Chapter 264 The 264 task has not been completed yet?

From the collapse of the big net made of red silk threads to the fact that Zhou Suyi directly cut off the old man's body and the giant python's head, all these things happened in a short moment.

Before almost everyone reacted, the battle was over.

Everything reversed so suddenly.

The 'Black Mountain Old Demon' who was unrivaled before became a weak little cat in an instant, who can react to this.

"Fuck, Brother Yang, awesome, awesome!" Fatty Wang danced excitedly beside him, as if he had killed the demon tree.

It took Hu Bayi a while to recover from the shock.

"Hahaha, Miss Yang, amazing!"

He really felt that Zhou Suyi's operation was too powerful.

But exactly how to do this made him a little confused.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, it's done? What's going on, I'm completely confused!"

"Hahaha, is it on fire? Sister Zhou knows how to heat up. I know how to shoot this sentence. My blood is almost boiling."

"Mom asked me why I was watching the video on my knees."

"Mom, what happened, why did it get over all of a sudden, this reversal is too fast."

"It's blood. Those silk threads seem to be particularly afraid of blood."

"How is it possible, this is a blood-sucking demon tree!"


On the bullet screen in the live broadcast room, the screen is full?Almost most people didn't know what was going on, and were in a state of bewilderment.


After the head was cut off, the old man's body and the giant python began to wither rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they were dehydrated. In the blink of an eye, they were as dry as a tree stump and fell aside.

Those red silk threads dried up one after another and fell down.

As soon as the energy was released, the two big banyan trees withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The original lush trees, the leaves are dry and yellow, falling down one after another, losing their vitality, this picture seems a bit unreal.

"How could this be?" Fatty Wang exclaimed.

Hu Bayao: "Through thousands of years, the old man and the big banyan tree have long been merged into one, fused into one, and both are damaged."

"Brother Yang, how did you do it just now? Why do those things look like you have encountered a ghost?" Fatty Wang looked at Zhou Suyi curiously.

Hu Bayi also looked curious.

This thing is too strange.

Zhou Suyi pointed to her wound, "It should be blood, our family has been cursed, maybe the blood also has some kind of curse power, let these things be afraid?"

Of course Zhou Suyi didn't say that she was of Qilin blood.

She was actually very excited in her heart. She really didn't expect that this unicorn blood was so powerful, even the blood was so powerful. She didn't know if she used blood to open the way when she was in the water cave before, would it have miraculous effects.

I really didn't expect that the way to break this level turned out to be a reward from the previous game.

It can be said that if the ancient city of Jingjue does not clear the level, then the difficulty of cracking it will soar at this level, and the probability of passing it is almost negligible, unless this task is not completed.

But who knows if this seemingly tasteless reward will have any unexpected effect in the future.

and many more……

Thinking of this, Zhou Suyi was a little confused again.

"No, I killed this thing, why hasn't the task been completed yet? Damn, there won't be any more moths, right?" Zhou Suyi's eyes became a little weird.

It was so hard to kill the old man's body, it was so difficult, and the mandrill had to be killed to complete the task.

However, this mandrill has been elusive, and he doesn't know where it has gone now.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi didn't notice the change in Zhou Suyi's expression.

Fatty Wang pushed Lao Hu, and muttered: "I said Lao Hu, are we both cursed now? Tell me, can our blood also ward off evil spirits? Or, let's go back and sell it tomorrow." Blood, if others sell it for a hundred and one catties, we can definitely sell it for a thousand and one catty, once this effect is shown, those rich people will have to grab their heads!"

Hu Bayi said angrily, "Aren't you Biao!"

"Hey, don't I want a way to get rich!" Fatty Wang said.

Zhou Suyi and Hu Ba looked at each other, and both shook their heads.

"It's over, this person is hopeless, he must be in Qian's eyes!"

At this moment, the big tree shook violently.

The two old banyan trees had withered, lost their vigor and energy, and gradually couldn't support them, and the sound of their rhizomes breaking could be heard endlessly.

It seemed that there was some huge animal under the tree that was about to burst out of the ground and push up the entire [-]-year-old tree, including its roots.

"Quick, go down first!" Hu Bayi shouted hastily.

The three of them were in a hurry and hurriedly climbed down.

But at this time, the sky became even more gloomy, lightning was like a dragon swimming in the thick clouds, thunder was rolling, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Immediately afterwards, a huge hole was opened in the ground, and plumes of black smoke came out.

For a moment, the ground trembled and the mountains shook, as if there was really something huge under the big tree that was about to break through the ground.

"Fuck, the tree is about to fall, so run away!" This time, Fatty Wang didn't care about his fear of heights, he was like a big reptile, he hired someone to climb down, and his speed was so fast.

The three of them descended the tree at an extremely fast speed and dodged to the side.

Click, click, click...

The huge trunk began to break, and the entangled old banyan tree, because the tree was full of holes, was usually supported by red fleshy threads growing out of the jade coffin. Arched, and fell down from the side.

"Damn it, what's that down there? Could it be another monster?" Fatty Wang looked at the root of the tree in horror.

It's really like a huge monster is pressing down there, and it's trying to break out of the ground and get out of trouble at the moment.

"Stand back a little more!" Zhou Suyi felt uneasy.

After all, the reminder that the task was completed hadn't appeared yet, so she was really not sure what monsters and ghosts would come out.

I saw the rhizomes of the old banyan trees slowly detaching from the soil. The crowns of these two old trees are extremely large, which is extremely rare in this forest, and the rhizomes extending underground are more than three times larger than the crowns.

These roots and vines were all detached from the soil. What a movement, the ground seemed to have cracked a big black hole.

Suddenly the sky and the earth trembled, the lead cloud above the head became more dense, the black cloud rolled and pressed directly above the jungle, and the rumbling thunder rang into pieces.

clap clap clap...

Suddenly, the sky suddenly brightened like daylight, and a huge lightning that pierced through the sky directly fell down.


The ground in front of it shook, and then, the thunder came as expected. The rumbling sound almost made people's eardrums tingle.


(End of this chapter)

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