand the games of the Great Xia Kingdom. Make a good start, and then sell the dog meat with a sheep's head, let you pay all kinds of money, draw cards, and have a disgusting comparison!"


Foreign netizens obviously despise the game industry of Great Xia Kingdom.

Many domestic netizens couldn't take it anymore when they saw these comments.

If this is not a wave of output, and these foreigners are not convinced, it will be difficult to be a big summer man.

Immediately, without any organization, many netizens began to output frantically.

"Don't look down on people, "Jingjue Ancient City" is the number one game in my Great Xia Kingdom, if you don't believe me, you can go to my homepage to watch the video!"

"Come, come, those who are not convinced, come to post management to watch the video I sent."

"Looking at their ugly faces, I am a little grateful to the author of "The Ancient City of Essence". I can finally justify the name of the domestic game and make domestic players feel proud!"


They posted a lot of videos of Zhou Suyi trying it out.

These videos also became popular on foreign websites.

Mysterious background story, thrilling plot, outrageous interaction, super high picture quality, almost every frame of the shot can be described as excellent.

Whether it is the game plot, character modeling, or interactive plot design, they are all perfect.

The most surprising thing is that in this game, there is actually a place to charge krypton gold.

The characters can be chosen freely, the plot can be triggered freely, and there is no disgusting design that can prompt the plot without krypton gold. It is extremely playable, and everything is too perfect.

Especially the earth tornado at the end.

The real picture, every grain of sand, seems to be extremely clear, and the violent earth tornado makes people feel the coming of Tianwei even more, as if they are watching a doomsday blockbuster with an investment of tens of billions.

This texture instantly conquered a group of foreign players.


(End of this chapter)

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