Chapter 179

Hu Bayi didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly became excited, and his body trembled.

Seeing Hu Bayi like this, Zhou Suyi suddenly became worried.

There are not many things that can excite Hu Bayi along the way, he is already calm, and his emotions will be well hidden, so she is so excited now, she is worried that something happened.

Fatty Wang also became worried.

"I said Lao Hu, don't scare me, you are a ghost."

Hu Bayi glared at him, "Go away."

After being scolded, Fatty Wang was not angry, but heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's fine if there is no ghost upper body."

Zhou Suyi asked: "Old Hu, what's the matter?"

Hu Bayi took a deep breath, his eyes were a bit complicated.

"I'm thinking, if this ghost cave can revive Hao Patriotic, can it also revive my dead comrades in arms?"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi became a little anxious.

"Old Hu, don't be impulsive. This resurrection may not be a real resurrection. Is the resurrected person still the original person? Moreover, we don't know what the price will be now. If you do it rashly, it may bring bad results. The result." Zhou Suyi hurriedly persuaded.

This place is so evil, she can't believe that there is no danger at all.

And the revived Hao Aiguo, they are not sure that it is still the original Hao Aiguo.

If a few more are resurrected, who knows what will happen.

"Ahem, that, it seems, is already too late!" Fatty Wang's tone suddenly became weird.

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi's heart skipped a beat.

"Old Hu, take a look, is that your comrade-in-arms." Fatty Wang said, pointing to one side.

Not far away, a man in a tattered old military uniform was groping around.

"Old Zhang!" When Hu Bayi saw that person, his eyes immediately turned red.

These were indeed his comrades-in-arms. During that battle, these teammates fell by his side one by one, so much so that he felt guilty all the time, and always wanted to make up for the relatives of these comrades-in-arms.

Therefore, as soon as you have money, you will immediately remit it to the relatives of these comrades-in-arms.

"Hu Bayi?" The old Zhang was obviously excited when he heard the voice.

"Old Zhang, it's me, I'm here!" Hu Bayi ran over excitedly.

When Lao Zhang saw Hu Bayi, he laughed hahaha, "Haha, Hu Bayi, I knew that you are destined to die, and you will definitely not die. By the way, Lao Ding, Xiao Li, Mantou and the others, did they talk to you?" together?"

"Hey, we are here, I said, what the hell is this place, it's so dark, I almost thought I was blind!" Another voice came from the side.

"Fuck, where the hell have you all gone? I thought I was the only one left."

Voices came from the side, and five or six men came from around.

The clothes on them were all dirty and tattered, as if they had just experienced the baptism of a war.

"Old Ding, Xiao Li, steamed buns!" Hu Bayi looked at these figures, and tears flowed down his face. He stepped forward and hugged these people, crying loudly.

"I miss you!" Hu Bayi seemed to vent all the guilt of these years, crying like a child.

The others looked at each other.

"I said, what's going on with Hu Bayi? Why are you still crying? It's been a while since I saw you. You want a hammer."

"That's right, old men, what are you fanning, go, go, go, don't dirty Lao Tzu's military uniform."

"Hahaha, old Ding, your clothes are almost black media. It's not easy to get your clothes dirty."

"Fuck your mother, you know what a fart, I just came out of the mine pit, hey, it's weird, it's not dead, you say, I'm not lucky."

A group of people were laughing and laughing, very lively.

Fatty Wang and Zhou Suyi next to him were dumbfounded.

Although I knew about the evil door of this ghost cave for a long time, I didn't expect it to be so evil.

In the past, one Hao Aiguo could be realized, but now seven or eight people appeared all at once.

If it were said that these people were here in the first place, ghosts would not believe it.

"Oh my god, this ghost cave is a bit evil. It can really bring the dead back to life? Isn't that awesome."

"I miss grandma, I really want to resurrect her old man, woo woo woo."

"Only the people that Professor Chen and Hu Bayi imagined were imagined, which means that you must have a deep obsession."

"I'm really afraid that Fatty Wang will come up with something outrageous again."

"It's amazing, this is amazing."


Netizens were also stunned. The power of this snake god is too evil, and it is too desirable. If such a magical ability exists, it will definitely cause a sensation all over the world.

"Damn, it's too evil, am I dreaming?" Fatty Wang subconsciously patted Zhou Suyi's face next to him.

This is how Chu Jian was filmed before.

In the end, when he saw Zhou Suyi's face as cold as ice, he quickly retracted his hand in fright, "Hehe, I'll try it myself!"

Then, before he could do it himself, Zhou Suyi was an uncle's basket to Fatty Wang's neck.

Slap it.

The voice was crisp and clear, with a lot of strength, and somewhat personal grievances.

"Does it hurt?" Zhou Suyi asked with narrowed eyes.

Fatty Wang clutched his neck, "It hurts, it really hurts, Ms. Yang, you must have been too ruthless, I didn't mess with you."

Zhou Suyi said heartily, don't you fucking provoke me enough?

But he said, "I'm not afraid that you won't be able to do it yourself, let me help you. Since it hurts, it must not be a dream."

Those people were startled when they heard the voice.

"No, the enemy is coming again, hide, hide, hurry up!"

In an instant, everyone was lying on the ground, looking at them vigilantly.

Zhou Suyi was a little overwhelmed.

Obviously, the memory of these people still stays at the moment of the war.

Hu Bayi quickly wiped away his tears, "Don't be impulsive, they are friends, these two people are my friends."

The others looked suspicious, "Friend? Why is there a woman here? How could she be a war reporter?"

"It looks a bit like a foreigner, but it's probably a war reporter."

Those people communicated in low voices.

Hu Bayi's eyes were sore, he didn't know how to explain it.

"This, it's a little hard to explain. In fact, you've all..." He wanted to say that you were all dead before, but the words came to his lips and he didn't say it.

"Hu Bayi, what's the matter with you, how did you become a bitch, you just say what you want, this is not your character."

"Yeah, company commander, what's wrong with you, how weird!"

With the sound of company commander, Hu Bayi's tears flowed down again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I, I..." Hu Bayi's voice was choked up, and tears fell like rain again.

"What's the situation? Is the company commander bewitched?"

"Could it be that the bombing just now was too violent, and the brain was blown out?"

"Fuck, what can we do? If this brain leads us to fight, will it be reliable?"

"Hey, don't care, anyway, the company commander is rushing ahead, we just follow."


A group of people were laughing and joking, but Zhou Suyi's eye circles turned red when they heard it.


(End of this chapter)

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