Chapter 189 Unyielding Will

The explosives hit the monster's back with incomparable precision, exploded on time, and directly shattered the monster.

Zhou Suyi was also blown away by the blast.

Fortunately, although I felt my whole body was surging with qi and blood, fortunately there was no fatal injury, and my body also took advantage of the momentum to fly forward five or six meters, only one step away from the giant egg.

The snake shadow in the giant egg became more and more restless.

And the remaining few monsters all rushed towards Zhou Suyi like crazy, and at the same time, threw big swords towards Zhou Suyi.

From what it looked like, it seemed that he wanted to stop Zhou Suyi at all costs.

Zhou Suyi fell heavily to the ground, and before she could catch her breath, she saw a big sword flying towards her.

"Fuck!" Zhou Suyi hurriedly rolled to the side, the big sword was thrust into the ground with a bang, and narrowly escaped the blow again.

But it wasn't over yet, another big sword flew over.

Zhou Suyi's complexion changed again, and with all her strength, a carp stood upright on the ground and turned back several somersaults in rapid succession.


Dodged a hit again.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi was still about [-] meters away from the giant egg. With a sprint, she could reach the giant egg in a few seconds.


While thinking, he felt a huge black shadow flying towards him.

It was a giant shield.

Obviously, those monsters knew they couldn't catch up, so they could only throw all the weapons in their hands.

That huge shield was more than three meters high and two meters wide, but it could even block the explosion of explosives. If it was smashed on, it might be smashed into dumpling stuffing.

Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty in the distance both sweated for Zhou Suyi.

"It's over!" Fatty Wang couldn't bear to look at the giant shield flying towards Zhou Suyi.

Anyway, with their skill and reaction speed, it is absolutely impossible.

Zhou Suyi instinctively dodged again with all her strength.

Fortunately, her current proficiency has reached 80%. Apart from the mental level, her physical fitness is almost exactly the same as Shirley Yang's. Her body is sensitive and her reaction speed is extremely fast.


A cold wind howled.

Although Zhou Suyi tried her best to dodge, she was touched on the shoulder.

Although it was only slightly touched, it still felt burning pain, and in the limit state, the body was instantly broken and fell to the side.

Another huge shield on three sides, shaped like horns, came down again, blocking all her paths.

"It's over!"

This time, Zhou Suyi felt that she must die in her heart.

After tossing for so long, I am very close to the goal, but seeing that I am about to fall short, I am really not reconciled.

"No, don't give up!"

At this moment, a thought of refusing to admit defeat suddenly rose in her heart.

Seeing that she was about to be smashed into a meat paste by the three giant shields, in desperation, she also fought hard, and directly took out the vajra umbrella, and quickly opened the umbrella to block it in front of her.

At the same time, the body moved a little towards the back.

The next moment, the first huge shield flew over and hit the Vajra Umbrella.


Zhou Suyi only felt that her arms seemed to be shattered, and she lost consciousness in an instant, and at the same time, her body was thrown backwards rapidly.

Fortunately, this huge force instantly made her extremely fast. The moment the other two giant shields fell, her body flew out of the encirclement and flew towards the giant egg.

At this moment, both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang's hearts were in their throats, as if they were about to jump out.

They watched Zhou Suyi make every move to the limit, but they couldn't help anything, and they were very anxious.

"My God, Miss Zhou's reaction speed is too fast."

"This hand won't be broken."

"The Vajra Umbrella is not broken, the game is produced, and the quality is really good."

"This is the treasure of moving mountains, it's not so easy to break."

"This is the real Shirley Yang. She will never admit defeat or give up at any moment. This is why the Zagrama have never given up for thousands of years!"


Netizens thought of the Zagrama tribe. In order to break the curse on their bodies, they have not given up for thousands of years. Perhaps this spirit can be passed on.

Otherwise, this ethnic group would have perished long ago.

Today, Shirley Yang undoubtedly has this quality, and it has been brought out again by Zhou Suyi.

[Shirley Yang's proficiency reached 85%]

The game has hints again, and Zhou Suyi's proficiency has been greatly improved again.

But Zhou Suyi didn't have time to be happy, her body fell heavily on the ground, she rolled seven or eight meters on the ground before she stopped, and she didn't get up for a while.

It feels like all the bones in my body are broken, as if I have lost control of my body, and my arms seem to have disappeared without any feeling.

But at this moment, she was only 20 meters away from the giant egg.

Under normal circumstances, at such a short distance, it is enough to throw the grenade directly.

But now both arms are numb.

Not to mention throwing the grenade 20 meters away, it is very difficult for Zhou Suyi to pull the safety of the grenade now.

Both Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang in the distance had red eyes, staring at Zhou Suyi who was lying on the ground, without saying a word, feeling extremely nervous.

"Get up, get up, Miss Yang, you must resist." Fatty Wang bowed to all the gods and Buddhas in his heart at this moment, praying for Zhou Suyi's safety.

Hu Bayi was very confused, and only felt guilty.

This time, he couldn't protect his teammates, nor could he protect Zhou Suyi.

Those monsters didn't give them time, and ran up towards Zhou Suyi again crazily.

Inside the giant egg, the snake was suspended in the egg, looking at Zhou Suyi's direction, it seemed that he was no longer so nervous, and felt that everything was under control.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Zhou Suyi, who had fallen to the ground, slowly got up.

"Still, it's not over yet, I, it's ok, it's not over yet!" She murmured.

Others can't hear what she is saying, but they can see her firm eyes.

As long as the game is not over, anything can happen.

"I've died hundreds of times, I'm nothing, I'm so scared, you win, you can't lose me!"

She stared at the position of the giant egg. Although the jade eyeball in her hand had already rolled off at this moment, she couldn't see the giant egg, but she seemed to be able to see it again.

Then he moved his feet and walked towards the dome again.

The snake god who had just regained his composure became panicked again.

It swam frantically in the giant egg, as if communicating with those monsters, telling them to hurry up and save itself.

Those monsters were indeed crazy. They landed on all fours and ran towards Zhou Suyi crazily. The speed was as fast as arrows, and they rushed towards the staggering Zhou Suyi!


(End of this chapter)

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