Chapter 23

As a time traveler, he still has the cards he should have, and Lin Mu's attire can be considered formal, wearing a neat suit, although he is not as handsome as in the novel.

But the sunny and cheerful appearance makes people feel like spring breeze, and it still attracts the attention of many little girls along the way.

When I arrived at the hotel, I told the waiter the number of the private room, and then went to the private room under the leadership of the waiter.

Unlike Zhou Suyi and Dai Qing who were nervous, Lin Mu was quite calm.

Anyway, if you can talk about this cooperation, you can talk about it, and you won't lose anything if you can't talk about yourself.

"Sir, this is here, please come in!" The waiter politely opened the door for Lin Mu.

The voices in the private room stopped abruptly, and all eyes focused on the door at this moment.

However, as Lin Mu walked into the private room, all the people in the private room widened their eyes with disbelief.

"It's you!" Zhou Suyi was so shocked that her eyes almost fell out.

Thinking of my cat face that night, I felt my cheeks burn.

The three members of Dai Qing's team saw Lin Shu at first glance, but they felt a little familiar, but after looking more, they recognized it immediately.

After all, the two sides met yesterday.

"Why is it you!" Dai Qing was shocked, with extremely complicated eyes.

When Lin Mu saw Dai Qing and the others, he was slightly taken aback.

"Hey guy, is the world so small? You can meet everything!"

He looked at Zhou Suyi next to him, and then he was sure that he came to the right place.

"It's me!" Lin Mu's eyes were a little strange, but he quickly calmed down.

He smiled, as a response to these people.

"You, Mumumu? Oh my god, it can't be such a coincidence!" Zhou Suyi still couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god, that night, I seem to have said that the author of "The Ancient City of Essence" is a pervert. It's over, it's over, I can't see anyone anymore!" Zhou Suyi was so depressed that she was dying.

Lin Mu smiled, "It's really a coincidence, before that day, I didn't even know you lived next door to me!"

Zhou Suyi smiled awkwardly.

"Wait a minute, are you sure, he is the author of "The Exquisite Ancient City"?" Dai Qing interrupted the two of them, looking at Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi smiled awkwardly, "Well, it shouldn't be wrong, I just contacted him!"


Dai Qing heard the definite answer, took a deep breath, and calmed down the complexity in her heart.

However, she is also an old man, and she soon smiled.

"If I remember correctly, your name is Lin Mu, right? There may have been some misunderstandings between us before, but that will not affect what we will talk about next. We will not continue to pursue what you have done."

Dai Qing didn't apologize, but felt that she had given Lin Mu enough face by saying so.

As an executive of the duck factory, I am proud of myself.

It is impossible for her to put down her figure.

Moreover, in her opinion, if she can ignore what Lin Mu did before, Lin Mu should be grateful to Dade.

"You guys knew each other before?" Zhou Suyi was a little surprised.

I originally wanted to give Lin Mu a surprise, but now it seems that I am thinking too much.

Lin Mu looked at Dai Qing with even weirder eyes.

Who gave this woman's honey confidence.

"Hehe, of course I do. Before, I wrote a game experience report. Director Dai did a lot of hard work on me. Now he doesn't hold me accountable. Oh, I'm really grateful!" Lin Mu teased!

"Ah? What game experience report?" Zhou Suyi was a little confused.

Why does it sound like the two sides are not friendly?

Dai Qing frowned slightly, "Mr. Lin, you should be clear that I represent Duck Factory. Although your game is very good, no matter in the domestic game industry or copyright cultivation, Duck Factory dare to say that it is the number one player." , No one dares to say second, you have to be clear, this is not because we are begging you to cooperate, but to cooperate with us, which is the wisest choice for you!"

"I know that you may feel some unhappiness in your heart, but this is the fact. I can't change it, and neither can you!"

I don't know why, after seeing Lin Mu and thinking of Lin Mu's performance yesterday, Dai Qing's temper rose in her heart, and she couldn't suppress her sense of superiority.

The two assistants next to him wanted to persuade him, but it was the same thing after thinking about it.

What Dai Qing said is right. If you make a great game, you can continue to do so. A game will always have a period of decline. Only by cooperating with them can you maximize your benefits.

Normal people can't fail to understand this.

Who would have trouble with money?

However, these words did not scare Lin Mu.

There was a hint of strangeness in Lin Mu's eyes.

"Hahaha, it's kind of interesting. In this way, if I want to cooperate, I have to beg you and let you feed me. Is that what it means!"

Dai Qing was very angry at Lin Mu's attitude, but she could only suppress her anger.

"Hehe, that's not what you said. Everyone wants to cooperate and win-win, which is what everyone wants to see, isn't it?"

Lin Mu shrugged, "Oh, it's a pity, I'm just a small person, and I can't compete with your duck factory, let's forget about the cooperation!"

Hearing this, Zhou Suyi became anxious.

Although she was not familiar with Lin Mu, she still ran over, pulled Lin Mu aside, and persuaded: "Lin Mu, I can hear that there may be some dispute between you, but please calm down, they are from the duck factory after all. , if you want to make a game, it is inseparable from Duck Factory!"

"Besides, working with them will certainly be of great benefit to you!"

Lin Mu could feel that Zhou Suyi was really thinking of herself.

But he smiled and said: "Sister Zhou, you don't have to persuade me, my game will never be handed over to Duck Factory, I appreciate your kindness!"

Seeing Lin Mu's resolute attitude, Zhou Suyi had no other choice.

Dai Qing's complexion was extremely ugly.

I thought that I would be able to win "The Ancient City of Exquisiteness" today, but who would have thought that I would meet Lin Shu, who doesn't know how to praise, here.

"Mr. Lin, don't rush to make a decision. I hope you will think about it and make a wise choice. The door of our duck factory is not open to everyone. You should understand!" Dai Qing was not reconciled, but her attitude was still the same. High above.

"Don't think about it, let's not talk about your company's game philosophy and I don't agree with it, just your disgusting little tricks make me sick!" This time, Lin Mu's face was full of contempt.

"It's okay to eat, and you don't need to talk about cooperation. Also, don't think that the little tricks behind your back are perfect. If you do too many bad things, it will come back sooner or later!"

"You..." These words made Dai Qing very angry, "Well, you are determined to fight us, right?"

Zhou Suyi was stunned.

How big a festival is this? Why is the tone getting more and more serious.

She didn't know how to persuade her.

Lin Mu shrugged indifferently, "You have to figure it out, it's not me who is against you, it's you who should do everything right first, if you do the first grade of junior high school, then I can only do fifteenth grade!"


(End of this chapter)

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